the BIG Fav thing to do in a LD - Part II

Thats something I also want to try in an LD.

Racing a car as fast sa I can!

let me know if you succeed…

its on my list but havnt tried it yet.


I did this a few times. It’s freakin AWESOME!! Adrenalin rushes through your (dream) veins like hell. The faster you go, the more exhilirating it gets :wink:
Yeah this is definitely something you have to try :smile:

Have anyone tried reading the newspaper in an LD? I did so in my last LD. I have all ready noticed that I can read very well in my LDs, but this surpasses everything I’ve experienced so far.

I was reading the newspaper with a DC (she was looking over my shoulder). I wanted to prove to her (and myself obviously) that I was dreaming. So, I opened the newspaper at the front, and read about a flight crash (there was a picture as well). Then I found my way to the TV programs section. I remember reading that “simpsons” and “norway news(translated)” would be on. Then I read the comics, it was a strip about a guy with really long hair making fun of this bald kid :wink:. I opened yet another page and there was this huge picture of female bodybuilders (not an impressive sight) with some headline I didn’t bother to read. Then, lastly, I turned to the next page and looked at something of pornografic nature (read: porn).

I think I’ve found my niche, for my next LD I’ll get on with the heavier litterature. :smile:

Odd2k, one of the most interesting (and simple) things to do in an LD is just flick through the pages of a magazine, and see what your mind decides to put on each page. I had a lot of fun doing this, especially as the topic of the magazine can change depending on what you’re thinking about.

I prefer magazines over straight text, becuase the images can be extremely fascinating and inspiring. You can still read the articles, though. :smile:

I have never had a long enough LD to do the things I want to do…I’m still working on keeping them going…but the last one I had was the best…came even closer to my ultimate goal—the irvine one…you might have read the many pages I’ve wrote this on, but I’m sick ok!!! :wink:

Irvine from FF8…LD…kinda explains itself!

The other things I’d want to do is create a sky…you know like people see these really fascinating skys? Well, I want to point my finger at the blank sky, and create it, all the individual stars and planets, clouds, colour, the lot…be a creator.

Also I want to sit down with my subconcious and figure everything out about myself…why I think the things I do, and what I want to do really.

One thing I always do in my dreams is fly. I don’t know what it is but that remains my favorite thing to do and I never get sick of it. As soon as I become lucid it is the first thing I do is fly for a little while then I do what ever it is that I planed on doing.


Don’t worry your LD 's will get longer in time.

The first thing I do in a LD is sing! My voice sucks in real life. But when I’m dreaming I get this great, deep voice. :cool: I can make up new songs as well. They are really hard to remember though. :cool:


Things I really want to do in my LDs:

  • To talk to my father ( was killed when I was 5)
  • To talk to God or Jesus Christ and ask them the many questions I have
  • Surf the largest waves in the world with ease
  • Solve my RL issues by talking with a DC
  • Be emperor of the world in a large glass castle
  • See Heaven and Hell
  • Drive an indestructible hummer the speed of a ferrari, crashing into breaking things all over an entire busy city
  • Walk around new york city naked

I have more but I will stop at this for now.

Id like to explore my past and future lives, and maybe go to the moon.

Also, meeting a Spririt Guide would be good.

Yeah I did this only once. I saw images of crying people, dust and rubble everywhere. It seemed like a disaster had happened in India, and indeed a head title read “Disaster in India, 2010”. I was only semilucid so I thought I had actually travelled to the future… :smile:

Just my two cents:

  • You can fly
  • you can grab DC


Grab a DC and fly very high with him, then drop him :grin:

You can follow him in his fall and save him at the last moment or simply let him crash with a big grim on your face

nasty nasty nasty

'till next time

I’ve thought of another thing to do…bit horrible though

Pull off your skin and muscles and stuff on your arms, and see what it looks like to use skeleton arms (or if you really don’t want to pull off your skin )
You can just hold your hands up and they’ll be skeleys arms.

Don’t know why you’d want to do this, but it’s cool.

I’d also like Kakashi and Iruka from Naruto to teach me Justsu’s and seals, 'cos if I’ve seen them, my brain should know them right?!

You could try and experance what it would be like to be a bird or a dog anything but a human and see if you can realy experance what it is like to be those things.

I’ve always wanted to climb to the top of a tall building and jump off. It’s not a suicidal thing, I just think it would be awesome to feel the ground coming at you at hundreds of miles an hour. I’ve never really wanted to fly though.

Which is probably what would happen if I tried that…

Hitting the ground would probably be waking up, though.

It shouldn’t wake you up, as long as you don’t feel pain in LD’s, cos it’d just be loike banging on a soft wall-y thing, I don’t know though…gonna try it!

First let me tell you that flying is awesome.

When you are spiraling down you could tell your self that you are going to go through the ground in stead of hitting it. Really believe that you are going to go through the ground. See what happens.
I have no Idea what will happen. I’ve never wanted to try it.

Something I’d really like to do is experience the world upside down. Everything being upside down except you :spinning: . I guess this fascination started in my childhood when I was at a theme park that had a house where everything was upside down…

Or why not the opposite, with reversed gravity that only affects your body, and everything else remains normal :happy:

  1. Conjure up weapons and shoot them and shoot up people in the city like in Grand Theft Auto.
  2. Masterbate in public, especially in front of a cop.
  3. Do it with people in public… what about doing a cop in public?
  4. Make a fireball come out from your hands and attack people.
  5. Hit on every girl you come across, if you get rejected, then start making out with them.
  6. Summon the golder retriever with a strap on dildo that shoots lazer beams on his head help reak havok on society.
  7. Break a mirror to see whats behind it.
  8. Fly into my computer
  9. Do it with tons of lesbians.
  10. Fly into a picture
  11. Change time.
  12. Urinate on pedestrians and policemen.
  13. Take a dump on someone.
  14. Go on a date and act like a total ass hole, ie: burp and fart and put her down and shit, then excect her to pay for the bill and get sex afterwards!
  15. Telekinisis: this is fun.
  16. Harass everyone.
  17. Fight people with your fists.
  18. Create the door to a random place.
  19. Walk through a mirror.
  20. Walk through a wall.
  21. Put metal in the microwave.
  22. Rub my hands together to increase the length of the dream, whats the longest I can dream for? Will I be able to dream for an hour? 2 hours? 5 hours? … who knows… I will keep testing my limits… a day would be tight!
  23. Pray to God and Jesus and see so I can hear thier responses directly.
  24. Dream about a chick in real life I like and become her boyfriend.
  25. Talk on the internet, and when someone is annohying me on the net, ill go over to thier house and be like wtf, then pull out my uzi and blow up thier compuer!
  26. Go to school and disrupt class!
  27. spray people with a hose!
  28. Call 911
  29. Call random numbers and ask seroius questions.
  30. Prank call people.
  31. Try and predict the future, and then see if it happens: (Like, I use a random number generating program, then ask my dream what random number it will produce, then remember the number and see if they match… and if they do, whats the sucess rate?, any statistical sigificance?).
  32. Fly to Mars or the moon.
  33. Use telekenisis on people.
  34. go to the center of the earth to visit the mole people
  35. Go to heaven and chill.
  36. Get drunk.
  37. Get high on pot (I dont do this in real live anymore cause I get mad, and think everyones out to get me when im on it, I think thats morally wrong to induce that, but in dreams who cares).
  38. Take acid hits. (I would not do this in real life EVER)
  39. Drink 100 cups of coffee.
  40. Take speed (this shit makes you age faster, dont do it in real life, I heard a cop claim this on the show cops, the claim could be false, not sure)
  41. Take tons of varous different over the counter drugs for colds or whatever I can find.
  42. Sniff gasoline (dont do this in real life or youl die).
  43. Smoke crack or sniff cocaine.
  44. Take shrooms. (I dont do this in real life for fear that I could ingest poison ones, I dont trust drug dealers as they are mostly dishonest, at least the ones I know).
  45. Take opium, codene, or heroiun. (Ive taken codene for my wisdom teeth and it makes you happy, drunk, and kills pain, opoium and heroin are both fromt he same plant… but I dont do these otherwise).
  46. Lisen to music.
  47. Cast spells.
  48. Go into the ocean and see waht I can find.
  49. Enter a video game.
  50. Enter a movie.
  51. Find a way on how to learn new things, ie: any new things I can learn about physics? You could go visit some cool physics dude and have him lecture for you! (I like to learn about anything that can help me produce video games).
  52. Play a mystery video game and see what it is like… then in real life, create it, then sell it! (gee, I wonder what I should have in my game…)
  53. summon people to your presence or room.
  54. Beat up criminals.
  55. spy on naked people or just in general.
  56. Smoke some Saliva D.
  57. Turn into a woman and check out my tits and private parts!
  58. Talk to animals.
  59. Summon Dave Chippel, and tell him to say something funny! I might even say hey: “Im Rick James Bitch!”
  60. Steal a cop car and arrest people for being dumb asses.
  61. Summon up an uzi and some other weapons, then walk into a cop station while smoking a joint and flashing my guns. Then, open fire while your completely stoned out of your mind.
  62. Go to a party and pick fights and pick up chicks.
  63. Fight in an army either now or as a knight in armor.
  64. Take over the world.
  65. Fuck with gangs in California and make fun of them.
  66. Change the weather.
  67. Fly around and explore the world.
  68. Take a trip into my brain or subconsoius and see what happens.
  69. Visit a tropical paradise.
  70. Meet various dream characters and become friends.
  71. Play with a rocket launcher.
  72. Play with a flame thrower.
  73. Shoot a pistol.
  74. Change into an animal.
  75. Change into a non living thing.
  76. Slow time.
  77. Change my emotion or mood on command.
  78. Throw stuff at people from high up.
  79. Fly up to an airplane and make stupid faces at people.
  80. Cum on people in public, especially a cop.
  81. Free all the anmials in the zoo.
  82. Annoy people where you work.
  83. Leviate trash cans and mentally throw them at people.
  84. Play baseball in the pros, then screw around and run to 3rd base first.
  85. Meet the president and get wasted with him and high.
  86. Fly a chopper.
  87. Fly a hover craft.
  88. Fly a space ship.
  89. Operate gun turrens on some vehicle.
  90. Drive around wrecklessly in a city.
  91. Light of fireworks and fire crackers.
  92. Program and see what you can code
  93. Start your computer, then see what it is like, then hack and stuff.
  94. Go inside a UFO and beat up aliens.
  95. Visit my past.
  96. Slow down time.
  97. Go in public naked.
  98. Take off other peolpe clothing.
  99. Gamble.
  100. Give people the finger.
  101. Tell people to show me energy (I heard this result is odd and funny).
  102. Ask people odd or serous questions.
  103. Read a book
  104. Break into homes.
  105. Steal shit from stores.
  106. Steal cars.
  107. Destroy peoples property.
  108. Cook stuff and eat it.

Thats about all I can think of. lol :tongue:

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