the BIG MILD topic [part II]

Tonight i was more tired and remembered less dreams, and had more hard to do MILD during the short periods of awakening. But i still had a moment where i straight entered into LD (without having ND), and tried to improve my dream scene, but it remained like cartoon where you see pencil-riden contures, but what lack of the colors. I was in my appartment walking around and desperately wanting to modify my dream, but i was unable. Instead of bright LD colors, this low LD was dim and “boring”.

If you calculate your dreams what you have gotten by doing MILD, then are majority of them high lucid level, or are most of them in low lucid level dreams that are in only developmental state?

BTW, can someone link me is there in those forums somewhere discussed about different levels of lucidity? I would like to get some scheme of different levels of LD-s (like low-level, middle-level, high-level, or smt like that)?


Hey Cyrus,

Good job with the MILD technique it seems as thought it is really working for you.

As far as my own personal experience is concerned the level of lucidity varies considerably regardless of how I achieve it. I have had what I conside to be high-level ld’s from MILD as well as low-level ld’s.

I think the level of lucidity depends on a variety of factors, including the technique used to induce the dream, but also other factors like how tired you are, you intention, your focus, your current stress levle and things like that.

In general I think the more lucid dreams you have the more frequently you will have higher level lucid dreams.


Yes, i must say i agree with ypm when he says the more lucid dreams u have the more often you will have higher quality lucid dreams.

Well, actually 5 of my 18 LD-s have been low level LD-s. So it might be some innate exception. If i will get more skilled with different techniques it might actually be that the % of low level LDs will rise a bit, but i will have LD-s more frequently at the same time, i believe.

The other night I kept telling myself I would have an LD, imagined what it would be like, said I’d wake up afterwards and remember loads etc. - fell asleep and had some ND’s. The next night I didnt try MILD and got an LD.

I have a question about MILD, but it’s probably been asked before. I checked the library but I’m not sure it really applies:

When you’re repeating your mantra over and over, do you have to keep conciously thinking of what it actually means, or can you just keep thinking it but not actually understand it everytime you repeat it, and if so, isn’t that sort of like a WILD?

Hey Muffin,

For me it works best when i keep myself conscious of what the mantra actually realy means. While i say it, i also try to feel/visualise what it means to go lucid. I guess for most people this counts, and it is also recommended by Laberge in his book EWLD.

Alright, that makes sense. I ahd an LD last night when I tried a MILD, and I understood it for the most part and visualized etc., but when I fell asleep I was mainly just repeating it. Otherwise, it would’ve been a WILD I guess.

Yea, I’d say that it definatly helps to think about what your Mantra means because will increase the dtermination of your intention

Hey there I started doing MILD 2 days ago, now I have some questions:
1)As for setting the intent, can I just use: “I have a lucid dream” ? Cause if think the shorter the better, but I’m not very experienced, so please could you give me some advice.
Or is it important to use: “I’m going to dream now. I’m in a dream. I’m aware of my dream.”

  1. The MILD technique by Laberge is a little different to the one presented here: He uses a dream he remembers to imagine becoming lucid while here you guys don’t do that. Does it matter?

Thanks Tom!

I tried this last night, I told myself if I was at school, home, or around the town it was a dream. Well, it worked against me, I went lucid for a few seconds after finding myself at home…but I later found myself at the mall in an ND.

Question 1: For how long do you repeat your MILD-mantra before you fall asleep?

Question 2: I’m curious about this as I wonder if the fact that I almost always fall asleep 2 minutes after I go to bed affects my possibilty of having a lucid dream. Do you think so?

You can. I’ve been using this technique with some success for months. Moreover, if you think it’s better… then it’s better ! :smile:

You’re right. If somebody told above that MILD was just repeating a sort of mantra before sleeping, he made a mistake. That’s not MILD, that’s autosuggestion (and it works, too).

It doesn’t matter. In the Coué method for instance (an autosuggestion method), it’s said you have to repeat a sentence 20 times. Other people prefer to repeat their mantra until they fall asleep, so their last thought before sleep is related to LD. It could be also interesting, as I’ve read that HI is closely related to your last thoughts (I didn’t verify by myself). Thus, falling asleep quickly doesn’t affect you LD’ing possibilities. :grin:

I’m going to try to MILD tonight… it’s my first time, and I hope I get some results. :smile:

you’ll have to try for few days before it gives some results. Some people have results in the very short term, but generally, it needs a week or two before it’s effective (like all suggestion techniques).


Well, I didn’t have a lucid dream, but I did wake up after every dream and I remember two of them very vividly. So it’s a start! I’m going to try and MILD every day for a little bit until I get the hang of it.

sorry if this has already been asked or something but can MILD help increase dream recall? If I say to myself “I will go to sleep, I will dream, I will remember my dream, I will write down my dream in my journal when I wake up.” instead of things to get me lucid will it help me remember my dreams better? Im just starting out and I need to improve my recall.

Renko, I believe it does. When I first started out, that’s what I did. I told myself I’d wake up right after I dreamt and that I’d vividly recall the dream. It worked. :smile: First night I recalled – I dunno – 3, 4, 5… I think 5 dreams? And I woke up right after each one so I could write them down. It’s a subconcious thing. Try telling yourself you need to wake up at 6:30 and odds are you will. It works for me like that anyway. Give it a shot. :smile:

Well… It seems that we have to recapitulate what is really MILD (the original method), before there is too much confusion on this thread. :bored:

Yes indeed Basilus, what renko asked after is actually called autosuggestion, a form of self-hypnosis aimed at triggering a subconscious response. MILD as defined originally by Laberge uses this in step 2, so it is a very important aspect of it, yet not totally the same (but it’s understandably confused at times).