How to Choose Your Technique

You might want to try MILD first then finish up with WILD. Try it, it might work for you.

ZionI was that to me? i tried last night but nothing came out, i just remembered another dream… WHy cant i just go lucid… its so frustrating but i am patient and will keep trying until i will get it…

Yes Shroom that was to you. Sorry I forgot to address it to you. As for trying it, I’m glad you did. Hey, “if at first you dont succeed, try again” :tongue: [and again and againand again]. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying and I’m confident that you will get it in due time. Did you perform RCs yesterday. Try to do at least five or six a day. It should help. I know it’s frustrating :grrr: but it will definitely pay off. Keep at it. :smile:

huggles Treader

thanks ZIon1 i do reality checks rarely now… but i know i should really do them more often so i will. because i relaly want to have more LD s, so I will keep trying and practicing until i finally get it! thanks again.


The best way to build up motivation is probably just to read about lucid dreaming and visit forums like this one.

Also, I am not a regular around here so if anybody wants to address me in particular your best bet is to send a private message. I check my email daily and these forums semi-monthly, you see. :smile: … Techniques
They have pretty much the same thing I wrote in the form of a graph. Much easier to read.

That CAT method they mention looks interesting, but a regular sleep schedule is impossible for me. I prefer WBTB+MILD/WILD/both.

I’ve had so much on my mind this semester that dreams, let alone lucid dreaming, can’t even be found at the bottom of my priority list. Even sleep is way down there. Maybe during the holiday break I’ll have a couple. Maybe I will even try for one tonight.

While I’m proud you say that (most of that bit being written by me) I have to admit your technique choosing thing has more information. :smile:

After 5 years of LD practice I must say I sweep between very low and very high motivation, and it can take a long time to build up the motivation. I’m building up again now. I don’t fall asleep fast but WBTB is still my favourite method - it requires me to go to bed early though, and that’s where motivation comes in. But it’s so effective for me I don’t really care if I need 30 minutes or even an hour falling asleep after WBTB.

Anyway, this is a great tutorial - it cannot take account for all the individual variations - no tutorial will do that - but at least it gives suggestions for people who have low motivation or slowly fall asleep.

im motivated when im sleepy cuz i know when i wake up ill still be tired so i do WBTB those nights mostly…

Very handy guide indeed. Good job! :wink:

nice. thanks, i just started with LD and i needed this. first i gotta work up the dream recall.
one question: how fast would you say is fast was when falling asleep…i need like 15-25 minutes i think. is that fast or slow?

For me it can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours to fall asleep. But usually about 30 minutes or so. And I know that if I fall asleep within 5 minutes then I need to sleep more because then I haven’t been getting enough sleep the past few nights. And if it takes more than 1 hour I know I’ve been sleeping too much :tongue:

:happy: thanks for your reply JaRoD, but what i wanted to know is who whould u call a fast-sleeper.
is like 25minutes fast?
that’s for the “Fall asleep fast. Highly motivated” text, would i fit in it?

I’d say fast is under 10 minutes, 10-30 or so is average (in my experience that is).

ok…then i probably would be the slow-sleeper

This guide should be added to the library section.

Hmm, is Treader still around? Last post about 2/3 weeks ago. Maybe Q could send him an email or something?

Still here, I’m just not much of a chatter. It might take a me a few weeks… a month… to respond to a post. I’m a little better when it comes to checking my email, though.

I even can be reached by AIM/ Yahoo Instant messanger (I use trillian), but I never seem to remember to turn it on when I access the Internet.

helpful guide :smile: it says I should try MILD so I’ll try tonight

my memory sucks so i’ll just go WILD :happy:

What is classified as taking a long time to fall asleep?