What's up with Sea Life... [SeaLife Addicts Support Lodge]

I hope it is back soon, the pile of dreams I have to write up is getting rather hefty :razz:

while sealife is gone, I am going to post some smileys

:tryfly: :universe: :om: :angel_fly: :mirror: :dream: :obe: :cheer: :sleeping: :sleep:

moogles favorite:

It isn’t … it is and I seem to be using :wave: a lot :smile:

Okay. Well I have spoken to the previous hosting company. They are in the process of updating the “name servers” so that the address dreamofpeace.net will point to the new server…

This usually takes a day or two to update. Hopefully it will get working over this weekend, but I can’t be entirely definite…

How are everyone’s dreams anyway?



Oh yes. And Q - I don’t know what Sea Life would do without LD4ALL. Thanks AGAIN :smile:


You’re doing a great job. Sea Life is worth waiting for, although we do feel a bit like fish out of water.

ok. so i think i posted the day it went down, and i was describing my info for a team… its probobly lost then? argh. most def worth re-doing i guess… :smile:

:wave: Jestrodomous … yes, it was lost … or may be lost. I never saw it so it must have been quite close to the time sealife went.

Tell me something new :content:

It’s actually good for me, i think its a good reason why i didnt get kicked off my dream team :cool: (I love you Moogle :grin: )

But i actually have a dream to give in my journal!

Sealife! Where are you??? :cry:

so do we know when sealife will be up, approximately? i mean, im so anxious to begin my quest with a team…

I think Nick said it would be back up some time over the weekend, which is good.

crosses his fingers


The dreamofpeace.net server is up and running. Now I just need to reupload the database, which of course I’m hoping goes smoothly!

Wish me luck on this one!

:smile: :smile:

Seeya. Nick

(i’ll give the news here when it’s Totally up and running…)

Well I just thought I’d let you know that this might take a few hours to upload!

Apparently the database (compressed is 26.2 mb), yet uncompressed on my computer it jumps up all the way to a horrible 263 mb! Usually on the server, it’s size is about 100mb…

I don’t quite undersrtand the varying sizes, but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with compression :wink:

Anyway such large files are difficult to upload on the cPanel control panel for a server, so I might need to break it up into a number of different parts, which while time consuming will hopefully allow us to complete the task…

Yes. Again. Wish me luck :smile:


Good Luck explora :thumbs: We are all waiting patiently. :grin:

GOod lcuk
sends telepathic good luck thoughts

Hehe. Yes Um actually the whole forum going down thing was all just practise for the “mental telepathy” project we were running this moon :wink:

Reeling in the good thoughts!

^^^ you cats are so effing ninja, NINJA, explora, ninja… that would be quite the little science fair project, i really DO hope that was the point.

[b] :cry:
Yes, and of course once again I had emailed all my dream team members at Way of the Wind with some really neat ideas.

Oh well, maybe they can read my mind.

Good luck Nick.

Anyway, I haven’t been able to keep up with my email, so this is a good break.[/b]

Good luck Nick!

 /Patrik & Back the thief   :wink:

Thanks Everyone for the support

especially nice to hear from you Patrik! I hope you are enjoying your last few moments in Melbourne! Was great to see you the other day!

Will write more soon. it looks as though I have a busy night ahead of me. The total text-file is some 260mb, so it takes a very long time to not only open, but then I have to select different portions of the text individually. Considering I can only jump two lines at a time, with the arrow key, this is a pretty slow process!


Seeya. Nick

explora, if you still have trouble with the uploading please get shell access and do it with the shell commands, saves a lot of time and trouble, it takes only a few minutes that way!

I’ve done the upload in several parts thing the first time LD4all had to move to a new server and took me days… then i found out i could have shell access, did it with the shell commands as is described in the update file and it was all done in a few minutes.