Competition Rankings for May

One more, a looonnnggg one, and many many lucid awakenings.
2 LDs for May so far :smile:

Now seriously. Anyone knows where Jarod is? Taking a forced break from internet for awhile? :neutral:

I had a lucid dream today, first one since March I think

had my first one for this month on the 3rd. I now have more time to work on my lucid dreaming, so I’m looking forward to this months outcome :grin:

Had a lucid moment on Saturday [

So i’m counting it :tongue:

1 LD

1 for me.

Hi everyone :grin: I’ve been very busy during the week. I have to work 6 months in total before I can finish my school. I started working in a place on May 2nd, and I’ve been too tired to actually come here after getting home :bored: Should be back now… hopefully… and I don’t have time to type down my dreams in the morning :cry:

3 may 6th
4 may 7th
2 may 8th

Woke up way early this morning :sad: that makes

37 total

I had one! :cool:

4 may 9th
5 may 10th

46 total.

One more for me, that makes it three in May.

I had one. Killed some zombies :razz:

total = 3.

3 May 11th

49 total.

had a very long LD this morning :happy:

Another busy week… :cry: if this keeps up I wont have time to come here that much anymore. Neither will I get that many LDs by the looks of it, but my recall is quite good considering that I only sleep 6-7 hours/night :grin: :sad:

Jot me down for 4 :smile: MAybe a bit of friendly competition will increase my LDs :razz:

Another one for me! :smile: (Total=4)

Had a LD, not that long but very vivid and high lucidity :grin:

1/2 LD here :cool:

:happy: is that after I sent you the lucid energy?

If so, i want it back! :grin: