Funky Dream Logic

The series of images coming from the TV and entering my brain will diverge and cause my head to explode.

You can tell when a worm is hungry
Men can get pregnant/A whole town by drinking water :rofl:
Animals can speak

There is a defective dishwasher in the toiletroom on school.
A boy sleeps in a rabbit sty
There’s a attraction park in your house
There is a bridge from the Netherlands to New York. And you go to New York with a car. But when you’re nearly to New York the bridge disintegrates and you have to fly a little while with your car.

When three windows of a house are open, is a good sign in a dream.

And a great dream logic sample: :grin:

In a LD, I’m asking: «What is consciousness?» A girl replies : «Zombie. Chinese ghost». I ask to another girl : «Does she mean that the consciousness is like the movie A Chinese Ghost Story?» She explains that it refers to a joke in which a guy acts like a zombie. Thus, compared to him, consciousness is a chinese ghost. :eh:

When a toothpaste carboard box sent to me by QVC acts as a remote control to control the wacky racers on TV … :eh:

When my mom wears a big dress she trys to fart on me :smile:

when in times of trouble always grab your gameboy

if your guitar tuning pegs are large then you guitar goes out of tune

getting bit by a tic causes a tree to sprout from you

I rofl at this one >>> If your a guitar pedal your dad will want to have sex with you <<< rofl rofl rofl

when your out in the country you become a national forest

yeah i have alot :smile:

That’s just a good idea all-round. Not just in dreams. :cool:

You had to be dreaming to think that? :lol:

I remember one dream where I figured out, step by step, how to fly using only a piece of aluminum foil (and it wasn’t a huge piece). I can even remember thinking, “I need to remember how I did this when I wake up.” Of course, once awake, I had no clue what the secret formula was.

The wierd thing is, I still felt like I knew how to do it, but I just couldn’t remember.

The Rev

Okay, try this - fresh from this morning’s dream! A magician’s remaining lifespan was based on how much time his latest sponsored single remained in the “Top 83” music chart. If it dropped a rank, he became visibly weaker and vice-versa.

You can take 2 semesters ago classes because they are the next step from last semester’s. (last night)
You can free many people with only a penny.
I have lost 100 pounds… (Yeah right!)
Bomb shelters are freeze-proof (last night)
You can lucid dream while doing homework (Last night)
People of the opposite sex and have each other’s genitals rather than their own.
If you die you’ll just come back to life like nothing happened
I wonder what it feels like to hit the ground while falling (that’s why I don’t fear falling dreams )
My grandfather can skate and speak latin. (last night)

lol i got a good one

If someone is dying from cancer let them go ahead and get in there casket so that you wont have to move them when they die. And if they dont die they can go home.

To make Jarlesburg cheese requires human ear wax. If you need extra money, you can have your ears mined by the cheese company. Having ear wax worthy of Jarlsberg cheese is extremely rare, so you can make a lot of money if you have special ears!

Where’d my dad learn to ride a dinosaur? Must have been when he was in the army.

ROFL Omega3, R3TRO and Wilivy!
Your dream logic is hilarious too much ! :rofl:

How about, Hey, I’m naked, I hope nobody notices while I go in this store and buy something to drink…
Admittedly not as strange as the Jarlsberge Cheese! LOL Wilivy!

(Reminds me of…)I’m not wearing clothes, oh well, its not anything new to them; no one’s going to be checking me out.
(On a a large billboard) You are now entering: You Are Dreaming
Sigmund Freud made his own beer. :spinning:???:slight_smile:
Headless chickens run on batteries (thought when someone was acting like a decapitated chicken).
It is okay to receive a loan at the McDonalds, You want a pen with that? (today)

Lol, I call 911 (The emergency number on the phone) for the first time in a dream last night… I recieve a recorded message “Please choose from one of the following categories.” I look back at the numbers on my phone, which have changed into things like “Report an Event” “Forum” and stuff… I thought it was a bit odd, but I shrugged figuring it always does that (Since I’ve never called 911 before)

LOL That’s so funny … too much ld4all forum for you :smile:)

I had a dream last night where I put papers into my monitor ( PHYSICALLY ) to transform 'em into money :smile:

Maybe just a little bit…You know I’ve never had money in my dreams? I’ve never seen dream money.

I’ve never seen money IRL…Well, I see way more dream money. What does money symbolize to you? Maybe your SC doesn’t have to express that.

Papers in a monitor isn’t strange for a dream, I did that with a can of Coca-Cola once. It was during break at school (and all the computers are always used up, my dream logic is pathetic).