The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD Topic - Part IV

Well I like to do the normal things like everyone else said but my favorite thing is to feel thing. Be it the lips of a girl who I am kissing or the ground as I fall from the sky on a failed attempt at flying. I think that what makes things real be it the pain in my palms I get from climbing a chain or just a brush on the sholder as I jet past someone.

The FIRST thing I want to do in a LD, is to start in a place where I can actually do half the stuff I want. Nothing is where I ever need it to be, and it tends to be frustrating since I can’t create objects yet, and every gun I see in a dream NEVER works! Arrgggh!!!

What I want to do in a LD:

  1. Watch a movie that I’ve always wanted to see, but was never made.
  2. Get ringside seats and watch a fight that could never happen in RL, such as:
    -God vs. Satan
    -Reagan vs. Gorbechev
    -My Mom vs. Your Mom
    -Hitler and Moussolini vs. Churchill and Stalin
    -Marx vs. McCarthy
  3. Various scenarios, example: The world is in anarchy, there is rioting in my neighborhood, and I have an unlimited supply of Molotov Cocktails.
  4. Fire Bush
  5. Tell people what I REALLY think of them!
  6. Go to Seoshackadak! (A place I made up a long time ago)
  7. Drive my car really really fast.
  8. Beat the **** out of any DC that gets in my way!
  9. Watch a free-for-all nuclear exchange between all of the nuclear powers.
  10. Bring Mahatma Gandhi, Karl Marx, and Charles DeGaulle into the present and ask them what he thinks of bin Laden, Bush, Blair, Chirac, Putin, and modern humanity in general.
  11. Bring Jesus, Mohammad, and Buddha (could think of others but these are the Big Three) into the present and ask them what they think of modern humanity.
  12. Dump huge amounts of Viagra in my town’s drinking water.
  13. Call myself on a phone.
  14. Become a dog and chase squirrels.
  15. Become a squirrel and drop acorns on a dog.
  16. Play paintball or airsoft in:
    -Grocery store (or Wal*Mart)
    -My school
    -Convention Center
    -My neighborhood
  17. Go on a submarine!
  18. Die various deaths and see what it’s like.
  19. Fight Agent Smith using a rubber chicken.

The first thing I’d like to do in an LD is to walk up to the first DC I find, and say “You realize, of course, I’m your God?”

Then, I’d turn them into a chicken.

:astral: :om: :om: :om: :obe:

You’ll probably find the answer here:
Dreams about sex,kissing…yup part II.

:tongue: what a nice topic… :content:

There is one person in RL that I hate to the depth of my soul. I want to kill them. First in a LD, then in RL. :wink:

But seriously, I’d love to kill them in a LD. I tried once but the gun I had turned all red and shot paintballs. They still died, but it didn’t have the same effect, ya know, recoil, a big bang etc.

Gun fight with john wayne
Light sabre fight with Darth vader
Laser Quest on a massive island, with bombs
Fly through the sun
Ride a tiny tricycle along a loop
Shoot lasers out my fingers
Create a fissure throguh the middle of a gigantic city
Kick arnold schartzerneggar in the nuts
Set fire to certain cubicles in office blocks to make pictures
Throw a penny from the tip of the earths atmosphere
Kick a penguin like a football
Kick an elephant like a football
Make a really big tree rise out of the ground and make a kingdom on its branches, where monkeys serve me
Joust a black knight and win
Set all the grass in the world on fire
Some other stuff…

My favorite things to do:
1-Be a Street Magician and amaze the audience with Criss Angel’s tricks.
2-Recreate my favorite movies and be the main character in them.
3- Meet my fav celeb’s.
Spirit guide
Dream Girls
4-Go to my dreamland
5-Use telekinesis and other cool powers
6-Be in my favorite games as a player.
7-Recreate past embarrasment moments and correct 'em.
8-Fly through a evergreen hill and mountains with a great landscape view.
9-Be on a paradise island, enjoy every bit of it and watch finally the astonishing sunset with a loved one.
10-Being in college and hopefully everything that would happen irl happen and then try things i’d like to do irl that i can’t.
11-Be in a Rainforest, with a majestic rainining watching the beautiful nature from a modest house and/or the very same rainforest and watch the nature,animals, peaceful sounds etc.
12-Adventure the universe to the very bit end.
13-Become a gargantua and destroy all the world.
14-Go underwater and breath watching all the fishes and everything else. Also become an ocean animal.
15- Be the following animals:

This’ll be fun
1.Get super strength
2.Remove limbs and reattach them
3.Electrocute self
4.Create Grand Theft Auto in my dream.
5.Dodge a bullet (wanted to do that ever since I first saw The Matrix)
6.Play with bombs
7.Drive a montser truck through my school.
8.Blow up the sewage farm
9.Catapult my principle
10.Jump off a building
11.Do a ninja fight with only a bra as a weapon.
13.Strap some jerk to the space shuttle
14.Cause an earthquake
15.Get DC’s to worship me
16.Play skirmish in the DaVinci museum
17.Drive like a maniac
18.Smoke dope
19.Unleash a snail plague on my town
20.Jump over the Grand Canyon.
21.Fight a legion of jerks using Super Psychic Dream Power.
22.Roll around naked in mud.

I’m sure there is more.

WOAH!! This subject is getting a ton of replies.

One thing I like to do (discovered it by accident) is fight lots of people (like 20 so that I’m completly overwhelmed) but have invincibility so I can eventually defeat them all.

Plan for my next LD:
Growing wings and flying around. I heard that flying in LDs leaves you with positive feelings and much energy when you wake up, and I really have use for this now, as a little boost for my moray so I get things done again :wink:

Also on my list:

  • morphing into different animals
  • create a substance I can transform at will
  • model things with it and try to rebuild them IRL
  • other creative stuff, like “composing” music
  • find some DCs and ask them why they are in my NDs so seldom
  • simply walking around areas I know, trying to recreate them in as much detail as possible, then later checking up IRL. I normally don’t pay much attention to detail when looking at things, want to increase this that way.
  • walking around in areas I don’t know and exploring stuff.
  • constructing a complex world I can use as basis for some stories. Returning to this world in later LDs, maybe as different important characters from the stories.

Well… all this implies that I’ll get enough lucid dreams to do it :smile:
I really hope so. I had one LD so far (about a week ago) and a few lucid seconds two days later.


2.Morph into animals, other humans
3.Fight legions of zombies with a few DCs
4.Meet my Spirit guide
5.Meet Dream girls
6.Have sex with said dream girls
7.Swim underneath the ocean for as long as I want and explore
8. Fight off a hoard of Agent Smiths, then have one final battle with an even more powerful Agent Smith
9.Dodge bullets
10.Reenact the final battle of Tears of the Sun
11.Meet all the characters of Pulp Fiction
12. Jump off the tallest building I can find and create a massive shockwave when I hit the ground
13.Watch my past lives
14. Drive as reckless and wild as I want
15. Fly off into space and explore the dream universe
16. Explore every inch of a dream city
17. Shoot DCs out of a cannon at a brick wall with a bullseye painted on it
18. Destroy any dream planet that doesn’t please me and recreate it to my design
19.walk up to each and every DC with a desert eagle and ask them “Why should I let you live?” and decide their fate.

Lastly…turn everyone in the world into naked Jessica Alba. :smile:

I haven’t had an LD yet. But when i do i think i’m gonna enslave the world with psionic powers. :hehe:

Hey dreamers…

Best thing to do in an LD for me is to just journey around my mindscape. Not to just do a certain action, but to just walk around, exploring the trippiness of the mind. That way, symbolic meaning about one’s self can be determined more easily through images, settings or even DC interaction…

Keep dreaming, i may see you in one…

One thing I am set on trying is have my subconcious produce an ‘evil’ version of myself. Basically I want to talk to the parts of my mind that give me bad/evil/violent thoughts etc. If this works I will explore other ‘selves’.

Really I want to explore the depths of my psyche, if it’s possible.

I know that doesnt sound fun, but I want to do it.

this is based on a topic i read earlier about writing down your lucid dreams that you want to experiance.
But please keep within common sense, don’t write about sex or anything. But you can write about adventure and stuff…

EDIT: nvm about the sex stuff. i wasn’t thinking when i wrote that.

Well, if the mods see this, they’ll just merge it with the topic you based this off of, or deleted, but what the heck, I’ll answer anyway.

Okay, the first thing I’ll do is rampage. I’ll just go through a city and destroy things using the super human powers I’ve always dreamed of. Then I’ll probably talk to some dream characters, become a dragon or some nonsensical beast, and manifest this girl I dreamed about before and talk to her.

Well, this’ll be a quiet thread :tongue:

You sure do have some violent tendencies Chilla! :eek:

One thing that I plan on using my lucid dreams for is homework. Im in a composition class, and I plan to use my dreams to come up with writing ideas. But at first I’m just gonna fly, and all of the normal stuff.