Competition Rankings for October

I had one!

Had another one this morning :grin:

Good start Jarod :smile:

I’ll start with 1.

Add another. That makes 2 :content:

2 for me. Came really close to 3, but I won’t count that one. :cool:

another one fullblooded, but still recall is worsening
this makes 2

I fall asleep fast even with music on :cry:

but atleast I got a LD today :content:

1 LD this month now :grin:

This time i got my sunday ld :cool:

2 LDs :smile:

1 more…

one more LD now:

1+1=2 :grin:

Number 3

I had 2 OBE-s last night :happy:

I was semi-sleeping about 2 hours after going to sleep (my mind kept me busy, so i could not get any full resting sleep). So i had enough of this BS and made myself more comfortable, what ended with SP-s that lead to two different OBE-s.

So it makes 4 LD-s.

Just one so far. Been staying up late unpacking and stuff… Like tonight DOH

I had 2 LDs, but I’m not sure if the first one really was a LD or not. So I’ll just count it as one…

First LD in this month… I’m not getting any better it seems.

I hadn’t noticed this thread earlier, this is great. Maybe I’ll have some chances next month (this month has taken off poorly). :smile:

I had my 5th LD this morning.

1 more :smile: