A diary to be used by all... The Nightmare Diary

Here’s a nightmare I had a few months ago:

I was trying to help someone (I think it was a pregnant woman) to get out of a big building, like a mall or something, but I couldn’t find the exit.
This person I was trying to help kept vomiting dead body parts. Rotting old arms, feet, heads and stuff in some grayish liquid were shooting out of her mouth in violent regurgitations.
Whenever I stopped to ask people for help, they would get hit by the stuff and start vomiting dead old body parts too.

When I have dreams about getting chased by monsters and attacked and killd and such, they’re not nightmares.
I’m not scared in dreams like that.

Here’s a nightmare I found really disturbing:

I was sitting next to my mother at a table, and I was going to beat her to death with a frying pan because she had killed my pet chicken by chewing it.

That was probably the worst dream I’ve ever had, I can’t even describe how I was feeling.

It’s not just what happens in the dreams that make them so horrible, but mostly the absurd atmosphere.

I’ve had two really scary nightmares and a few not-so-scary ones.

One nightmare that I had about a week ago started with me in my bedroom. I was folding a swimming suit and the phone in my bedroom rings. I answer it. It’s a lady who tells me that her husband is missing and she asks me if I could find him. I ask her a few questions and discover that he often comes home drunk. I tell her I’ll do what I can and hang up. Now, the weird this is, I don’t have a car or a lisence, yet I’m looking for someone. On foot.

I turn off the lights in my bedroom and go to my mom’s bedroom. I look at the clock and see that it’s 10:00 PM. My sister’s in the bathroom getting ready for bed. My mom is sitting on her bed reading. I sit down on the edge of her bed and tell her that I need to talk to her. I start to tell her about the call, but I hear someone coming up the outside stairs to our apartment. I see a shadow of a person come to our door. I stand, ready to answer the door, when gunshots ring out. The person at the door screams and falls and I realize that it’s the lady who had called me. I hide at the foot of my mom’s bed and she’s standing over me to protect me. I just now that the person who shot the lady was her husband.

Then I wake up. I can’t remember my other nightmare right now; I’ll add it when I think of it. Stupid brain.

This is my sister’s nightmare:

[Translator notes]

*Plattan - A big open space in central Stockholm

*Little brother - Me :grin:

*Trudge - I don’t know if it’s the right word, She used the words “pulsar/klafsar” and trudge was the closest I could find.
If you’ve seen the movie braindead, or if you went to Roskilde Festival 2004 you’ll know what I mean :wink:

I’ve had a really weird nightmare once. It’s kinda fun when I think about it now, but it really wasn’t entertaining while I was dreaming it.

The dream begins in a toy-shop underground. I can see it’s underground because the walls look like walls in tunnels do, if you understand how I mean. I’m a spectator, and I watch the children tugging their parents around, showing them what they want, screaming and crying when they don’t get it. Although the shop is wonderful, no one is happy. Then, all of a sudden, a pack of small cockerspaniels appears, running through the store, barking like mad. The hysteria in the shop gets interrupted, and everyone stares at the dogs. I hear screaming from where the cockerspaniels were running, both kids and grow-ups, and they’re panicked. People run past, holding their children. The people I see look confused and worried. I don’t understand why everyone is so scared, but then I don’t have to wonder anymore; several velociraptors (as in dinosaur) come running, chasing the people running. Logically they should all be dead, but I suppose these were very slow velociraptors :wink:
All of a sudden I’m not a spectator anymore, I’m in the dream with a bunch of DC’s. I’m panicked and I just want to get out. We hide in a dining room, but we’re soon followed by two velociraptors chasing a guy. One of them keeps runnig after the chased guy, but the other sees us and stops. Somehow we manage to hide behind the chairs, but then a cockerspaniel enters the room. I understand that the cockerspaniels are, sort of, partners in crime with the velociraptors; they bark when they find something eadible. So, the dog walks around the table, and spots a DC called Kevin. The dog barks, and that’s the end of the dream.

I’ve had a similar one, also underground and with velociraptors, but without the creepy dogs. I honestly have no idea where I got them from… :eh:

Last night I had my ninth nightmare in seven days. I won’t post them all in here, but most of them are about a creepy woman with one evil eye and a spastic arm pointing at me. I think they all share an awful lot of meaningful symbolism, and as far as I can deduce from them, I’ll have some more soon :smile:

The first one, which triggered it all, went like this:

In the local library I’m searching for clues (books I guess…) about LDing. At some point I come across a nonexisting file number. I search for the item in the archives and come up with a linen bag. In it I find three dolls (they all represent girls I think). Some girls try to get the dolls, but their mother keeps them in control… When I’m going back to my hotel, I first deal some drugs again with a couple of Nigerians in an elevator. I get about 20 grams of pure cocain for 2 euros
A bit later I see a gang of illegal immigrants who’re having an accident and who all get arrested afterwards. Later on, I get to see their mugshots, and one of them bears a striking resemblance with an old woman who seemingly lives right above me. Apparently there was something very strange about that woman: no one ever saw her, no one heard her, and her room was all dark and empty… Suddenly it strikes me how much the old woman resembles one of those dolls I had previously found in the library. Upon realizing that I suddenly wake up in shock (heavy and quick breathing, heart pounding like a racehorse) but soon afterwards I fall asleep again… and enter the same dream. Now I’m walking the local market with M. I’m telling him about my recent dream, when suddenly out of nowhere, the old woman appears around the corner. She’s fully covered in white silken clothes with her face halfly covered in a white shawl. She seems to hover over the ground, and eventually turns around, coming straight to my direction. She stretches her right arm, curls her fingers in a spasmic manner with her forefinger directly pointed at me. I could see only one eye… it was fixed on me with an such evil gaze! (it still gives me shivers when I think about it). No one but me seems to be able to see her… Luckily however I become prelucid for an instant, and I say to myself “well since this has to be a dream, nothing can happen… if I also stretch out my hand, her hand clearly must go straight through mine because she’s simply a ghost”. And so I do this… but it doesn’t work… her hand doesn’t go through mine and she simply touches me. This kept me thinking like “wow… so it isn’t a dream!” Next, she starts fighting with me, using chairs and tables to throw at me… Since no one else can see her, everyone merely sees how an invisible force lifts up those tables and chairs and throws them in the air (I get this impression when I noticed other people’s faces during the fight)… I try to calm her down, but to no avail… Eventually she gets tired and continues on her daily work, which is being a waitress in a fastfood restaurant. Apparently she has various complexes about her size, weight and social skills… she also has no contact at all with other people, except with a beautiful hawk. Another guy (a well known local politician… strange) keeps the hawk on his hand and he tells the woman to keep the hawk and cherish her. He says “don’t you miss the feeling of gliding your fingers through the hawk’s soft feathers?” After these words, she trembles… and starts to cry. She takes back the hawk, and I wake up…

Welcome mortals to the Nightmare Collection! :scared:
Here you can poste youre worst nightmares and most horribel dreams for us too fear.
Enjoy :content:
(This were the intoduction too The Nightmare Collection before it got moved here)

Well let’s make myself a debut:
I had this dream or Nightmare; i remember that i was driving in this neighborhood with almost no ilumination whatsoever. This old lady asked where i could find x radio station and i told her without even knowing exactly. The Radio station was in front of our eyes, an abandoned house. We both entered and there was this psycho killer inside which was a member of a satanic cult.
He tied me to this chair and killed the old lady, then he cut his veins.

Well I had this dream where there was a large red metal spike following me everywhere, and I was inside a hotel room at a high level. I jumped from the window and floated down but that spike kept following me around trying to impale me, so I ran somewhere deep into the mountains. The dream didn’t make any sense after this.

But the most horrible nightmare I have ever had.

I am standing in a gigantic landscape. It is an ifinitely large, reflecting metallic field, and there is no sky, only an equally large, heavy metallic sky. I am here alone and the sky is starting to come down, and I get a weird, very strange feeling that I am being crushed, but not phyisically. There is no way out. When it comes down on me, I don’t get crushed, just compressed, and I get smaller and smaller and it keeps coming and coming and no matter how small I am, the proportions of that metal world are the same, and there is nothing there except for this metal ground and sky. There is a very dim light, but I can clearly see how far the landscape goes: for ever. There is no curvature, this is not on Earth. I can see it go on for infinity, and everything converges at a point in the middle of my view. Looking at infinity is very very weird. I never really get crushed, but the sky keeps coming down.

This is a horrible dream, absolutely horrible :cry: i used to have it nights in a row, thank God I don’t get it anymore. I think I was having stomach pain back then and it was triggering these dreams. There was no feeling of getting crushed, only a strange feeling, like fainting or maybe dying, like my head is about to explode and I am shivering and sweating all over. I hate that feeling.

Just remembered another scary one that I have had many times.

I am at a mountain resort. I am walking around in the park as the news on the radio sais that there are alien attacks going on. Suddenly, a gargantuanly large mechanized being comes over the mountain. It is simply huge beyond anything you can imagine. Many more surround the city, coming from beyond the mountains, and I gather along with all the other people in the town, knowing that there is no way out of that place. The machines make a weird, low frequency, whale-like noise, and have many moving parts.

(I tink the dieary is a bether place too have this then in what dreams are made of :sad: )
I hade one:

I were in my house with a nother person looking out into the dark football feld (thers a school behind ower house) when we spots a strang deer (er a mosh) glowing and flowting unatrunal owere the grownd.
One of us asks the other what will happen if it comes here and in the same second it start moving strait at us with a natural emty look in it’s eyes as it steres into the emtyness.
We runns awey from the window and as the deer moves truth the window it fills me with the fealing of pure fear.

The end

Painocus, they are in here because they are not lucid dreams (the diary forum is for LDs or on your personal quest for LDs), plus there was already a topic for nightmares in here.

Ok moogle if the diarys are only for LD :content:
:cheer: GOOOO MOOGLE :cheer:

A couple of nights ago I had a very short, but still very scary, nightmare. Does anyone know of the PC-game “American McGees Alice”? I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called. Well, anyways, a friend of mine told me about it, that Alice gets compeletely screwed up after seeing her parents go up in flames(The game is based on “Alice in Wonderland”, if I got it right).

The dream was, as I wrote earlier, very short;

An extreme close-up of an eye, only the eye itself is visible. The eye is open wide, and reflects giant flames. A woman screams “Save yourself, Alice!”, Alice’s mother. It’s her eye that the flames reflect in.

And that was it. It was very cinematic, if that’s a word. It felt like something out of a movie.

Ok, here’s a really weird nightmare I had last night. Well, I don’t really know if you can call it a nightmare if you compare it to some of the other ones in this thread, but it was scary to me, and… anyway, here it is:

I’m lying in my bed when what I believe is a cougar or some animal related to cougars enters my room. The thing is, this cougar can talk, and here is the weird part: He has brought some kind of bottle with wasps in it with him. This bottle has no lock, and I ask the cougar if these wasps are dangerous. He answers that yes, they can kill you, but that the wasps believe they are locked in and won’t try to get out. I think I ask him why he wants to take such a risk, and he says he likes the thrill of danger. I try to get out, but the cougar is holding me back. After some time, I manage to get out of the room.

I suffer from anxiety. I stress a lot at my job and take these stresses home with me.

A very common nightmare for me is what I call a repetitive task nightmare. Basically all night I am doing the same thing over and over again and cannot seem to catch up or to perform satisfactorily. This nightmare parallels the activities at whatever job I am doing at that time (currently fast food). I don’t know how to define the other elements of these dreams, but they seem to cross over into the waking world and often I am not c asleep when these images plague me (but I am in bed, trying to sleep).

Weirdly enough, I never have real nightmares anymore since I was like… 10? I do see some weird shit in my dreams, but they never scare me, maybe becouse I see it more as a movie.

Recently i had a normal-weird dream, then all of a sudden I was somewhere else, there was some-one with me, don’t know who. There was this man that showed some kind of bloody wound that was coverd with some brown bandage. Then there was this old woman lie-ing in a bed, doing make-up on her eyes, really wanting to be pretty. She had long black eyelaches and black hair. Then see opened her eyes (I saw a close up like the movies) and they were full of yellow-white stuff, you couldn’t see her pupils or something. See said like: Oh my eyes.

Like in a ‘scary’ movie. Gore in movies never really frightens me so I didn’t find this scary. Kind of weird that’s all :content: Then I woke up.

I allso dreamt that I was in a big some sort of studeo with lots of (i think old and american) people. On a screem I saw a bull-arena (i was Sure it was a bull arena, I named my dream toro toro torture,lol sick. I may even have tought up While dreeming…becouse there wern’t any bulls around) Anyhow in the arena there was some sort of aztec fellow, i seem to see aztecs more in my dreams, he was on his knees. Some king-aztec said something to him. Smileing and challenging the other dude. The dude attacked the king-aztec dude with some really long wooden weapon thingy, it had no effect becouse the king-dude riped open the poor chap with something smal, a black knife with claws or something. Saw some blood splash the floor while the camera moved away. The people in de studeo were like “oehhh! ahhh!” lol

Not scary tough :content:

I just had this nightmare a few nights ago, so here it is:

It must’ve me and several other people: one guy teenager and one girl teenager, a little girl and her mom and dad, and some others–I’m not sure, but I know we were taking refuge in this two-story house set directly in front of a forest–literally just a few yards away. I know we had every light in the house on and zombies (like the ones from the Dawn of the Dead remake and 28 Days Later) were trying to break inside. It was dark out and the only light that could be seen outside was coming from the inside of the house and the porchlights. Anyway, I somehow ended up outside at the edge of the forest, but I was hidden between a fence overgrown with shrubs and a thick bush and oak tree. I could hear the zombies running up to the house and poundng on the windows and doors and see them running up to the porch–I counted about a dozen or more. I knew if I stayed where I was they’d eventually get me, but I was about ten yards away (which is far) from the front door of the house. I just jumped up and made a run for the door when I thought all was clear. I made a leap to the front porch, but stopped mid jump when I saw three or four zombies clawing the door and one turned around screaming in my face ready to grab me. I remember becoming semi-lucid and thinking this is just a dream (everytime I do that I just wake up), and I teleported (like Nightcrawler from X-Men) and woke up, but I was back in that little niche ten yards away from the house, but this time the little girl and her dad were with me, but one of them had been bitten or something and they were turning into one of them slowly, so I made another run and climbed a tree because logically a zombie can’t climb trees, but one started climbing after me really fast. He was screaming something like, “I’M YOUR SON!” and some guy in the house window was trying to get him away from me by telling him, “Come here son…” I just remember climbing as far and as fast as I could and thinking, “I can only go so far up this tree before he gets me…” Then I saw the top of the house roof several feet away–a good jump away from my reach–then I woke up…

It was a mixture of exhileration and fear…:eek:

This was what I would say was a weird, disturbing dream but not the type of nightmare that generally wakes me in a panic. And it’s weird because I had this dream the night before I found my dad dead IRL, not knowing he was already lying dead on his kitchen floor so when I thought about it later after the funeral, it kind of gave me a Keanu Reeves “whoa” type of moment that I had such a strange dream after my dad had just died but before I knew about his death:

I was in a room with other people (RL people) and some chunky gray stuff kept appearing in my mouth…I kept spitting it out but my mouth would just fill right back up and I would have to keep spitting it out. It wasn’t like I was throwing up from my stomach, it just kept materializing directly in my mouth…my mouth was just FULL of this chunky gray stuff, soooooo gross! (It kind of reminded me of the scene in The Sixth Sense where the dead girl’s ghost has Pine Sol puke dribbling from her mouth but in the dream there was more.)

My estranged sister and brother-in-law were in the room and I was annoyed and just wanted them to go away so my boyfriend, T, could take care of me. At some point someone (T?) said “is that blood?” like there was blood in the pseudo-barf but I didn’t see it.

Before I awoke I begged to noone and everyone to please make it stop (I’m thinking as I’m typing this, how did I speak with all that chunky stuff in my mouth, but that’s a dream for you) and why was it happening and then almost as if it happened because I subconsciously triggered it (if you think about it in a dream, it happens, so say the dream experts), I started gagging like I was going to throw up but I didn’t actually throw up.

And very nearly after that happened I awoke, as if that waking up was the answer to my begging “make it stop”.

Analysis: I doubt I psychically knew my dad was dead in my dream even though it’s an interesting coincidence, so I’m guessing the reason I had this gross dream was maybe because it symbolized my daily feelings of helplessness and lack of control due to the many stresses in my life.

I have others to share that involve waking up in a panic (true “nightmares”), but I’ll share some of them another time.

While we’re in this nightmare topic, does anyone else notice that most of your nightmares are in your very first sleep cycle? Most of my nightmares seem to be within 30 minutes to an hour after falling asleep. The one I posted here was after about 30 minutes so no wonder it was so weird because early dreams usually are.

o wow Hallstrom :eek: … I don’t think I’d ever be able to live with myself if I had that dream your sister had…

My one-time nightmare started in this random white, small-ish room and I’m with a childhood friend of mine and she wants to watch tv, but I have a better idea–let’s go to my vacation room! So I led her to the end of the room which folds open into a longer white room. A tropical potted tree stands next to a comfy grass-weave sofa and a big painting of the stuff they put on Hawaii postcards. We sit in the sofa and watch the painting come to life: waves crash into the shore, music plays while seagulls fly. Then I pull us off the couch and toward the painting. This time though a psychedelic dark purple, red, yellow substance folds in and I can feel something is wrong. I look to my friend and she smiles at me in a “I trust you” way. The swirly dark scene takes over and I find myself far awat from my friend. I zoom forward closer and closer and I see that she’s become a dark figure crucified almost by cockcroaches, ants, spiders, and beetles crawling all over and eating her. I reach out to help her but I’m pulled down onto my knees by an invisible force. I screech and cry, but I can’t do anything as my friend is taken over by the force. I cry myself awake.

Oh god, I hated this dream. Never went back to my vacation room again…

dont you just hate it when … you have got no one to tell your nightmares to?

This is what happened:

i fell asleep on the single seater earlier, so i ended up going to bed a little later than i wanted to, about 2 o’clock AM.

i was all looking forward to my bed, so i climbed in set my alarm, and wrapped myself up in the quilt coz its quite chilly last night.

i used to live with my dad. And although he’s gettin on, we really - got on. We had a little cosy cottage, a living room each, an oldie worldy style kitchen and a massive garden. We were more friends than anything, i miss them days.

We also had two dogs, Tuskan; an unbelievably intelligent German shephard who my dad has with him now and we also had Adam, an unbelievably beautiful loving golden retriever. Despite what they say about golden retrievers adam wasnt the brightest spark in the pack, he would chase his tail for hours and get so excited everytime he saw me, that he literally cried and flustered about; the maddest dog alive. But i love them both and miss them very much.

So in my dream, i woke up on the couch in my living room in the cottage. I felt uneasy as I must have known I had fallen asleep with front door open and my dad was out.I feel slightly better when i realise my two dogs where asleep on the floor, loving me, being my best friends and protecting me! But there was also this third dog, an oddly ginger coloured pitbull, it wasnt asleep but it was laying calmly, head held proud just blatantly staring at me.

I dont know if you knew this, but animals can not play the “staring” game, no matter what animal, you will always be able to look it in the eye’s longer than it can you! This is something that fascinated me as a kid so i always experimented to see if i could prove it wrong, but i never could. Think about this for a minute lol, the irony is a little cryptic.

I stare at this pitbull, it stares back. I just lay there calmly (in appearance) and staring at this pitbull. As each moment passes i feel a greater sense of unease. The unease turns into fear as this realisation slowly sinks in; I am not going to beat this dog at this game!

The pitbull senses the fear and stands to all fours in a swift controlled movement. I look away!

The pitbull let out a sharp profound bark at the satisfaction of his victory. I look back at it and I felt unease, scared, out of control and mocked. The pitbull’s bark woke up Tuskan and Adam. They stand to attention and look at me, they see what im feeling and want to protect me. They both growl and bark at the intruder.

I felt relief, i thought that this dog would now be scared and leave. But instead he stands there silent, strong and proud. If dogs could smirk - im sure this pitbull would have been right now!

At this point i realised, and i even remember thinking to myself "This is one messed up dream.
I take complete control of the dream and decide im not going to be terrorised in my home in front of my own two friends. I stand up and slowly walk straight over to the dog, although filled with fear I was determined to get this dog out of my dream once and for all. I grabbed it by the collar, not thinking it could bite me! I began dragging it out of my living room, through the kitchen, through the hallway to the front door and into my garden, all the time with growling and snarling at my face. It resisted and although very strong, after a few minutes of struggling; I succeeded. From the garden i walked over to the gate and pushed this pitbull outside my garden closing the gate behind it.

I turned to walk back through my garden and into my house. As i turned I see both Tuskan and Adam, standing there right behind me looking relieved yet impressed. I felt satisfaction, truly chuffed that i could be so strong to protect myself and my two friends.

In an instant their proud and relieved looks turned to panic and fear, I slowly turn to look back towards the gate hoping to see it sat outside my garden. It wasnt, it was midflight in the air, half way over the gate lunging fearlessly at my face. I seen a quick glimpse of the teeth and then everything went black! :peek:

Complete nothingness, not even thoughts, just fear. After a few moments in this darkness i realise, I have woken up.

I turned on my bedside lamp, i lied there in absolute shock and then i burst into tears.

Your probably wondering why I have just told you all of this.

And all though you havent done anything, havent even read this yet, i feel much better for typing it out and trying to understand it.

I thought about it all day at work and then all evening, but then my friend jeeves told me about ld4all.

I read the whole site, then found myself reading in the forums.

Ive learned alot about lucid dreaming these past few evenings and im enthralled.

Im going to get a dream diary, but in the meanwhile let me share some of my thoughts. And i apologise that some of them are very deep and maybe a little cryptic.

Point #1
I became lucid in my dream because i realised “this is a dream”. In my case the reality check was the inability to “stare out a dog”. The whole concept of not being able to stare out an animal is ridiculous, nonsense i was filled with as a kid by my gran. So how can something i know is nonsense allow me to realise that im dreaming?

Point #2
If most people can not stay in the dreamworld if they dont remain calm when becoming lucid, then how did i reamin lucid even when petrified? Is there such a thing as a lucid nightmare?

Point #3
In this dream my senses were very abstract, i was able to sense what all the dogs were feeling. Both their and my feelings were amplified, the fear was horrific, the success was unbelievably sweet, the anger was viking’ like. Does this happen each time you become lucid?

Point #4
This dream makes me think about, how much i miss the dogs, everything i would do to have them back and the fact that its impossible. Failing to protect us from the third dog maybe represents that?

Point #5
Thanks LD4All, class website, info, people, stories, forum, i love it all! :tongue:

Im gonna become a regular here, nice to meet you all. Cant wait for your thoughts.

If you got this far. Thanks for reading :wink:

Ps. I know its a bit of an essay for a first post. I promise I will go over to the big “hi im…” thread and introduce myself! :smile: [/list]