Snape's Dream Journal - Harry Potter Series

Lol!! I like that, “Scram!!..please?”
I haven’t had any Harry Potter dreams lately, though I plan to reread the entire series soon so I imagine that they’ll return to me them. I’ll be sure to post any further HP dreams here.

[size=75][color=darkred]Sleep: 22:00
Wakeup: 07:15

Supplements: -
Meditation: Guru Yoga[/color][/size]

2nd December
Greek Cafe
I walk up to the ordering counter in the busy cafe, and wait to be served. A Greek guy looks in my direction.
“Are you being served?” He asks me.
“No, not yet” I reply.
“Did you take a steroid bath or something?” He asks, looking me up and down.
“um… no. It’s a lot of hard work though.” I respond.
“You been out fighting dementors or what?”
I hesitated at this, not entirely sure how to respond.
“Ah… yeah. Those damn dementors.”
“Ok. So what would you like to order?”
“I’ll have an iced coffee”
“That one not good enough for you?”
I look down in surprise to find a glass of brown liquid already resting in my hand. “Um, that’s not a good one, if I could have a home made iced coffee it would be even better.”
“Comin’ up.” He walked off and made my iced coffee, came back a minute later. I took my iced coffee and went find a table. I realised quite suddenly that there were no tables available, as the cafe was quite busy and packed.

I never cease to be amazed at how you can remember the dialogue from your dreams so clearly, Snape! Well, now that Goblet of Fire is in the cinemas, do you think you’ll be having more Harry Potter dreams, then?

Ah you lucky lucky Harry Potter-dreamer! I love Harry Potter and unfortunately have almost no dreams about the books or the movies or anything. One of the thing that keeps me trying and trying with all these LD attempts is the idea that one day I’ll realize I’m dreaming and be able to visit the Harry Potter world at will.

Dream on. // Olesia

Hehehe, awsome dream, dude! :thumbs:

I’ve only been recording my dreams with dialogue for a short while now, but it actually feels more natural than writing in narrative like I used to. I began to realise at one point that the dialogue was there, but that I just wasn’t remembering it.

Absolutely! Actually I plan to see it tonight, and am very excited. I pulled out the first Harry Potter book last night and will be reading it during my lunch break today. I’m sure that many more Harry Potter dreams will follow in the next week or two! :wizard: (or at least I hope so! :content: )

Yeah I’d love to have a lucid dream about HP world, but so far all of my Harry Potter dreams have been regular. Be sure to post if you have any success Olesia!

Haha, I think that when I do have success, I will probably run around, screaming it out loud for the whole world to hear lol. In my best LD so far, I only hovered around my apartment, being invisible, and blew air on my dad… and THAT made me so happy lol. Then I tried conjuring Snape (no, not you, the character :razz:) out of thin air, but it didn’t work at all. >< Gotta try harder…
Ah I want to have duels and play quidditch and lots of other things as well… :cool_laugh: gets all excited It’ll be my best dream ever! ^

Dream on. // Olesia

I love Snape, he’s my favourite character. He’s got a funny, quirky side (just the way he moves makes me laugh) and they really showed this side more in Goblet of Fire. BTW the movie was excellent! I got tingles down my spine in some parts :touched:

Lol I love Snape too, although I think in a slightly different way than you love him… :love: lol. If you knew swedish, I’d show you my swedish Snape-website… lol.
Oh and I think that what Snape did at the end of “The Half-Blood Prince” (making sure I don’t put any spoilers here for people who still haven’t read the latest book) is all part of a bigger plan by the “good” side. I believe he was meant to do it, because he’s just too powerful… I believe he’s going to be one of the key people in defeating Voldemort (assuming they ARE going to defeat Voldemort, that is), just because of everything he can do! Potions Master, inventing his own spells while still in school, duelling, Occlumency, plus he seems to be quite the expert when it comes to Defence Against the Dark Arts. He’s just perfect in every way… lol. :slight_smile:

And yeah, The Goblet of Fire movie is the best one yet. The Prizoner of Azkaban movie was such a dissapointment that I was almost scared of seeing the 4th one, but it turned out really really good! :grin:

Dream on. // Olesia

[color=blue]11th December
Hogwarts Express
Standing on the train platform, feeling confused and lost, I looked around me in hopes that I would see somebody familiar. Nobody. I couldn’t figure out how the trains worked around here, why was there only a single rail?
“Can you tell me when the next train arrives?” I asked a bystander.
“Not long now” He responded.
A little girl ran past me with two of her friends, headed towards a dusty hill with sprouts of grass growing over it. I followed her, feeling that she had a friendly and somehow familiar presense about her.
I arrived at the hill to see the little girl scrambling up the side, just as I heard the toot of a train not far up the tracks.
“Help me up will you?” I asked her.
The train came closer, and there I was still lying partway across the track and trying to scramble up a dusty, grass hill. I felt panick. The train was coming closer. I scrambled, grabbed tufts of grass. Why did it feel as though I could barely move? Why did I feel paralysed from the waist down? I pulled as hard as I could, moving inch by inch up the hillside.

The train whooshed past, slowing suddenly as it reached the platform.
I watched the train, and realisation dawned on me.
“That train, I know that train… it’s the Hogwarts Express!”
“Well of course it is” said the little girl
“What did you expect?” said her friend “we are first year wizards and witches after all”.
“How do I catch that train? How do I board? Can you help me?”
“Just climb aboard, silly” she replied, and beamed at me with her innocent smile.[/color]

26th December
Infinite Magic
I sat in the Hogwarts class, listening to the teacher (Mr Bull) lecturing on the techniques of detailed and infinite magic. I hated Infinite Magic, it was so boring - and I was quite bad at it. If only it were more exciting.
I decided to cause some trouble, and threw a piece of stationery at a nearby table. By the time they turned around to see who had thrown it, I had covered my expression of myschief with perfect innocence, unfortunately the teacher was not so easily convinced.
“You! Come here, now!” Mr Bull yelled at me.
I walked to the front of the class, with my head hung low.
“I’m sorry” I said apologetically "I just get so bored in this class. Maybe if we did something practical I might not be so disruptive. Maybe if we did some actual magic? "
Mr Bull looked at me menacingly, though his expression slowly turned to sympathetic understanding.

27th December
Snape’s Desert Draught
Standing in the Leaky Couldron, I noticed Snape making a speach to the patrons. He performed some magic, followed by applause from the hotel patrons. He looked at me with a cynical, loathing look, and ordered a beverage from the bar. I listened as he ordered something called a Desert Draught, and became immediately interested.
“Excuse me” I said to the bartender.
“I would like to order one of those Desert Draughts please”
“Sorry son, I can’t let yer have one o’ those. You had too much regular alcohol, why… one of these little blighters would suck the moisture right out o’ your body!”
“Yer need to drink lots o’ water first. Then maybe yer can have one.”

2nd January
Whomping Willow
The aeroplane twisted in tight circles, climbing higher and higher, as our teacher - the pilot - flew the plane in circlets around the enormous ship.
“See students, hopefully this will give you a good view of the freighter”
The ship was enormous, certainly larger than any of us had imagined a ship would be built.
The aeroplane continued onwards after this spectacle, preparing for a landing in a deserted region of scrub a couple dozen kilometres away.
We touched down, not far from a large willow tree swaying around in the breeze.
“Oh no” I said aloud, to myself. “That can’t be… a whomping willow?”
As our aeroplane neared the willow, we began to gain more speed, as the pilot had apparently recognised the willow and changed direction. We were taking off.
“Thank god for that” Ron squeaked at me. “You know what would have happened if we got too close to that thing?”
“This thing sure is uncomfortable” He continued.
“Remind me” I said “Why are we sitting on top of the aeroplane, instead of in it?!”
“I have just the thing” He said, not seeming to take much notice of my question. Ron pulled out his wand and cast a cushioning charm on the roof on which we sat, making it a lot more comfortable.
“There we go” He said “Now we just need a spell to stop us from falling off when this thing leaves the ground”

You’d think with my partial success with incubating Harry Potter dreams, that I could incubate a stable dream sign to make me lucid.
Bah humbug!

:lol: shouldn’t harry potter dreams be a stable dream sign :wink:

Yah that’s true Moogle :bored:
I don’t have much luck recognising dreamsigns anyway, I guess this technique is best suited for other dreamers.

Got another one for yeh (really churning them out, hey?), only a short fragment though:

4th January
Nimbus 2000
I’m arguing or talking with someone about my Nimbus 2000. Someone is paying me out about how old it is, but I’m defending it. It may be broken, or just old, I can’t remember which.

5th January
Marauders Map
“Look” I said to Ben excitedly “There’s my cat, there’s Happy!” I pointed to the area on the map where a small outline of a kitten was moving around, playing first in the doorway then scooting off towards the bed.
“But that’s not actually where she is, is it?” Ben said perplexed.
“Of course! Watch”
I waited patiently as Happy moved around on the map, until eventually she crawled underneath the bed and appeared to be sitting in the corner.
I walked over to my bed, reached under, and pulled her out. I held her in my arms as she purred loudly.
“It really is a magical map” Ben said with amazement.
“Yup” I replied. I tapped the map “Mischief managed”

[color=blue]7th January
I held onto my broom as I soared through the sky, sweeping tall pine trees and meadows. I felt prowd that I call fly in such a professional manner, through the streets of my old home town.

I sank in the swamp, holding my broom in one hand. I couldn’t remember the feeling of flight, the elation, necessary to get me out of the situation. This was a test, I was sure.

House in the Clowds
I was forced to eat broken glass. My mouth cut, bleeding, I spat out as much of the glass as I could. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were punishing me.
I could still feel shards of glass stuck to the inside of my mouth, but this wasn’t important. What was important was that I saved my cat, that I rescued her before the Duresley’s found her lurking about and decided to punish her as well.

The house in the clowds was infested, scary. Not as beautiful as one would think a house in the clowds should be. This was the Vernon’s vacation house, infested with lots of small lizards and frogs. I tried walking to the outer perimeter, squashing frogs, lizards and skinks in the process. I felt very disgusted by this.
A little girl teased me, the Dursley’s daughter. I became angry with her, and pushed her over the edge. She fell through the clowds, making a ripple as though she had fallen into the ocean. I became entranced by the clowds, they looked special, almost magical. They lapped at the perimeter of this little island house like waves on a beach, though with an eerie blue glow.
I noticed the zombies, walking around brainlessly. There were two groups, the yellowish zombines and the redish zombines. The redish zombies turned violent, and begin eating the yellowish zombines, saying things like “curry puffs” and “curry”. (It strikes me that these are things which are predominantly ‘yellowish’ in colour), the redish zombines seemed to have mistaken the yellowish zombines for food.[/color]

Sleep: 22:30
Wakeup: 10:30

12th March
Mantis Ferkavra
I sat staring at Professor Snape as he taught the class in his newly acquired position of Defense Against the Dark Arts. The day’s lesson was on the curse used to kill insects, the equivalent to the Avada Kedavra.
The class ended, and everyone got up to leave. I practiced the curse on some insects which had covered the back of a fellow student, and attempted to remove them with the curse as he left the room. I was unsuccessfull.
“Perhaps” Said Snape, in his slithery voice. “You should allow your friend Miss Granger to perform this one for you. She seems… much more competent”
Though this insult came as no surprise, I was interested to see that Snape seemed preoccupied. Usually when he insulted me, he would glare menacingly, though this time it seemed more of a passing comment. He hardly even glanced at me. In fact, for Snape, this seemed downright friendly.
I got up and left with the last of my classmates, and, as we filed out of the classroom, I attempted the curse on a fly which buzzed around me. The fly dropped to the floor each time I performed the curse, but then promptly flew up into the air again.
“You’re not doing it right” Said Hermione. “You’re not pronouncing the spell right. It’s ‘Mantis Ferkavra’” She said, as she pointed her wand at the fly “Not Mantisfikra.” And with that, the fly dropped dead.

Across the street, I saw an orange tree, and thought this would be a perfect opportunity to practice my summoning charm.
“Accio orange”. The orange fell from the tree and flew downwards to my feet. This was fun! I decided to try another one.
“Accio orange”. Another orange flew down towards my feet.
“Are you coming or not?” Hermione said, with a slightly bemused look on her face.
We walked up the street, and, at some point, I picked up a crab. The crabs claw pinched me, and tryed to pry it from my thumb. I swung it around, until it finally let go and went flying. I fell over backwards, and the end of my wand cracked as I landed on top of it.
“It’s ok” I said to Hermione “I’ve got another one right here” and I pulled out my replacement wand.

The reason I had two wands follows :wink: