(Check Daily) Chilla's new techniques, tips and thoughts!!

Neat. I wonder why they would stop. Then again, I wonder why you get them in the first place.

Chilla Tip #3:

When it comes to telekinesis, if you are a beginner, you might want to focus on just one small portion of you object, say a tiny corner, so as to drag the object rather than manipulate the entire object.

Chilla’s thought #1:

Okay, I believe telekinesis is possible, I mean, I’ve done it once before myself. But in order to make a really convincing movie showing someone using telekinesis, you’d have to follow these criteria:

  1. The object, must be wood or paper or something definately not magnetic.
  2. The table on which the telekinesis is done must be a glass one so people can see the legs and on the person and everything else going on underneath the table. Also, the table should be a very small one so the whole thing can be seen, including both legs.
  3. While the telekinesis is being done, say, halfway through the movie, someone must cover the object being moved (half way through so any preassembled rigs would be out of the question.
  4. Both hands must remain see along with all finger throughout the entire movie.
  5. the finger must always be atleast three inches away from the object.
  6. The object must perform multiple manuvers (I.E. move frontwards and back, side to side, spin, ETC.)
  7. Lastly, the clip must be recorded with a high quality camera, Web Cam…

Like I said, I know telekinesis is real, but for skeptical people, the above should be followed before making a movie. I think I’ve pretty much covered everything.

Could you give us some tips for learning telekinesis? It sounds interesting.

Eh, that’s not my department. Do some research. Wingmakers has some stuff…


One cup of soda before bed, if attempting WILD directly when going to sleep, will help keep mental alertness but won’t keep your body awake.

The soda has helped me alot. Lets me clear my mind without worrying about falling asleep. That way my body falls asleep faster. Oh and thanks for the link Chilla.

Damn! It’s a shame I don’t like soda…

What has making a video clip of Telekinesis IRL to do with telekinesis in an LD?

I never said it was dream telekinesis…

You don’t like soda?! O.o
Well, I guess it’s a good thing. I’ve gotten insomnia the last few night cause I drank too much hehe…

Tip: Tips provide good information on general topics. They are never too specific nor never to broad. Be careful of the tips you take for the tips could be tricks in deception… excluding this one of course! :tongue:

Lucid Dream Variation:

PWILDing (Passage or Poem WILDing)

I’ve had some problems with meditating and WILD attempts lately, and it’s always been because the counting was too easy for my head, I.E. I didn’t have to think or concentrate hard enough to carry it out, so I would eventually e thinking about the random pre sleep thoughts while still counting. The counting is still there, be it’s too overshadowed by the thoughts to be of any use. So, I thought, why not recite something in your head that could serve as a mantra, but was much longer than the single numbers. Something like a poem, or a passage.

I personally recommend this passage: clicknotes.com/romeo/T11.html

Not the whole thing, just the prince from 1.1.81 — 1.1.103

It’s starts with: Reellious subjects, enemies to peace.

I also rcommed Fire and Ice by Robert Frost.

Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

/EDIT/ I made this a technique variation because I tried it a few nights ago and I stayed focused much longer than usual.

I came up with this idea for WBTB. When people try WILDing they
try to focus on breathing or counting or just staying consciouss or something else. But I accidently figured out another way to focus not drifting unconscious.

When you are WILDing in after WBTB do some MILD mantras and cross your pointer and index fingers. You can feel your fingers crossed but you are not moving or anything. Just focus on the sensation what your crossed fingers make and that way you should keep your concious easier. I haven’t tested this yet coz last night I was so damn sleep ( too much sleep deprivation) but tonight I’ll try this again.

This is similiar to suneye but with this you don’t have to strain your eyes just focus on the 2 fingers and the feeling you get from them being crossed. And with crossing them I mean putting your index finger on top of pointer finger. And like the head of index finger will be on the middle of pointer finger so you get the feeling.

You know, the index and pointer finger are the same finger…If you mean the index and middle finger though, then I can see what you mean. Your hand is still flopped and relaxed, but the sensation of the crossed fingers is much stronger and easier to focus on than just a flopped hand with spread fingers.

That’s a very good Idea, thank you. Do you have a name for he variation?

Chilla Tip #4:

Let’s say you use Chilla Tip #2, and go with different techniques for two-three week cycles. I’d think it’s a good idea to give yourself a week long break between techniques.

(each WILD represents a day. DER)

And when I say nothing, I mean nothing. Don’t give LDing one single thought. Just continue to use your Dream Journal.

Bogus site if you ask me, I only looked up their Aura stuff to know what kind of info they give: Look at the person, for half a minute, against a bright background.

The “Aura” you’ll see is just a slightly smeared version of the image being “burnt” in your eyes. I don’t imply here that TK and such are impossible, but I wouldn’t use a site like this for research.


Actually, you should try it yourself a few times, you’ll see that the color you see that’s around the person will be different when the person is happy rather than sad or in pain.

:eh: :confused: :eh:

Do I need to say any more?

Merkaba, otherwise know as either the:

A. Conscious Body/Physical Body
B. Subconscious Body/Dream body
C. Superconscious Body/ Astral Body.

Or at least that’s what I use the term as…It may just be the astral body…

I don’t have any problem with that, I only included the first sentence so that the quote isn’t entirely out of context.
However, when someone talks about going into another dimension, it is just techbabble IMO.
To clarify again, I don’t criticise any beliefs here, only the credibility of the site you pointed out. Also, this is just my 2c, and I have no way to proof my point of view, so I’ll stop this offtopic posting now. :wink:

However, when someone talks about going into another dimension, it is just techbabble IMO.

I prefer travellng to a different ‘plane’ or ‘verse’ myself.

Anyway, just what in that quote is reason to question the site’s credibility?