What Time Do You Sleep And Wake Up?

I usually go to sleep around 11.00 pm on normal days, and I wake up at 7.00 am or 50 minutes later, when I don’t have a first hour, which is at the moment Tuesday and Wednesday.

In the weekends it can be totally different. Depends on how tired I am and what I’m doing :smile: Yesterday I went to bed very early because I was very tired. And sometimes I’m going to bed at 4.00am. I stabd up when I don’t feel like laying in my bed anymore.

During weekdays, I usually wake up at 5:00 am. My sleep varies from 00:00 to never at all. During weekends however, I can concentrate better on sleeping since tehre’s no school so I sleep at anytime I want for 12 hours.

Weekdays – 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. (earlier on Fridays because nothing good is on T.V.)

Weekends – 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.

Actually, this isn’t a good and accurate schedule–I don’t really follow one, I just let the day come as it goes–so, I could wake up or go to bed at anytime.

hey guys, I am 15 years old and go to bed at about 11:30pm and wake up at 8:00am everyday. Throughout the day I am always tired and grogggy minded because of my lack of sleep.

When i go to bed at 11:30 i actually go to sleep at like 1:00am becuase it takes very long for me to drift off into sleep. If I try going to bed earlier - say 9:30pm, I usually end up drifting off at 2:00am. The earlier i go to bed the later i go to sleep.

I have tried relaxaction techniques, freeing my mind and everything. I do not have any stress related problems and do not take any medication and rarely have caffiene.
I really want to go to bed at about 8:30pm and wake up at 7:00am - how is this possible??

6-7 hours of sleep? That’d be like Heaven for me. :cloud9:

Well, how stressed is your day? More work = more sleep needed.

Your cicle is a bit weird… Have you tried sleeping LESS than you currently do? Try from 10pm to 6am…

You get to wake up at 8:00!!!

I wish I could do that…

Normally I have to get up at 6:30 at the latest.

10 o clokc bed time

I’m in bed by ten p.m., and awake by 6 a.m.

In any case, ten hours of sleep is just a tab bit much. You only need about seven hours, and an extra hour will top everything off. But ten hours? Damn.

When ever i go to bed early i get to sleep later like say if im in bed at 9:00pm I will actually get to sleep at like 12:00pm. Is this insomnia?

it’s called the human body clock.

ever noticd you can put something in the microwave for 2 minutes, walk away and come back (with no reference for time) and the microwave beeps just as you get to it?

it takes a while to change your body rhythms. just keep at it. there is a lot of truth in ‘fake it till you make it’. Just keep going to bed at the time you want to, and get up at the time you want to. Even if it makes you tired/sleeped out for a few days, after a while it’ll sink in quickly.

i sleep for 7h when im good, usually ~6

thanks for the help noodle.
and thanks for creating me hahahahahahahahah :happy:

Apparently during puberty it is best to get around 10 hours sleep. Stange thing about me is
8 hours = smashed all day
5 hours = high in the late afternoon but otherwise just fine
Dunno why, it’s really annoying.

I sleep about 8-9 hours and 6 to 12 hours the week-end.

college days= in bed @ 1am out the door @ 7:40 sharp.
everything in between= in bed @ 2-3am, wake up @ 12:30 pm
yep, sleep is good.

Damn thats gotta be hard…id be sleeping as i got out of the door…im 10pm - 7:30 on school days and weekends bout 12ish 1ish too 12ish …

hey all

I go to bed at 10.30 and wake up at 7.10


i go to bed at 10pm i lay there bout 2 hours soo"(bout 12 i fall) then i wake up round 9am (almost everyday)

i work night shifts so i go to sleep at around 4-5am and wake up at 12-2pm

this gives me PLENTY of time to dream as much as i want, and to think about them as soon as i wake up, so i usually remember all of my dreams in that night