How did you get here?

I found ld4all by searching: Lucid dreaming, on yahoo. :content:

Found it via Stumble Upon for Firefox. Would that be search engine, or friend? :confused: It was recomended by someone, and I got it as a random site.

Someone put a link to wikipedia on Lucid dreaming and said “Lucid dreams, spread the word.”
I followed the link and and became vey interested and found this site mentioned at the bottom of the page.

Well, I was at DreamViews and I saw this website name come up over and over again, so I was like, let me check this out. lol. I liked the front page so I bookmarked it. Then, the next day I joined. :tongue:

Because of a search on Lucid Dream on Google.

Hmm… 8% were told to come here by aliens. I knew abductions were real . The bastards - switching our ovaries for cream pie and then making us come here :cool_laugh: (insert insane laughter here). I googled lucid dreaming after reading a Carlos Castaneda book where he tries to find his hands in his dreams. Glad I found it too. This sight is great.

I found a link on the Dream Views forum. I lurked for a while and then decided to join after very much enjoying what I had read. I took forever to decide on a username, but finally settled on ‘Art Vandelay’ named after the alter ego of Seinfeld’s George Costanza :smile:

Wyvern brought me here!! =D Hehe, she told me about lucid dreams and this place for a while, but I didnt actually remember to get around to signing up untill she wrote it down for me XD hehe. forums, think there was a few different links in a lucid dreaming \dreams topic

Well, ermmm I think I came here from a link, from a link, from a link… well I think you get the picture, I can no longer remember where that link was, I think it started with a site about pen spinning, that linked to a site about becoming ambidextrous and so on, I can no longer find the actual link that got me here. :shy:

someone posted a thread on another forum i frequent regarding lucid dreams. part of the thread was a link to this wikibook. i followed the links in there to here.

I found a bunch of links on the Lucid Dreaming wikibook to this site.

i googled “lucid dreams” and ld4all was the one i looked at after

From the Wikipedia. Guess that counts as a link to another site.

Same here.

Just browsing google for sites that could better inform me on the subject of lucid dreaming. =]

I can’t remember exactly but I’m quite sure I stumbled across ld4all using google.

I came across the lucid dreaming Wikibook, and I saw a link to LD4all in it. So, that’s how I got here. :smile:

i got linked to the site through the vaults of erowid (which is a sweet site). i was looking through meditation, drumming, and came across dreaming, which led me to a link here

'Tis a long and tragic story, involving heartache and death to a few loved ones.

Not really, but I thought that would be an interesting opener.

Originally, I read a random article about “dreaming whatever you want to dream about”. I saw the term “lucid dream” tossed about a few times in these articles. I never thought to google it…

A year or so later, I thought about these dreams again, and decided to pursue them. I’d recently learned about wikipedia, so I wiki’d it. I saw links at the bottom (including ld4all), but decided that I could manage by using just the article. After a few nights of failing, I grew frustrated and gave up.

A few months later, I came back to the article and decided to check all the links (starting with this one).

And that, my friends, is the tale of how I got here. Elapsed time - ~1.5 years