Final Fantasy

The stories are, but not the visuals. Finally now we can see the full extent of what they wanted to show us back then! I still play 4 all the time. But I love all the new ones all the time. 7 8 9 10 11, and I can’t wait till 12 cuz I played the demo, and I can’t wait till 13 because I watched the demo! XD FF 13 is on the ps3.

I can’t believe it took me this long to find this thread!

well the story and gameplay are much more important than appearance…
you could have great images and artwork and ingame movies (personally I find a lot of the ingame movies irritating as it stops the action … plus if you see it during or just before a big fight you could end up having to see the same thing hear the same dialogue too many times) but without good gameplay it would be boring.

FFVI’s graphics makes me want to eradicate my eyes with a fork and eat them, but the gameplay makes up for it. FFI’s one (the original version) is even worse.
Anyway, speaking of preferences…my list:

  • FFX
  • FFT
  • FFIX
  • FFV
  • FFVI
  • FFX-2
  • FFIV
  • FFI
  • FFII

I don’t think I’ve forgotten any of those I have…

The one with Terra and the espers. I might get a cheap playstation one day, but I cant see it happening anytime soon. I need to save my money for college next year. :content:

I’ve played almost every one. Not all to completion, though.
Here is my list:

  • Final Fantasy
  • Final Fantasy 2 (j)
  • Final Fantasy 3 (j)
  • Final Fantasy 4
  • Final Fantasy 5
  • Final Fantasy 6
  • Final Fantasy 7
  • Final Fantasy 8
  • Final Fantasy 9
  • Final Fantasy 10
  • Final Fantasy 10-2
  • Final Fantasy 11
  • Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I haven’t played Crystal Chronicles or Final Fantasy 12 (is it out yet?), but I believe I’ve played all of the rest of them. In case it isn’t already obvious because of my avatar, 6 is my favorite.

FF12 aint out yet and I don’t plain on buying it right when it comes out… Also has anyone seen the preview for FF13??? AMAZING!!!

FF13 does look amazing. It looks like nothing is pre-rendered. Did you see that red shiny thing in the background? :woah:

It was going so fast! I just remeber her kick ass gunblade!

It was completely different from the one in FF8- instead of being a gun AND a blade, it was a gun OR a blade!

Wow, it seems as if we have some real final fantasy addicts here, don’t we? All of you make me want to try out some of the older games, which I doubt will ever happen in the first place. :neutral: I’ve only played FFX-2, (and am currently playing that :content:)but I’ve really enjoyed that game. As of now, I’m currenly on my quest to get 100%; a difficult task, but one which I can manage now that I’ve found a good guide. :wink:

You two make me want to see that. :roll: /me wonders what the red thing in the background is.

I’ve played bits and pieces of the first one. I own FF X, but haven’t yet beaten it. Good games, for sure.

Now since this is Enix too…anyone played Parasite Eve?

Yeah, I played the second one. Never got to finish it though…

I read in my OPM that square enix is making another compilation package liek they did with ff 7. For ff7, they made 4 games and extras total, these were: FF7
FF7 Advent Children
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus
FF7 Crisis Core for PSP

Now for FF 13 they are also making a compilation including:

Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy Versus 13
(both for PS3)
and Final Fantasy Agito 13(For cell phones)
and possibly more. Should be pretty interesting.

Am I the only one who was kind of, not disappointed, but I don’t know, affected by the changes made to the Final Fantasy series when FFVII was released? The old FFs were more your typical RPG and then when seven came out it seemed too “futuristic” I guess, I don’t know what other word to use. I still liked it and I’ve played most of the FFs since the first one (actually the last FF games I played 2 years ago were X-2 and Crystal Chronicles, I’ve been focusing on other series since then, like the Tales of… games; I never got FFXI because it cost too much and I don’t play games on my PC).

I’m also a huge fan of a long game (short games are such a rip-off), but some games are so long, like the FF series in recent years, that I find myself getting lazy and not finishing them. Games that I always finish to the end are Zelda games but I guess I’d have to start a Zelda thread to talk about that topic. :content:

I also was not a fan of Blitzball in X and X-2, but I’m not a big sports fan IRL either. Did anyone else dislike Blitzball?

Oh yeah, I also didn’t like Final Fantasy Tactics; I was clueless to the fact that it was a tactical game when I bought it and I found it so boring, I’ll never make the mistake of buying another tactical game like that again!

I liked the Blitzball stuff. :content:

I’m guessing most FF players (of the male persuasion in particular :razz: ) probably did like Blitzball, Cid. What about you, Moogle? Please say I’m not the only female FF fan that didn’t like Blitzball! I’m guessing there aren’t as many female RPG gamers as males in general…

I also didn’t like watching them play Quidditch in the Harry Potter movies - I bring it up because Blitzball and Quidditch kind of remind me of one another (besides the obvious difference that one game is played underwater and the other is played in the air).

It’s not that I’m into sports (I enjoy watching a bit). I just liked the concept, I guess.

Don’t worry, Cynster! I’m not much of a Blitzball fan, myself. Then again, I’m also not exactly a hard core Square Enix player, either. (At least compared to most of the other people in this thread). :tongue: The only game I’ve played is FFX-2. I didn’t even play FFX for Pete’s sake! :ack:

Say, wouldn’t it be absolutely totally radical if people actually invented Blitzball IWL? :grin: