What huge dreamsign have you missed lately?

In one of mine, i had a fair few dreamsigns that i missed. One of them was a zombie just stood there filming me having sex with a hot girl. That is all one big dreamsign right there.

One time in a dream my house was so crooked I could barely walk in it without falling down.

That sounds familiar to me (deja vu style). I must have had it around 7 years ago, because it is very blurry. I remember trying to walk in a hallway (I think upstairs near my room), but the floor is slanted away from the wall, toward the railing (maybe the railing was missing, and it was a nightmare?).

last night i dreamt that my friend and i were in his car and there was a police car ahead of us… driving backwards, lol. if that’s not a dreamsign i don’t know what is

i went into a house and the stairs were made of eggs :lol:

I was dreaming I was walking in this wide gray hallway, when a voice out of nowhere spoke to me. It said if I saw a yeti, I was dreaming. So I keep walking, I come to a house, a yeti runs out and drags me inside. Of course I don’t say to myself " I’m dreaming! YAY!" I say " Oh *** a Yeti!!!Help meeeeeee!!" I can’t beleive I missed that, I was told I was dreaming and I didn’t beleive it.

The other night I said, “Hey, I think I’ve had this dream before” to a DC. It didn’t ever sink in :sad:

Just a few days ago, I had a dream in which I was flying around a city, and I thought to myself, this whole situation is kind of dream-like. :wallhit: Unfortunately, I was convinced that what was happening was completely real.

Well, I was a slave to my dad once.

To be honest, i’ve been missing alot of big signs lately. Every dream i had has some kind of an impossible factor, such as a handicapped green monster on a wooden wheelchair with a missing right arm, migrating with several other monsters in an empty road, late at night. And he was actually really friendly, for a scary monster. We joked around as we were walking. Meh.

Or one dream i had. I walked to one parked car, thinking it was mine. It was exactly the same colour, same make, except the fact that it seemed to be a spaceship, with all the extra’s it had. I just shrugged that off. And for some reason i thought that it was perfectly normal that it could travel at 400km/h, in a one way lane between houses. I found out later that it wasn’t mine, but was a girls’ and i had the cops looking for me. And when they found me, i was genuinly trying to convince them i really didn’t know it was my car. :bored:

Being in a house where some gory, freaky murder-type stuff happened and then going back to work and my company’s safety manager tried to blow it off like nothing happened (I guess he was at the house too).

The other night I realized I was dreaming, and that nothing that was happening was real. And yet I did not become lucid.

Running around naked in an office complex building, startling, but not panicking people, and then ending up in a T shaped room with doors on the walls that lead to different rooms. One led to another door :confused: .

My dead cat, I dunno is that huge?

I think this night i missed quite big dreamsing. I think riding in a van with a bunch of super heroes isnt normal.

Let’s see… last night I was:

Flying around my living room on a miniature bicycle
Small enough to fit on the minature bicycle
Being chased by government forces for some secret technology I had.
Using a yellow balloon to distract the miniature government planes that were folloing us around the living room from us, because the balloon looked like the technology (I think it was some sort of power source or engine)
Becoming normal-size as I jumped off the bicycle and ran through the door outside.
Announcing or nearly-announcing (it happened the first time I had the dream, I don’t think it actually was announced this time but I definitely was thinking about it) my betrothal to a woman who was both working for/leading the government forces and trvelling with me and helping me get away.
Her name never came up but I had the distinct impression that she was Dominique Francon from The Fountainhead.

But of course, the one that I do notice (at the very end of the dream) is that I can’t run properly. There was actually a logical argument in my head, going something to the effect of, “I can’t run properly, but it’s not really a nightmare, it’s not that scary of a dream, but then if I can’t run properly, it must be a nightmare… okay, this is a lucid dream, stop.” I managed not to wake myself up by getting too excited but I forgot to stabilise it and woke up anyway :cry: [/list]

what, you don’t do that all the time?

hehehe =]

Shhh, don’t tell anyone…



[size=17]The government will take away my Furby if it finds out.[/size]

Celebrities. In the last few days, Morrissey, Rufus Wainwright, Robeth Huth and Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne have all been in my dreams… I didn’t question it at all!

This night Aliens landed in my garden to resuply water in my house. Was that big enough? :happy: