The FILD tech (was HILD) - part II

With “trying to fall asleep” I didn’t mean focus on it, I meant free my thoughts and let the process of falling asleep take place like you go asleep at night.

But when I do my finger movement I have to either focus on it or free my mind. What should I do?

This tech is simply…awesome!

My alarm woke me up after 3 hours. I had it on vibrating, so it pulls me out of the dreamstate slowly. So i wake up, immediatly remember this tech., go for some water and came back to get to it.

I lied down, and was thinking “Man, i don’t think i’m that tired yet to start moving my fingers; i’l try to relax more”. I popped in the earphones to listen to the LD induction mp3, and started relaxing.

I honestly wasn’t that tired, or so i thought. While “waiting” to get relaxed, i had slept. But i guess since i had the thought of doing this tech. in a minute strongly fixed in my mind, i must have done it when i just had started dreaming (it could be that the mp3 helped though). In the bed, i remember thinking “Ok stop moving your fingers, RC now”. I did, and woah, it was a dream. Suddenly, i wasn’t in my bed anymore.

And i went on to have one of my best LD’s, on my first attempt of “HILD”.

Definatly going to be doing it everynight!

I hope the mods sticky this soon, there has been no technique in the history of lding with such a high rate of return for such a diverse amount of people.

Yeah, I have a similar problem. I worry so much about falling asleep that I forget that my fingers are supposed to anchor me to reality and end up not doing the RC.

Can I do this reality check if I just close my nose without using my hand? Just, you know close it. Does that work too?

Oh wow, I just re-read Hargarts instructions post and realized what I am doing wrong; he says that you should wait to do the finger movement until you are about to fall asleep; I’ve been doing it as soon as I wake up in the middle of the night. Tonight I’m going to make sure I wait until I’m close to the point when you’re slipping into sleep.

Wait, how can you close your nose without your fingers? With your toes? A nose plug? :confused:

Well, however it is, i guess that would still work since all you need to check is if you can breathe with your nose closed or not.

I tried doing this before, but I always feel that my fingers have stopped moving and when I do the RC I’m still awake. I wait for a few minutes before RCing too. Maybe I should keep trying. =D

Lol, I knew this question would come. How am I gonna explain this? I’m using my nose, no other part of the body to close it. When I speak like this, it sounds like I have a cold. Am I the only one that can do this? I guess not…

You mean like, closing the pathway to your nose in your throat, so you can only breathe through your mouth. And then closing your mouth, so that you can’t breath at all.

Why didn’t we all think of this before? It has got to be the least conspicuous RC ever. Finally, our days of hearing “umm… why are you holding your nose while staring at it with one eye closed?” are OVER!

But, since that little muscle in our throats is so easy to use, it could be that when we just begin to dream, we’d still close our physical nose like that. It will take experimentation.

/me feels like a hero now.

I haven’t thought of closing my mouth, just trying to breathe through the nose while closing it. But this is good, so there is actually no way to breathe, except opening it, but you can feel the difference of breathing through the closed nose or opening it and breathing then. Maybe some experienced LDer has to try this out.

Meh, i still don’t know how that is done. But still apparently others know how, so

*Hands a cookie for Robin for being a hero


yeah me neither… sounds great though, cause that way you dont even have to move at all. perfect… now just have to figure out how to do that :razz:

P.S. this tech worked for me once again last night, and it was a higher level ld than the last one :smile: no other tech has worked this great for me.

For those of you who don’t know how to do this, all you have to do is close your mouth and try to breathe in (through your mouth. Pinch your nose if you have to). You will feel an area on the lower part of your neck go in slightly. It is right in between the closest points of the collar bones, and goes up an inch from there (between your collar bones and where the adams apple is for guys). When you get the hang of contracting the muscles where the back of your mouth meet your throat, you can do this without closing your mouth.

Gah, this still hasn’t worked for me. I think I’m getting to excited at the prospect of having my first LD. I really need to relax and just let it flow over me using this technique.

just to let you all know that once again this worked for me, and I even did a slight change to the tech, not much, but it worked great.

go here if you want to read about it


lol…well i just wanted to give my own support to the HILD tech. I just learned about this tech last week and i’ve had problems with remembering i had to move my finger once i was really tired…instead i would just roll over and go back to sleep. But this morning i was able to remember to do the tech and became lucid!!..amazing stuff i tell ya…lol…hope that helps!

It’s called FILD.

I’ve got to start trying this technique again…

It’s also the same way you hold your breath. Essentially all you’re doing is holding your breath, while you’ve no breath to hold. If you hold your breath you’ll notice that you can’t breathe in, because the muscles you use to hold your breath, also prevent you from breathing in.