A diary to be used by all... The Nightmare Diary

Oh what an awful dream. I couldn’t help but laugh about the monkey, but I know I would have been terrified too =S

I once dreamed I was in this huge house we supposedly bought, and I started exploring it alone. I get lost inside and this ghost-man leads me into a garden. In there, I see my mother and a friend of mine laughing and waiting for me, but there’s something wrong: I walk towards the far side of the garden and there’s a small graveyard. In the first’s grave inscription I read my name, and then find myself buriend inside. I got really scared, because I could still see them (my mom and friend) walking around the park but I was buried alive. I woke up and almost jumped off the bed.

First though… i want to ask…
Metagog: Was your metallic sky / shrinking nightmare one of those fever-dreams? it sounds very abstract like the fever-dreams i have (fever dreams are the worst… see mine below)

Anyway, I haven’t had my recurring nightmare in alnost 10 years, it started when i was 5 though so it occurred for about 15 years I’d say. The subject of my nightmare is Kermit the Frog. Yes that’s right, but he’s notsilly or nice he’s really creepy in these dreams. He runs toward me with his spindly arms shaking around crazily, and when he reaches me he tickles me. Tickles me… to death? It’s not clear because it’s at that point that I wake up. The very first one happened like this (keep in mind i was five).
I want a snack from the drawer in the kitchen which is for stroing bread but also goodies such as coffe-cakes and ring-dings. My mom says I may not have one. So in response to this, as I walk toward the bread drawer anyway, I say “poop”. (Remember I’m five). I’m calling my mom a poop. But I hear the word repeat back to me from far off. I say “stop that”, and the words “stop that” repeat back to me again from far away. I look toward the source of the voice. Far in the next room, peeking through the sliding glass patio door, is Kermit the Frog. When I see him he runs toward me and when he reaches me, tickles me and I almost immediately wake up.

The fear of Kermit the Frog probably originates from a couple things. When I was young there was a bizarre skit/episode of Sesame Street where Kermit is in the swamp, and a ghostlike version of kermit runs toward the camera wi8th arms waving wildly. There was some song that this went along with but I don’t remember what the point of it was, I do remember though that it was in fact real and quite creepy. Second, I had a Sesame Street record when i was very young (4 or 5) which I would listen to on my toy record player. There was a song that I beleive Grover sings in his scratchy voice about a lost dog. During this song on one occasion the record skipped, and it kept repeating in that strange voice “i lost my, dog/ i lost my, dog…”. It scared the crap out of me! Thirdly, Kermit while cute to some is honestly just creepy-looking. ultra-thin gangly limbs, freaky ping-pong ball eyes with oddly shaped pupils, that weird many-pointed collar around his neck… and most importantly, his weird muppet-like movements. The one that really gets me (even now) is that face he makes when he’s mad, and his mouth sucks inward and tightens, and then Kermit shakes in anger and turns to the camera… Yuck!
I have no idea what the tickling was about. Maybe just any kid’s “fear” of tickling, fear meaning the game of the parent saying “I’m going to tickle you / I’m gonna get you” and you running away from Mom/Dad/whoever in pseudo-fear and them catching you and tickling you “against your will” so to speak.

Anyway, that was my recurring nightmare for years and years until maybe early college (at that point I had told my roommates about it and they made a lot of jokes/pranks about it so I think the act of talking about it often erased the scaryness of it). The dream pattern always was: something strange would happen, and I’d test the waters so to speak and call out something ot look around, and I just knew that I’d turn and see Kermit in the near distance, or that he’d be about to barge into the bedroom. Then he’d reach me / the bed, tickle me, dream over.
In semi-lucid dreams in the past, I would actually conjur him up purposely to end a creepy or annoying dream (I knew I’d wake up after he got me). As time went on, I could escape Kermit, or defeat him somehow although by bizarre dreamly means. For instance, one time I defeated him by taking the lawn mower and running it through a puddle of water Kermit was standing in/by, which caused the water to rise somehow (in a vertical column) and drown him.

Also on this topic, the last time I definitely recall dreaming about Kermit was a hypnogogic nightmare I had in highschool. I was laying on my back, drifting to sleep. However, I never lost conciousness (obviously), I could feel and preceive the transition to dreamland. I could still see my bedroom, but i could hear slithery things approaching and I couldn’t move (sleep paralysis). the slithery things were like lizards that i could feel crawling on the bed covers. I looked up and saw Kermit, making an extra creepy face with really awful looking eyes. I woke up afraid to go back to sleep because I was worried the dreams would come before I was fully asleep again. Hypnogogic hallucinations are scary as hell! I think the “old hag” is a great name for those by the way.

Finally, here’s that fever-nightmare I promised. I had this while sleeping in my mom’s bed age 7 maybe, early evening, bedside lamp still on, sweaty hot and unconfortable with a fever… I dreamed of a completely white place, perfectly featureless white. There were black blobs on it, they were roundish and in 3-d , but very abstract, black objects. Here’s the best I could describe the “action” of the dream: there were big black things, and there were small black things. It was mostly a horrible sick sensation I felt during the dream, this horrible abstract thought of big and small things and feeling of things growing/shrinking but not sure which was actually happening or if they both were simultaneously. I don’t think there were any sounds except maybe for pseudo-voices which still seemed half in my mind and didn’t say anything intelligible, just echoey thoughts. YUCK
Very abstract like metagog’s shrinking metallic world, that’s why i asked if it was a fever-dream also.

So those are my top nightmares. I don’t have too many anymore thankfully, at worst it’s mostly dreams about highschool college where I have to take a test that I’m totally unprepared for, have something due that day that I haven’t even started on, late for classes / not knowing where my classes are etc. Sometimes there’s a rationale for why I’m back in highschool or college, but mostly I either just accept it or have a nagging feeling of why am I in school?

Sorry for the extra-long post, especially given that it’s my first!! (I just wrote down my first dream journal this morning…)

A very scary nightmare I recently had started out a school dream, then a video game and eventually a nightmare. The whole video game was a recycled dream I guess, from somebody else, or from me, with parts of real video games, movies etc… It ended as there were a few people in some kind of house. There was this huge metal door that was going to close. I shot some kind of rocket in it, like the ones from Super Mario and it went into the door before it closed, so it was in the house with the people. This was wrong. It had to close before the rocket goes in, or I shouldn’t even shoot the rocket, or something like that. So I had to do it again. But I had to wait until this scene was over, to start out new. I couldn’t press “reset” on my “console” because I guess it would erase my saved files. So I suddenly saw the inside of this house. I was watching the people inside the house. They were about to die. I knew it, because there was this rocket (now it was outside and I was waiting for the time it shot against the door and everybody is dead, I guess). I saw the people live and every little moment they were about to die, I was soooo scared of this moment when they were there and the lights just went out, their life was at the end. I saw them and waited and waited. They were still alive. The scene changed and there was a text “September something”. It was icy. Inside the house. It was winter (in September, yeah, stupid), showing that they survived so long, the rocket still didn’t explode yet, which showed the huge cruelness of this whole thing. There was a baldheaded girl with her child now. It was some kind of a survival tragedy. She said to her child “YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A NAME” and the next thing I know she was crying and saying “yes, you have a name, you’re Robby, it’s all good”. And I was still waiting for the death. What then happened I don’t know. I think I pressed reset (which symbolized the death of those people also) and woke up. It could also be though, that I saw how it ended. You can’t imagine how terryfing it was for me to see people die. I wouldn’t see them die, like you see people die, I would just see the black screen, because I was all those people myself, it was myself who would know how it was if everything ends.

I think your emotions in dreams are very intense, lol.

moved into “A diary to be used by all… The Nightmare Diary”

i also have this recurring dream involving a black panther in a dark bungalow. It’s night time and the lights are all blown out, we go into this bungalow on a farm but the bungalow is set into a corn field, but also situated on the road. There is a black panther in the house under the table, and its really scary. Then the house burns down. :confused:

moved into the sticky “A diary to be used by all… The Nightmare Diary” :moogle:

Nightmares, long throes of FA’s, sleep paralysis, and other horrible experiences. Post them here!

(Yes, I realize I’m a total n00b here, but there was no thread like this that I could find and I’m sure it would be interesting to see what people have experienced. If there is a similar thread, merge or delete this. Thank you.)

My worst dream experience was long before I started my LD quest. The setting was HL2esque, but HL2 was not even in development at that time. It was a huge flat field of concrete, completely filled with containers, like a seaport. I was there and I was a disempodied observer. Suddenly, the containers started to open. Inside were rows and rows of corpses. They all stared right at me with contempt in their eyes. One of the corpses were “selected” and put on some sort of altar. Then some sort of character(I have forgotten what) started beating the corpse. It was extremely brutal and visual, I felt terrified and disgusted and at the same time sad for the corspe being mutilated. I don’t remember more of that dream, but what I’ve written here I will never forget… :bored:

i have this very odd nightmare that is recurring throughout my dreamlife. It’s a bungalow on a farm. actuallly, well, its a bungalow thats a farm, but its also situated right on a main road, at a T-junction, and its surrounded by corn fields.
I enter the house with my family, its night time, the lights are all off and it looks like my house inside. Under the table in the kitchen, there is a big Black Panther, and im not even afraid of Panthers!? maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something? The house sets on fire due to a bomb? the place burns down and only I escape. That’s the main part of the dream, but also, sometimes when i have the nightmare, bits are added, but those could possibly be one dream fading into another.

Back ground info.
I was on my old farm that I grew up on (For the first 12 years of my life) and naturally since Im a farm boy, I play in the barn. The same barn when I was young decieded that I would smash all the windows. (Seemed like a good idea at the time…)

The nightmare that I recall was:
I was going into the barn to play in the upper part, and I slide the door and close it behind me so nobosy knew I was inside. Theres a long corridor that I have to walk down to get to the ladder. And I see a light on the ground, we leave it there for the cats and kittens. Thats the only thing I can see, its pitch dark out also.
I look up and I see my dad sitting on a square bail, wearing his old blue housecoat hes sitting with his legs crossed and his hands sitting in his lap. I look at his face its pure green, red eyes, stiches all over his face decaying all way. I started to run since the door was far behind me. I ran towards it, but its like I couldnt get to it, screaming I look back, he was running after me and gaining. I run faster and couldnt find the door, it was a never ending hallway. I look back and he give a blood curling shreak. Grabs onto me…

I woke up right there, hot, sweating and panting. This doesnt seem like a nightmare, but my dad only died a year earlyer…
Only one person (Now this community) knows about that story, which I only told 4 years later.

I have had LOTS of nightmares when I was young, more than dreams. My first nightmare was about me in my old home, in the basement which is were we lived. When outside the front door, it kind of went downhill. At the bottom were some trashcans. Now to the dream. I was playing LEGO near the front door (which was open) when my LEGO’s broke to pieces. One of them went outside. When I went to pick up the piece, I went down the ramp like a slide and landed in the trash cans when a HUGE amount of rats dragged me in the darkness and ate me. Then I woke up.

Most scarry dreams i had were actualy more strange ,scarry stuff then usual monster,zombie,chase dreams because those dreams dont scare me enough to care.

some short info:

The DOG:
I am walking trough some abandoned army test poligon,big hangars,burned out planes and burned test dummies.sky is grey
and i am alone.I turn around and near some garage comes out
an old dark-grey looking dog. i look at him and he looks at me.
suddenly he starts to smile like he tries supress laugh.(his eyes were like saying:what s the trouble,nothing makes sense after all!!)…then he starts to laugh out of control,his laugh voice was adult human mail voice.and i start to laugh with him,like we were old drunk friends.Then i woke up ,scared like …!!

i dream i walk towards my apartment door,and in front of my door there is a dog(from real life that lives in my hood),lying and looking at me.i start to pet him and saying bla,bla things you say to dog like you say to little kids.but dog just put his
head on my knees and started to cry and shake like (again)
adult mail human does,the voice ,body moving,the same…
Later i had once or twice a dream about crying dogs…
Hated it…

DC -s i cant look at:
those are dreams i dont know how to explain.the scarry persons catches me and i am crying like i have done something
forbidden.the person is weary close to me saying something
with gentle voice ,and i cant look up becouse i know that the face is ,well something i am not ready to see.
I think this person is same person that from time to time
jumps in normal not to remember dreams,and just waits for me to notice him,AND WHEN I NOTICE!!!

WOOD monster or witch:
when i dream i am in woods,i get same feeling like i had in time i experimented with mushrooms and acid.
Driving troug the woods and see a rose,feary kind of light.
it is night,and i am in a car with friend.we both are scared seeing that light and i start to drive faster and faster,then chrash and fall out of car.i start to run feeling the presence of evil.suddenly i am not me annymore,but looking at me being eaten by big rose colored glowing monster.then dream turned to another dream where i was a thief(ha,ha,ha).now that i remember,monster was more like big teddy bear.not so scarry i supose?

If you don’t think teddybears are scary you need to watch Akira. :cool:

last night i dreamt i was stood with some friends outside one of the entrances to my school and (i dont meen to be mean here) a wierd girl from my school walked past and she had one of those symbols with a circle and a star (like off blair witch maybe?) scratched into the top of her back.

When i saw this, i said “Oh my god!” pretty loud and she heard it and came chasing after me around the school yard and she wouldnt stop so i turned around and ended up getting her in a headlock and she sort of fell on her neck and it looked really twisted. I was really scared that i had killed her. At this point, i noticed she was a sort of cross between 2 girls i know.
I woke up sweating and scared. Ive not had a nightmare in ages so i’ll put it down to me watching “10 Rillington Place” (really creepy film based on a true story) before bed.

Not a very recent dream, but I woke up crying. It wasn’t really a scary dream, just very sad:

I came home (which isn’t my house in real life, btw) from a friend, where I slept the night before (False memory), but I didn’t tell my parents I would sleep over. I came home, and I expected my mother to be very angry. But something else happened. I came home and she was in a jacket and had a bag all packed, like she was going somewhere. She looked so very sad and disappointed. It just looked like she just gave up on me. She said “Goodbye, Moos…” and left. I knew that I would never see her again, so I ran after her, screaming “I’m so sorry!” But when I came in the street, she was gone, nowhere to be seen. Somehow I knew that from that point I would be alone in the world. Then I woke up.

I think I have never felt so horrible and sad as then. I went out of bed, and to my mom, who was luckily just reading in the living room. I gave her a huge hug and I was happy again. My day was great afterwards.

I think there is a moral behind this. Really cherish the one you love. Don’t take those things for granted.

Wow, writing this thing down gets me sad again :sad:

I had a very gruesome nightmare last night:


Background dream before the nightmare:

I was a mother and argued often with my husband till we got divorced. I left our home, because he wanted to kill me.

Actual nightmare:

I am going through a city and in some distance there is a woman standing on a tall building. I scream, fall to the ground and then she jumps. Somehow her head got seperated from her body and landed on top of me. I reach with my right hand in direction to my head and feel blood. It’s really gruesome. I don’t want to move, but my Ex is coming to kill me.


That dream was really disturbing :crying: . After I woke up I was really afraid of moving my head and feeling the blood of the woman. “urgh”

The grossest nightmares I’ve ever had are the ones with insects in them… the worst one I’ve had was when this old man had five of these fat red beetle-things land on his face and then sting him, leaving five craters in his skin. His head then deflated like a balloon as his dead body collapsed to the ground.

Later on it showed two people looking at the old man’s body, which now had three huge, slime-coated holes in it’s torso. “What are they doing?” One person said.
“They’re building a hive.”
That’s when the dream zoomed into the man’s corpse, showing his organs and bones covered with green slime, crawling with red beetles as their hungry larva bored holes into his guts… I didn’t want to sleep for days after that.

I’ve had really bad nightmares for years so much to the fact I’m use to them. When I LD, it gives me a chance to contront my nightmares straight on. Here’s a typical nightmare of mine:

(WARNING! May be too graphic for some readers)
strictly R-Rating

I was down at of this hole (like a wishing well) looking up as I could see some light. I tried calling up the hole, but I couldn’t. When I looked down I saw nothing. I heard whispers in the dark of some demonic spirits saying they want to cut of my sexual parts. As I had my arm in the wall climbing up halfway I saw a claw come out and stab my arm clearly into the wall. I looked down the hole and I saw a friend of mine in a puddle getting raped and choked by a black demonic figure, no details. I soon heard growl as mud soon went into my throart choking myself. I felt so sick and miserable as it felt so real as sureal it was. I coughed up blood and ran up the hole as soon a dozen demons, creatures, snakes grabbed my body touching me everywhere. One small demon teased me stabbing the eye out of my head. I was blind in one eye. The girl demon soon made me chew and swallow my own eye. They tried possessing me. I soon gave up and fell, as I was dragged down into the depths of the hole burned alive in my skin placed naked nailed to the wooden board in hell. Soon these demon creatures with smiles stabbed me everywhere with these little needles, even in my groin. The experience was not only nightmare, but painfully real.

I had this nightmare, I remembered some of it when I woke up, but it was more like a terrifying feeling than a dream. I think I was walking down my stairs (IRL, sleepwalking or something), I went up to my room again. After some seconds I realized I was dreaming.
I relaxed, looked around in room (completly dark), and then I heard my computer (it’s on 24/7), the sound got larger and larger… I felt like my head were going to burst, I then got up, and drank some water, and went to bed again.

I was sure my nightmare was scary but after reading 7regrets nightmare… :eek: If hell existed, it’d look way better than that.

uh… :bored:
That was today’s one, bit crappy, but it was weird.

[ND]I was at dark room. At first i was waiting, but later i tried to get out of there. Then everything started to shake. Near doors was somethnig fuzzy ,like a shape of someone. When i came closer, it was a gray fog with priest’s clotches on it. It had no head, but on places where eye would be, it was a green glow.

Before sleeping, i was thinking that i should resists bad ones in dream. So… I jumped at it with fists (ROFL). When i touched (attacked ?) it, i felt bit like in OoBE (I’ve never experienced it) - i felt that i am slowly floating over my lying down body.

I found myself outside of that room. But some thingys like first one was here , everyone started to strangle me , and after some time they dissappeared. I was scared, and i started to pray.[com]Im not too religious IRL[/com] But they were still here. I waked up then.[/ND]

And - i think - worst one - two part nighmare. In one of them i was even lucid.

First (not lucid) part:

I was standing near window in my room with some guy. It looked unbeliveable realistic. Down there i saw my mother and another guy, in car. But then a lot of cars was there. It was a giantic collision. Drivers came out of their cars, and started to fight with theirselves. But that was not a normal fight - some of them was using a picks, other ones a shovel, etc.

I looked at guy standing near me. He was looking at it, like he was proud of that, or he was absorbing their anger. I looked at his hand - he had a hammer or something in that shape. I was really scared, he was a few meters from me. I realized that i am dreaming - i wanted to get lucid in my nighmares. But i was too scared to do anything. I thinked “Dont look at me , go away, dont look at me, go away!”. I was too scared to say it loudly. But he didnt made anything. Then he looked at me, and i waked up.

I waked up, deadly scared, i heard also breathing after waking up :eek: . Weird, isn’t it ?

Some time after it i had that dream:

I just waked up. It was still night. At first it was too dark, to make a rc. After a while, my eyes saw enough to say that i had 7 fingers. “A next great lucid dream ?” :tongue: i was wrong. I opened window, and saw scene from that nighmare. Everything looked in same way, but instead of fighting, those people were looking at me, like they were waiting, or like i could command them.

I thinked what would i see if i look back, and that was too much for me. I decided to wake up, luckly it worked.

What would i see if i look back then ? Maybe myself, scared to death, maybe the other guy. Or maybe something i would not want to watch.

I had a ‘lucid nightmare’ last night which terrified me at the time - now it seems such strange thing to be afraid of:

I am in the back garden of my childhood home, standing by the raspberry canes which grow up against a trellis. I suddenly become scared of ‘something’, but there is nothing specific. I freeze, too scared to move. The only thing I move now is my eyes. I don’t want to look up, but I feel my eyes being drawn upwards. Then I see what I am so afraid of seeing. It is a rabbit’s drinking bottle (the type you can attach to the hutch wire). Instead of being filled with water, it is filled with fresh blood.
It is not the blood that scares me, but the fact that I know that what I am looking at is not real. I stare at it, knowing I am seeing a hullucination. I tear myself away now and run upstairs crying. I knock on my mum’s bedroom door, but I know she won’t be there. I go inside the empty room.
I wake up and my mum comes in from another room. I sob and tell her about the ‘horrible dream’ I just had. She asked if the blood was ‘going into’ me (like a drip), but I say no, that’s not why I was scared.
Then I wake up for real, feeling the fear of the dream still inside of me. I instantly do a RC - the breath through my nose one as it is so dark. I really hope that I am awake now and that I am not still in the nightmare.

Does anyone else never have nightmares? I used to but i never seem to have them anymore though i do have normal dreams, i’ll probably have one tonight now lol.

These damn elevator dreams, they are now officialy reoccuring nightmares. Im allways in a small elevator that is tall, and the floor starts moving up to the ceiling, and I get I dont usualy get killed in them, it usually stops inches from the celling, but lastnight I was in a frate elevator with my friend, and it starts to move toward the celing. I got out in time, but my friend was kille. I dont know why this dream is trying to get my attention, I havnt been lucky enough to become lucid in it yet, but Im still working on it.