Competition Rankings for August

1.5 more get me to 14.

One more makes 3 LDs in August for me ^^

I had another, that takes me to 3 for August.

Click here to read!

in the few days since the forum move… 2.5 DILDS and .5 WILDS, bringing me up to 11!

two more makes four

another 1.5 this morning, totalling 11.5 for this month

o_o;; well… 1 for me in august.

2 for me…

Just remembered another LD fragment from last night, making 11.5.

How do I suddenly remember an LD 15 hours after I had it?
I shall try my technique again tonight and make a topic if I keep having success!

I had two more in the past few days that were triggered off two of my reoccurring dream sings: Being unprepared in school and a perilous sense of speed.

That brings my August total to 5!

I had 2 last night! More to come (I hope).

2.5…I’m getting a lot .5’s this month. Kinda takes the fun out of it :neutral:

Lucky number 4! And it’s my 5th attempt at Lucid Crossroads. (Click Here)

There is no way I can win but I am going to go ahead and enter my 1 LD for motivational purposes lol.

2 more (give or take…) bring me to 16.

low level one this morning for me … 12 for this month :content:

I feel so left behind. I only have two 0.5 LDs, bringing my August count to a grand total of 1.

.5 last night making 21 for August. Very close to my record! :happy:

one more this morning, pure text-book MILD :smile:

total: 3 (in last 6 days, yay :smile: )

One last night so that puts me at 2 for this month… I’m so going to win hahaha