Competition Rankings for August

two more makes four

another 1.5 this morning, totalling 11.5 for this month

o_o;; well… 1 for me in august.

2 for me…

Just remembered another LD fragment from last night, making 11.5.

How do I suddenly remember an LD 15 hours after I had it?
I shall try my technique again tonight and make a topic if I keep having success!

I had two more in the past few days that were triggered off two of my reoccurring dream sings: Being unprepared in school and a perilous sense of speed.

That brings my August total to 5!

I had 2 last night! More to come (I hope).

2.5…I’m getting a lot .5’s this month. Kinda takes the fun out of it :neutral:

Lucky number 4! And it’s my 5th attempt at Lucid Crossroads. (Click Here)

There is no way I can win but I am going to go ahead and enter my 1 LD for motivational purposes lol.

2 more (give or take…) bring me to 16.

low level one this morning for me … 12 for this month :content:

I feel so left behind. I only have two 0.5 LDs, bringing my August count to a grand total of 1.

.5 last night making 21 for August. Very close to my record! :happy:

one more this morning, pure text-book MILD :smile:

total: 3 (in last 6 days, yay :smile: )

One last night so that puts me at 2 for this month… I’m so going to win hahaha

Decided to try WILD this morning after a long while of doing nothing… and wow I forgot how powerful it was, everything from vividness and speed of switching states, anyways my total for this month is 16 :content:

I had 1 last night which makes 22 for August.

another .5 last night…these halves are killing me!

Now, how exactly do you define 0.5 lucid dreams? Can you have 0.25 or 0.75? :eh: