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[New Technique!)

Yayness. I get to post here. I’ll call this technique.


Self-hypnotism induced lucid dream

(Ysim’s Induction for Lucid Dreams)

It’s really just a variation of WILD, but it’s easier and more effective for me then any other WILD technique I’ve read. Good luck everyone! :content:

My RILD technique: RILD

Post edited. The same message was posted in two different locations. I just kept the summary here and added the link towards it.

This technique is used to prolong lucid dreams and is especially helpful to the people who can’t seem to stay in a dream but a few secs or minutes. I call it the breathing technique.

Prolonging tech: the breathing technique

I add a link towards this new technique here so that it won’t be lost amongst other threads:
Combining HI and visualisation to WILD

A link towards the Reflexion-intention technique, as it was defined by Paul Tholey and refined by Stephen Laberge. It’s something mixing RC’s and a sort of MILD.

The Cycle adjustement technique.

At first sight, it’s not really an induction technique but a sort of diet in order to adjust the mind-body cycles in a way that creates an improved environment for LD’ing.

I noticed that the Hand technique was not mentionned here. :bored: It’s not really a new technique, cause it was very famous in the 80’s and many people learned to LD with it. It may be called too the Castaneda technique, the Don Juan technique, the finding your hands technique, etc.

It’s very simple indeed. You just :wink: have to find your hands in dreams. Do as you want.
Hand method.

StantheGarbageMan told about it in Magic Fingers, and you must have merged the topics :content: .
By the way, I’ve posted here months ago, and it’s still in the last page… this topic was kinda forgotten…
I’m working in another techniques, but I’m more excited about a new way to improve DR I did.

I’ve succeded in 3 techs I’ve done the last months I’ve been around.
One is a WILD like which you try to get up from bed, to your dream to waste less time possible, along with DC summoning it was great.
Another one is about a signs and notes. Everytime you wake up during the night look at the mirror and write it down (for counting later), it helps at reality checks, you will see that you can have more FAs than you think, lately I’ve suceeded in some DILDs.
The last one is a bit weird too, it’s a WILD which forces yourself to sleep faster, with hyperventilation, with some full breaths you will be asleep before forgetting to WILD.

Yes indeed, I’ve merged the topics. And I posted about this technique too. My post is perhaps in the archive now.

If you develop new techniques, you can do a special thread about each of them, and add there a post linking to this thread with a brief summary.

I am not sure weather or not this tequnique is on here but here goes. Well it isnt a tequnique on its own it just helps relaxation and can be used in conjunction with WILD or trance states. Basically it is called Tactile imaging (excuse the spelling) this tequnique was made by Robert Bruce a very experience Mystic and OBE’er (his book astral dynamics is reeeeeeellly good0
Basically when you have taken about 20 deep breaths and feel rather setteled you imagine yourself climbing down a rope. or climng up (climing up is usually used for a consious exit OBE but thats another story entirelly)
anyways you do not actually visulise any images as such as for example you would if you were imagining your self walking down a srairs insted you imagine feeling yourself falling. This tricks the sub-consious in to triggering the sleep mechanism hence you enter a trance wich is where the hypnagogic(spelling sorry) imagery used in WILD tequnique is seen.
To sum up

  1. Using a breath tequnique such as breath awareness get comfortable and proceed with around 20 deep breaths

  2. Imagine yourself climbing down a rope in the darkness
    do not see the rope only try to feel it

  3. After a while you should enter a Trance/ deep metatative state (try to hold your thoughts steady, whilst climbing i recomend you focus on your breathing)

  4. you should evencully see the hypnagogic imagery and perhaps feel vibrations
    (These vibrations are energy movement in the etheic / energy body)

  5. You should then be able to enter a LD

NOTE : deep physicall relaxation is recomended a hot bath(optional ovcource) and some basic streaching and tensing is usually adequate.

I hope this tequnique works for you. Good Luck


It’s a typical WILD, but there is used another way to keep consciousness. I have been trying this few times, when i was more in OoBE than in LD’s. Diffrence was that instead of entering LD, i kept trying to get out of my body (which never worked BTW). But there is actually no matter of way of keeping consciousness, effect is one: abitily of getting LD, OoBE and propably another effect we don’t know.

:grin: LOL I wish I saw that one before… which don’t means i’m gonna use it :tongue:

sorry my OBE side came in to play there lol oh and the reason you could not get out of your body is proboblly because of chakras and other energy body aspects unfortunatlly OBE is sooo much more complex than lucid dreaming however i am not stating that lucid dreaming is inferior ovcource.
Anyway that tequnique is ment for trance induction it can induce a concious exit OBE however to achieve an LD you need to be in the same state as the 3rd state of OBE wich is hypnagogic imagery. But yeah as i mention it is simplly a trance induction tequnique it actully come from robert bruce as stated above. For a referance as also mentiond above it come from the book “astral dynamics a new approach to outer body experience” if you are intrested i highlly recomed you get a copy. as also stated above lol i think i might be repeating my see a wee bit.

I was interested in OBE AP thing for some time, but I think it’s pretty dangerous stuff to mess and play with. I got more interested in lucid dreaming then, that was more like a side effect of OoBE for me.

As I said, keeping consciousness is way to enter weird state of HH, SP, buzz in ears, etc. You can both enter into LD, or leave your body then. So, vaiation of WILD you showed is fully able to do, there is no thing you should be sorry about. :smile:

Im almost a complete newbie to LD but I do agree with the last comment.OBE’s are way to scary to be messing about with. I have read horror stories of people who have been know to practice OBE’s regularly,and found in comas never to wake up again.There is always that chance of not being able to return to your body.Id stick with LD

well, im not worried. If i can get good enough at LDing tht i would want to try AP i will, sounds like mad fun!

This has never worked for me, but about six years ago I had a friend who was into LD. He used to pull at his hair at the base of his neck until it was tingling a little sore just before he settled down to sleep. He said that he’d read it somewhere that there was somekind of accupressure point here,and by stimulating it in this way produce him LD almost every night.
As previously mentioned however,this has not worked for me,and just given me a sore neck.
Give it a try and post your results,id like to know if it actually works for anyone else

Ok people you know about the OBE being dangerous that theory is completelly flawed in every way from the point of where people think that when you astral project you leave an empty shell that is incrediblly false. I must admit that it is what most people think but i would like to tell you that it is completelly safe and we do it every night ok
Firstlly the word projection dose not mean that one entirelly leaves ones body it means you simplly Project on to the astral plane. This happens whilst your Master copy of consiousness is still safe inside your body either sleeping or awake . After one has there “projection experience” there memories are downloaded in to what we call shadow memories. This is because during a projection we are recording up to 3 consiouss fully awake copies of ourself and our linier minds cannot cope with this. That is why during a projection you can sometimes feel your physicall bodies etc.
However i bet now your thinking well give me some evidence lol. Well there is something called the astral feed back phenomenon this is where the astral body is gallovanting around the astral plane and the etheic body is still away and had obtained some degree or real time site (the ability to see the astral plane i am sure that when all you fine people have been meditating you have expierienced real time astral sight. This mean you can see through closed eyelids. and say look to the side of yourself without even physically moving. Well thats astral sight. Now the crazy part is where your astral body comes in to the room and you both see each other. This can be if your domminont awareness is in your etheic body or your astral body, And remember there are 2 copies of you thinking. so what happenes when say your awareness is in your physicall body and your astral body has awlready projected you see your astral body through your etheic eyes but your astral body sees you at the same time. And presto it becomes like when you put a mirror to another miror and they split it to an infinate patten. This is called the astral feedback phenomenon. I tell you what this post proboblly has a lot of spelling mistakes lol and it is not clear so what i will do is either make a new topic and try to get my word and proof that Atral Projection is safe to the entire forum or just post my result clear but at the min i have revise for a maths exam lol that why i am in such a hurry typing this lol.
Ok byeee i hope you understood all that ^^

You’ve been reading Robert Bruce. Don’t assume people believe or don’t believe something. You don’t know who we are, you don’t know what we think. It may sound rude, but I find people who say things like this incredibly offensive and annoying.

i am sorry if i offended you. and i did not mean it in an abrupt way, you see i was typing in a hurry lol i had come on the computer for a bit and i needed to go to school for an exam so i was typing really fast. Also without looking at my text from different perspectives to see if anyone would find it hmm shall we say vulger. Oh and i am trully sorry about the asumptions thing i know how annoying it can be. Dont worry i am not usually like that.
But i must say the i am a firm believer on the robert bruces theories . Oh btw and i have tested them myself and anaylised them from a logical point of view
(i would like to be physicst anyway so i do try and bisect theorys and see if the are plausable that applies to physical and metaphysical alike)
Oh and btw i am not expecting you to believe me if you dont like or do not think the theory is plausable . That is if you thought that i expected you to.