What do YOU want to do in a LD ?

I was so close to getting you last night! Oh well. Still ate someone from LD4all.

Hmm tough one…

I would first
-Learn how to fly at incredible height and speed
-Create an incredible dream scene from my mind
-Explore my new world and see what it holds :content:
-Enter the books of “The Lord of the Rings” (I wanna be Frodo :tongue: )
-Enter the wolrd of “Final Fantasy XI” and play it as if it were real life. (I don’t know, its just an online game)
-Create a DC up and talk to them in deep conversation
-Ok ok, we all want to…have sex with someone really hot :gni:
-I want to eat mass loads and not gain anything
-Kill someone I really don’t like :hurray:
-Create a new invention that can do EVERYTHING and use it in the LD
-Stop time and make the dream last for years :eek:
-Get inside my SC and ask what I need to do to improve myself :shrug: could prove useful…
-I forgot about this, Fly beyond the universe and enter the world of enlightment ^^
-Learn something new :smile: I like to learn sometimes…
-Distort my face and scare DC
-Play some real GTA and shoot everyone
-Draw something I see in the dream, (I can’t draw IRL so maybe I can in an LD)
-Go on a rollercoaster and see what twists and spins it has for me
-Watch a movie completely made up from my mind? lol…
-Teleport to different places in the world, also
-(Always wanted to do this) Walk through a mirror
-Look at myself 10 years from now
-Go back in time and see everything as a child again
-Visit past lives, or people I have always wanted to meet
-Have a shared dream with a good friend :smile:
-Oooo Sky dive ^^
-Learn how to surf on…hell…um an ocean of jelly :lol:
-Try to take a Lucid Pill and see if it will make me have a LD the next night
-Just lay on the ground and look up at a dream sky thinking about life :eh:

It’s not that long…is it? Well thats what I would like to do ^^

Well here’s some things I’ve done…
mess with a DC (It was my principal)
I’ve only had one LD so far.

Things I want to do…
shoot myself into deep space, like nothingness
meet my muse
spontaneously burst into song with a bunch of DC’s. (Like in a musical!)
do some kind of hardcore parkour stuff.
conjure up the cheerleading squad (the rest is guessable)
shoot my inhibitions in the face

I would also like to say that I think this is megacool and I’m really excited that this is real…or kind of real, or whatever.

I want to discover and explore lost civilizations/places (i.e. Atlantis or the Library at Alexandria), sink through the ground to see where that takes me, try out my Information Center in an actual dream (something I developed to help me achieve my lucid goals more effeciently), and create a dream mansion. The purpose behind the mansion is that it will be all mine. Whatever I’ll need while dreaming will be in there and I can continually come back to it sort of like coming ‘home’. =0)

Hellz yea! That sounds awesome. I definately have to do that, did you ever try to kill it?

As for the zombie outbreak thing, I’ve done that a good 78 times.
Okay, my disturbing little list that I can think of right now:
An alternative to flying, teleport as high up as I can and free fall into the ocean, where I transform into a sea snake for a little while, then turn back human but be able to breath under water and swim like a fish, while swimming with (female, hopefuly) mermaids.
Go ape s*ht (again!). Blow stuff up, steal, kill, start a riot, kill fellow rioters, who turn into zombie, I go Neo on the zombies.
Get more cool dream music.
Do that thing with watching the earth go through time.
Explrore like a fantasy video game world, and find mythical creatures.
Act out (more) movie and video game plots.
Beat the crap out of the people I hate.
Talk to my spirit guide.
Snow board.
Oh yeah, what that last girl said.

See her one last time.
Hear her say she forgives me.
Make it last forever.

(Also, be a smurf.)

:lol: How random. I love it!

A few more that I’ve just thought of are:

Acquire a Sidekick (as in a DC that is meant to assist me), jump into a giant pool of popcorn (I know it sounds corny hehe) and find this ‘ring of jello’ Teal’c talked about.


Uhm I want to do many things in my LD’s. Question is…which ones do I do first? Ahh decisions, decisions. :tongue:

I want to stand on Earth while I blow it up with an enormous energy wave DBZ :tongue: style while I am completely unharmed and then put it back together so that i can do other things. :grin:

I want to go to the world i created and fly into the universe

if i could do anything, id have sex. but that never works out in my dreams.

Find a black hole in space and jump in

I’ve been toying with the idea of freezing myself and then smashing myself. I’m just wondering how it’ll happen. I just got an idea for it. I dive from a high altitude and freeze from the windchill then shatter on impact. It could probably be interesting to walk into fire too.
I’d like to swim in a school of fish. As one of them. perhaps we’d be chased by digger fish and I have to quicky pick up on what they do without thinking. To be an outsider on the inside so to speak.

hm… thinks there are so many things… :content:

  1. fly properly
  2. fly a dragon
  3. fly a griffin
  4. fight among the Rohirrim in the battle of Minas Tirith
  5. become a jedi
  6. become a dragon rider
  7. explore fantasy countries alongside my favourite book
    :cool: travel through space
  8. travel through time
  9. have sex
  10. have superpowers
  11. be a member of Magneto´s Brotherhood of mutants
  12. change sorroundings
  13. let the sun rise
  14. summon characters from my story
  15. find my dragon again

other than my last post, I would also like to:

1-go into my friend’s dream and make him lucid so we can mess around with the DC’s in his dream or beat up tough people together ( not that i would need help )
2-fly…really really REALLY fast
3-go through random action movies only kicking everyones ass along the way
4-go through a normal day only screwing around with my powers at school.
5-and finally walk around town doing random s*** that i wouldn’t do in real life :grin:

So many things, but these are at the top of my list!

  1. Talk to my subconscious, and ask it questions! Ask for help with TU (ideas for pilot and storylines :smile:) for sure!

  2. Just explore the dream like crazy, check every corner of the dream!

  3. Create Caitlin, like the sims, so I can see how She looks and write a detailed description when I wake up.

  4. Meet my spirit guide

More to come :happy:

i want to lead the armies of hell against the angelical forces in the bloodiest battle ever :angel_fly: :devil:

Be a Jedi!!

that or just goof off and chill with my buddies not having to worry about school.
playing with my band also…thats fun as hell in waking life so i wouldnt mind if it took over my dreams aswell haha!

I want to paint again, or write some music. I’ve done it before and the results were incredibly striking.

I want to lay out my mind as a city, with each district representing part of my mind. It’s quite interesting to see each aspect of my being as a separate building or person. Plus, I can see which parts of myself I may be ignoring or rejecting.