Messing with DREAM CHARACTERS (DS's)

I havent had the chance yet, but when i do im gonna mess mess mess mess with they’s head.
Gonna say stuff like; you know you’re only in MY dream and this isnt ‘real’… Prolly the will be confuzed and i’ll go like “WATCH THIS!!!” and do some crazy x-men stuff and make my whole body burn and becoming way too powerfull and strong :ebil: :ebil: :ebil:
then kill they’r friend… :neutral: in order to convince them ofc :whistle:

And i would ask DC’s to do stuff for me, like hitting people and stuff… i would sitting in the background laughing my ass off…
ohhh im looking forward to this :happy:

That’s what most people do, telling them “You don’t exist” but the problem is, they oftenwise respond “Aaha, what crazyness got you, this isn’t a dream”.

im looking forward to that tooo.

Yeah, I told a DC that we were dreaming and they told me to shut up. Why bother trying? Stubborn subconscious I say. :roll:

lol,why dont u threaten him to believe he is dreaming?

hahaha i would laugh if someone said ‘shut up’ to me in a LD and IRL too actually.
Why dont you ‘almost’ kill them, or do some crazy stuff in order to convince them? :eh:

yea thats what i said…

My DCs already know that they are just a figment of my imagination. They still do act like they have a individual personality though.


same here, but olny a bit, when SC creates people i know or very… weird. Random DC’s reacts in very simmilar way.

Things i said to random DC’s:

“I am dreaming, you are not real”
-“o really? turns back to me

“How it’s to know that you arent real”
-“Find better thing to do, son”

And to pink hippo:

Me: tries to throw a fireball at him

Hippo: "What the ***** are you doing ? dont you know that magic stuff like that makes greenhouse effect bigger and bigger ??

M: O.o

H:I bet that you didnt knew that !

M: yeah, right…

Hm, my SC dont creates ofter funny people :tongue: sometimes it happens, but mostly… not :neutral:

…Am I the only one who gets intelligent DC’s in their dreams?

I only had retarded DC’s once I think. But that’s because they were on drugs. That’s one of the reasons I don’t mind talking to DC’s in my dreams.

my DC’s are really dumb, one time i was on my computor and on the text, a DC was looking at a horse a few lines below his and he was like “the logos down there!” he kept yelling at me, he didnt realize it was a horse, and another time, these two DC’s were talking all wierd like “knuchitutus?” and “doomatichs” confusing stuff

I just have to say, that Pink Hippo thing is one of the funniest things i’ve heard this week.

My DC’s are usually “absent-minded” (especially in LDs). They act like they’re just there for decoration or something. :eh: Although some are more active than others, and a few special ones were even extraordinary and intelligent… but in most cases my DC’s are quiet and passive.

I told my friend (in the form of a DC) that she was dreaming, she didn’t really seem to care… made no difference to her. I’ve also told my mom I was dreaming in an LD, she was freaked out because I was about to jump out the window lol, and she didn’t believe I was really dreaming.

And oh yeah! :lol: In my 1st clear and long LD, I became invisible and saw my dad. I hovered by him and started blowing on him, and he got soo confused because he couldn’t figure out where the air was coming from! :grin:

Hm. My DCs aren’t the “omg i am stare at joo and say teh st00pid stuf” type… but they aren’t particularly intelligent either.

They either don’t have a personality or have an -extreme- personality. I get the non-personality DCs often… they’re just people who spout out random things, the flotsam and jetsam of my subconscious, I suppose… they are perfectly capable of conversation, but one minute they could be yelling at you and then giving you monies and presents a second later. I get these a whole lot. They tend to go off on random tangents.
The extreme-personality DCs are much, much less common. They could be extremely rude or extremely nice or whatever. You can’t change their personality- they are eternally tied to that personality, or something.

I seriously need to do some experiments with DCs in my next LD…

I find that in LDs the DCs are more likely to say weird things. In NDs they act convincingly like normal people. And they seem smarter. I think it’s directly related to how much I see them as ‘not real people’. Even in lucid dreams they can act normally, if I don’t think about how they are not real. But if I approach them as unreal they may say something that isn’t even coherent. Also, they can act very indifferent, to the point where I can hit them and they don’t even seem to notice. I can’t remember a single time a ND-DC did that.

Mmmkay. I had an LD last night, found a DC, and decided to experiment with her. The conversation was as follows:

“Hi there. I’m gonna ask you some questions.”
DC: -silence-
“I said I’m gonna ask you some questions.”
DC: -silence-
“Talk to me.”
DC: -random nonsense-
“This is serious business, I need you for an experiment.” (willing her to talk)
DC: Oh, okay. Sorry.
(We walk down the stairs.)
“Do you know that this is all a dream?”
DC: It isn’t. Let me show you.
(We walk to one of those arcade token machines. The DC puts a toonie in, gets a stupidly huge amount of tokens, and gets the toonie back.)
DC: See? The money came back. So it’s not a dream.
(I was going to say something at this point, but my lucidity was beginning to fade and I was losing my grip on the dream. I asked for a few tokens to try some telekinesis, but I woke up before I could do anything to them.)

I found it pretty odd that the DC had her own reality check-type stuff. Stubborn things…

(For anyone that cares, the dream was in a mall. Became lucid while falling about 30 feet from a platform- slowed myself down and landed lightly on the floor.)

My DCs generaly act like you would expect them to act IRL, But with some differences if there is a unrealistic element ( I.E. Aliens, Zombies or demon, that type of thing.)

I had this dream not so long ago but proves the thickness of my DC’s:

im sat by my school which had the sea outside the front gate and a tornado formed in the middle of the sea i looked around and he had a knife to his neck and the wind blew his hand and the knife went into his neck far i asked him if he was alright he replied “its alright ill get it out after all its just like a pizza you know up then down then all the way around”

I used to have this AWESOME DC family that lived next door in my LD’s and sometimes even ND’s. They were the Bear Family (they were talking bears). They were very helpful, and probably the most intelligent DC’s I have ever encountered. It seemed like every single LD I had they would be there, and when I had something planned that I wanted to do, they kept like pushing me to do it.

I took a break from LD’ing at the beginning of this school year, and started back up in late March. No matter what I do in any of my LD’s, I CANNOT get the Bear Family back. :tongue: It’s so frustrating. They were always there last summer when I was LD’ing several times a week, but now I just can’t get them to show up. To make matters worse, my dreamscapes are pretty much empty of people. I usually wander around my town by myself. Maybe this is just me, but it’s hard to concentrate when you’re by yourself in an LD. Does anyone else get that?

:lol: This topic is funny to me because it makes me think the totally opposite–DCs Messing With You…

Which is exactly what seems to be happening to me now ever since my SC took over the dreamscape :ebil: