The Big WILD Topic - Part XVIII

What happens afterwards is that what you are seeing becomes your vision in the dream. Once you are inside and solidified yourself in the dreamworld, you get up, you look around, and go on your merry way.

i am very good at maintaining passive conscious awareness while going into theta brainwave states, but i have a few small roadblocks
-when i go into the theta, instead of falling asleep (even though theta is sleep) i just snap back awake after a period of passive HH experiences, usually not too intricate, usually thought oriented.
-i will spend a very long time going in and out of this state and eventually i just want to roll over and go to “bed” the “normal” way but this disrupts my intent to WILD.
-while in theta i may even experience hallucinations detailed enough that they could turn into dreams, but my conscoiusness does not allow for it as i am more awake than asleep, and the HH only last a few moments.
-it may take hours of going into induced theta to dream, such as if i intend to take a nap, it takes a lot and lot and lot of time of this before i finally “fall asleep” and then dream.

it seems as if i do not produce enough alpha waves.

how can i will myself to fall asleep while zoning out, instead of coming back up awake…? i’m thinking of trying some brainwave entrainment.

I am not so sure about the brainwaves, but I have the same problem. I can get into LD’s, but often I kind of surf over the edge of the dream state. I start into a dream, then pop back up into an awake, but relaxed state. I can then go back through HI down to a dream, then pop back up again. I just keep at it, and have had some short LD’s. If I knew a way past this, I would tell you :bored: but I am also still stuck here most of the time with WILD. don

I think I worded my question wrong. Redo!

It takes 2 (or so) hours to get to REM right? I you do WILD do you have to keep your mind awake for 2 (or so) hours until REM comes, or will REM come faster or slower?

You can dream in non-REM sleep, but the likelihood of you remembering it, or it being of a high vivid quality is substantially lower than if you dream in REM sleep.

Therefore WILD is much easier, and better, to perform in the morning just after waking up, or after a nap in which you did dream.

In the beginning of the night it is quite difficult to WILD because we initially enter delta sleep in which very little dream content is reported. However, as the night goes on we stop entering delta and have REM periods of 60+ minutes.
Thus it is much easier to WILD at the end of the night because you fall asleep much quicker and have a much higher chance of dreaming and remembering it.

Was this a WILD?
I was asleep and the next thing i knew i was in a place i have never been and i knew i was dreaming because i walked through a wall…
If it is… i don’t know what I did it have it…
i just ate a sandwich, a banana, and a few drinks of tea.
I went to bed then… and the second i entered the dream I knew…
odd :wiske:

If you fell asleep normally before finding yourself in a dream, I don’t think it was really WILD. WILD involves remaining concious as you fall asleep, so you should remain concious from the time you lay down until you find yourself dreaming. If you simply fell asleep as usual but knew you were dreaming as soon as a dream started, it sounds more like a spontaneous DILD. :smile:

ohhh cool I wanna have more of those =p
but i don’t think it’s a good idea to realy on that im going for a WILD tonight :peek:

Okay, now my question is answered. Thank you all muchly

Okay, recently I´ve been having some succes with WILD, I manage to stay awake. I don´t get any HI, but yesterday I had the vibrations and numbness for about 10 sec or so. then I had it again after a couple of minutes, but much more intense and longer, my mucsles got tense, heartrate incresed and I breathed kinda weird. I tried to keep focused and imagine that I was falling through my bed, then all of a sudden all senses kinda vanished, and i didn´t feel my body. It felt as I could open my dream eyes. but then i got more awake.

What should i think on?? did I concentrate to much? Can I get many chanses of this thing, or am i screwed if I fail the first time? and what about audio and HI, should they also come, or are they not neccecary??

Your definitley not screwed if you fail the first time, although it is certainly possible to get frustrated.

Your not always going to have all senses when you do WILD, sometimes only have HI, however most of the time there ar other senses involved. These senses that you feel are the sensations of your body going to sleep.

I would say that you were very close to LD because your descriptions of the things you felt are almost a perfect match for what happens as a person enters REM sleep.

Good Luck

I support that - you’re indeed close to LD.
Keep up! :smile:

I’ve made abit of progress in WILD lately, but I just have to fine tune WBTB. Im praying that it’ll work for me tonight! crosses fingers :peek:

Hi all. I have a problem with WILD. For about a week now I’ve tried doing WILD each night, but each time the same thing happens.
First I lie down and start counting (1 im dreaming 2 im dreaming etc). After a while I feel numb and I feel slightly dizzy. After another while I feel a sharp pain in my head as if someone’s hammering a nail in it and I hear strange noises. After another while I feel really dizzy and I feel like I’m falling. Then I usually get up to stop the dizzyness. I usually repeat it about twice anight before I give up and just sleep normally.
Any help?

(BTW W00t first post!!)

Hey, Alph! When you get the chance, introduce yourself in the Gathering! :smile:

Anyway, have you tried to just let the weird stuff happen? I mean, try not to get up, because usually dizzyness and strange noises are a sign of getting close to a WILD. Strange noises, especially, because those are probably HH.

The dizzyness and falling are also probably HH. The nail in the head is also probably HH, but it sounds bad. I don’t know what you can do about that. If it is so bad that you can’t remain relaxed and keep going, then you might have problems with WILD. You can also try it a few times and see if it goes away, some things do go away after a while.

Thanks for the help. :smile:

The nail in the head isn’t that sore, but it feels like a nail or something except for the searing pain. It’s just the dizzyness that gets really bad after a while. I’ll try again tonight and see if it goes better.

Lol Holy looks like you still enjoy pretending that are an innocent bystander. You always questioning things like me, even established wisdom. We should get rid off this and have more faith in what we are doing or won’t get any further don’t you think? Winter is here now! Time for dream hibernate yourself and go explore!

Anyway, I’ve found it’s easier to get back into dreaming after waking up briefly if you imagine yourself passing through a hole or something for a second or so. Ideally it may come through as brief hypnagogic sequence.

As for OBE I have to kind of turn inside out through a point which feels above my belly and slightly left to it. In my understanding this is the point through which I implode into the energy body before I raise my focal point into the head and above to switch on dream senses and get something to separate with.

That’s very good Orkel! You are truly in the state now and ready to get some help. Basically, you have to simply command yourself to get out of that darkness. If you do nothing probably nothing would happen. Just have a concrete destination in you mind and say it aloud as you were speaking to smart computer or something. Then you should instantly feel being moved.

You can prevent yourself from being sidetracked by keeping your gaze wandering on your palms and just briefly looking up and around. To combat darkness keep turning your palms to get the most light reflected. This is just a simple trick to make these hallucinated hands more believable. But keeping the sight of your palms truly leads to a self-referencing state of attention, sort of a spore in which you can survive your flight through the darkness.

After you got somwhere anchor yourself by touching objects around. Then look for minute details on your palm again and on the surface of these objects. Finally proceed slowly toward the more brighter parts of the environment. If you move too fast you may be fed up on something you need to have a well lited environment and wake up or get throwed back into the darkness again. You can also suck energy from your sleeping body by agreeing upon its general direction and taking deep breaths. This will make things instantly brighter.

Also, walk whenever possible insted of flying and be kept in touch with walls. Later instead of normal flying try to zoom on distant objects. It’s important to fall toward things head first to get maximum immersion and stability. At first the more real things are on the horizon anyway. It helps to look for distant noises as well. Gradually work your way up building more spacious and brighter vistas then test whether the dreamspere has borders or not. By this point some kind of guidance should appear.