how do you get into a dream quickly?

how do you get into a dream quickly

Make sure the only thing you’re thinking is that you’re about to be dreaming. Ignore everything else completely. Oh, and close your eyes.

Not that I’m a WILD expert. Maybe I just told you how to have a sleepless night.

That depends on several factors such as tiredness, how quickly you normally get to sleep, activity and focus of thoughts etc. By the way, it usually takes longer to get to REM early in the night as opposed to the end.

thanks guys ill try that and what does wlld stand for.

WILD - You can hover cursor over it but it stands for Wake Initiated/Induced Lucid Dream.


i tried it but doesent work for me. :happy:

Try being really tired then do it and you should fall asleep in seconds :content: But remember to try WILD as for im a MILD expert mostly ( Not really expert but still good :wink: )