LD4all Quest 14: Rhythmic Moon: The Spirit of Giving

i’d like to buddy with whoever signs up next :smile:


signs up :grin:

wow, i didn’t really know if i was going to do this one, I thought of people to do this one with, and you were one of the people that came to mind, and then you post this!

does everyone else who already signed up have a buddy yet?

When you mean signed up, you don’t mean actually writing your name on a list somewhere right? Actually, that would be a good idea…

Anyway, I talked it over with Magnus, and We’re in :grin:

Awesome! This is great! I am so looking forward to dreaming with ya :smile:


If we dont know how that person looks how do you give it to them? :help:

Dreams are very imaginative when it comes to people we haven’t met :cool: I have dreamt about people for example from the internet…some have almost fixed mental images, and some get a random appearance every time. In my dreams, i usually just know who the DC is.
/me would like to do this, too

Sounds like fun!

Whoever wants to can sign up to be my buddy. Just be the first to post that you want to be my buddy.

I often Imagine people from their avatar.
When I think of Q a horse/unicorn
Moogle her avatar
Bruno his old avatar.

One Question…are the two people in the team supposed to each have their own dreams of this quest?

For example, lets say guy1 and guy2 team up.

If guy1 meets guy2 in his Dream and it is not a SD, and guy1 gives the present and receives the present, is the quest over, or must guy2 also do the same?

Or must two team members talk with each other, about a specific date to do this etc.

every team member should have a LD where he/she gives the gift to their buddy and a dream where he/she receives the gift.

You can try for a SD where you both meet and give and receive a present, or just go and find your buddy and give the gift in a LD; and see if you receive one back already. Then don’t tell the exact dream to your buddy but wait until your buddy has completed the quest too.

But you both should give and receive a gift in a LD, it can be in separate dreams or in one dream. So it doesn’t hurt to communicate.

I plan to just find nick in a dream and give him a gift and let him know when i succeeded, so we can check if we had a SD or if he should go and find the gift in his dream.

I think it’s good if you don’t tell the whole dream already to your buddy (or post it here) if your buddy still has to have the dream, in order not to influence each other :smile:

Thanks for clearing it up.

I’ve completed half of it: i gave my present to Magnus :content:
I won’t post the dream down, for now, but i might in my DJ

congrats on giving the present! :yay:

you shouldn’t post it anywhere yet where mag can read it :tongue:
or at least leave out details.

Heh… Cool quest!! :grin: A big :yay: for Q!!! :boogie:
Hmm… i’m doing it with SRG… and we’re probably gonna fail miserably, but who cares?! :lol:

Does anyone want to be my buddy in this quest?

I had an attempt last night, didn’t succeed in finding Nick, but i had an idea for a present. So I’m going to try again. I’ll post the dream later, when we both have completed the Quest.

I hope everyone has found a buddy, if you have asked for a buddy in the topic and have found one, please post in the topic too. (or edit your post where you asked for a buddy)

(likewise, if you are looking for a buddy,see who already posted in this topic looking for a buddy too)

Listen, I know I’m a skeptic, but I’ve noticed that recently the quests are moving more and more from lucid dreaming goals into the realm of so-called paranormality/psychic things. To me, this seems rather exclusionary towards the people like me who don’t believe in that kind of thing, and I think it ruins the point of the quests, because the likelihood of them being completed drops dramatically. (I would say it’s impossible, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.)

I liked the way the quests started off, but these recent ones pretty much rob me of any motivation to attempt them that I had at all. Can’t we return to the ones that focused on lucid targets rather than all this psychic business? That’s what Sealife quests are for.

I really want to try this Quest, but I think it would be very hard to do for me. I only have a few LD’s a month.
I think it would be very hard for me to find a buddy but anyone who would like to try to do the Quest with me is welcome ^^
My Buddy should be traveling all the way to Holland :tongue:
But in a dream that shouldn’t be a problem. ^^
If you’re interested please Pm me. I won’t bite I promise :tongue:

hey stormy,

I understand what you mean. If you haven’t noticed, i always try to balance the Quests, between the psychic (as you call it) things, and ‘normal’ things (is there a “normal” in lucid dreaming?) But really, it’s al lucid dreaming so if you believe in things or not, it’s always interesting to try and see what you will encounter :smile:

btw, if it isn’t in the Quest suggestion topic it isn’t likely to become a Quest, so there are other people who do like these kind of Quests.

eeh… looks around
Well maybe some people already read it somewhere else or already knew it but Bruno is my buddy this moon. :content:

Do KingOmar, Siiw and ian1 already have a buddy? Maybe you can go with each other or with Ansie if you want?

I am actually doing quest with KingOmar… but I have a lucid dreaming dry spell. Veery annying thing, missing obvious DS, and dreams are related to lucid dreams… but none is lucid :sad: I acutally met someone called Wyvron, and I realized how it’s simmilar to Wyvren… And I wanted to fly on gigant spoon… I also dreaming about living in DreamWorld, that turned out to be RL, so I said that next time when I’ll be dreaming I will have great control… But no throught that itt could be a dream… :sigh:

… which means that’s gonna be hard one, Maybe in end of week I’ll get good lucid dream.