what is the 1st dream you remember? Part II

When I was really little I used to have dreams of Dr Eggman (or Dr Robotnik) coming to kill me when I was on the toilet. For the remainer of that month I always used to scream if someone walked up to the bathroom while I was in it. :eh:

[color=darkblue]Walking down a multi coloured path with some random DC’s and a robot! Then the robot drinks from a fountain and I tell it to stop!

It was a strange dream. :lol: [/color]

I think earliest dreams I’ve ever had were way, way back when I was five- It was a a very odd dream: A tiny, cartoon man with a combover and a gargatuan nose was standing before a red curtain, shouting to someone offstage: “NOT A BETTER ONE, A BETTER ONE!” Then a guitar was strummed once offstage. The man just repeated, “NOT A BETTER ONE, A BETTER ONE!” The unseen guitar strummed again, but the man still wasn’t satisfied. “NOT A BETTER ONE, A BETTER ONE!” The guitar strummed one last time. “Don’t just stand there!” He yelled. Suddenly the curtain behind him began to crack like glass, and then shattered to reveal a swirling yellow abyss. “Bail out!” He shouted as he was picked up and sucked in. “Bail OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTT…

The first nightmare I had was when I was around the same age: I was in a dark room all alone with a single door. I was lying on the floor when the door burst open to reveal a huge, rusty, whirling electic fan, strapped to a wooden chair with barbed wire and chains. A gasp was heard, and then total silence, except for the horrible ‘THUMP THUMP THUMP’ noise of the chair hopping over towards me, like a heartbeat.

Back then I had a fear of electric fans for some reason. Obivously that nightmare didn’t help me at all.

hmm well. I was very little and i remember comming home from the gym with my mom. Everything in the house was moved around and then there was this scary old lady in a rocking chair and she was kniting or somthing and i looked at her then i instantly started fallling in a black hole and I was spinning and screaming…a big childhood nightmare for me that i wont forget :bored:

First dream ever? hmm ok. I was in a stadium, watching a hockey type ish game. My brother and my neighbor eric were on the same team. They were playing as i was watching, but then all of the sudden the game ended. The players were not on the field but now in the stands cheering. The stands turned into a truck, and they drove away. I knew for some reason that they were going to get ice cream. Then i said “hey, they cheated!” and woke up.

I know I was about three and a half years old, because I had just moved into my new house, and I had this dream in black and white. I wasn’t in it…it was like a black and white movie, really, with the camera zooming in and out on random stuff. These two kids, a boy and a girl, were rollerskating, and they rolled over one of the drain things in the street (I’ve always been afraid of walking over them). It made all these tiny white-ish worms appear inside their rollerskates, so the kids got scared and went home. They kicked off their rollerskates and left them by the front door and ran elsewhere in the house and pretended that nothing had happened, but the worms multiplied and filled the whole house. I forget how they got rid of them exactly, but they did eventually…after telling their mom and she helped. Then the camera kind of backed out through the front door and zoomed in on the drainy thing, where one single worm was wiggling a bit, and then it zoomed out and I woke up.

One of the first dreams I really can remember is one that I had manny times when I was a kid. Somthing chaced me into a building where there where huge wide stairs. I run up, but everything was kind of slow. There was a beast of a wich following me, gaining in on me. I remer that I had to run in a circle and that it was hopless. I trained my self in waking up from it. I also can remember one verry strange feeling of buzz, or distortion, from my sleep or semi sleep of my time as a child. It has completly gone away. I remember that it also was kind of scary or conected with fever or sickness. Also the feeling of touching structure that is not smooth can describe it?

(Forewarning: Number 2 is graphic)

I can’t remember which came first, so I’ll put my 2 earliest remembered dreams:

  1. One was a classic flying dream, where I jumped out of a window and soared off.

  2. I was in a large cave, lost and confused. The next thing I knew, I was in the bathroom of our house at the time, and the shower curtain was closed. (A situation that makes me paranoid to this day) I pulled back the curtain, and saw my childhood dog, Pookie, floating in the water, with one eye floating outside of the socket. I remember it was oddly realistic for a 5 year old’s dream. (coincidentally, Pookie went blind in his old age 3 years later… premonition?)

This was a recurring dream for me. Not really a nightmare but kind of creepy. I’ll always be in this pitch black cave. I could see myself full body through third person view, yet I thought it was real. I’ll just be jumping up and down trying to get out because i was stuck screaming for someone to help me and nobody ever came. It was a ND.

My first dream that I remember is:
I was in my house, sleeping, and then a wolf sneaked into my parent’s house, and it made me wake up (in the dream, not in RL)… So I woke up and fought the wolf(I had guts then - I was about 5 years old…)! and then the wolf died and I woke up in RL…

The earliest dream I remember (I’ve had it twice I believe) would be I was in what I believed to be Wasaga Beach and my father, brother and I boated over to a massive white building in Collingwood and as we approached it, it was a restaurant. We pulled the boat up right to the patio (which was over the water and at least 10 feet above the water) and we where thrown a rope to climb up so we could eat there.
I can’t remember when exactly I dreamt this, but it’s the earliest I can recall.

The earliest dream I can remember was when I was in the 5th grade. I dreamt of my seatmate… she was pretty.

I’ll spare the details, it was a wet one, literally wet.

I guess the dream got stuck to my long term memory because it was so real, it was so real I have evidence to prove it happened… the wet shorts and sheets.

A dream about a painting my gran painted on my wall. It was about a book where some children got into a giants house and ate all the food. She painted herself and her dog on the wall as well. Anyway I dreamt about sneaking into the giants castle and eating all the sweets :happy:

When I was maybe three or four years old, I had a dream that three witches were chasing after me on broomsticks on the second floor of my house. In my house there is an open foyer and an open family room, so the second floor has a balcony overlooking the family room. In my dream, the balcony disappeared and the floor began to sink and bend so that I fell to the family room. Before I even fell, I woke up.

That was the first dream I could ever remember.

My dreams were really wierd when i was young, they made absolutely no sense at all.

I was in a park outside my house, it was snowy outside, and i sled down some poor old hut’s roof. then the picture zoomed out and i was in bed, fully awake.

I think I was 5 or around that age, for sure before going to school… i was at the seaside with my grandmother

near the town i was there was another town (it’s name is Alassio), this town has developed around a long and winding road that, even if it’s divided in a lot of smaller roads with normal names is known as “the gut” (in my language “il budello”), this road was in the old times the principal road of the town but for the ancient Roman road that goes from Rome to Paris that in that spot follows the seaside, now it is a tourist route full of shops, bars, some really rich house…

I dreamt I was in that road near an old metal door and I was someway attracted by the door, I remember i’m hanging around it when some girl passing by (she must have been like 16 or 17 years old so for me at that age she was adult) told me not to go near it because in that house lived something she called “living beings”… I don’t know why, but after she said that I knew that the “beings” were witches…

and that’s all I can remember…

for mine i was like 5 or 6 and…

i remember being on a beach and i saw these nintendo 64 style purple dogs running across it. it felt so relaxing for some reason. probably one of the best dreams ive ever had lol… i dont know why though

The first dream I can remember was this:
I was walking in a town with my family, and some time I suddenly realise they weren’t near me anymore. I look around and I can just see them going around the corner. I run to the corner, and see them go around another corner. This happens a couple of times. I yell to them, but they don’t hear me :cry: . I get really scared, and continue following them. Near the end of my dream I go around a corner, and I see them walking towards an arc-de-triomphe-like building. I yell :help: , and they finally notice. I :hugs: my mom, and the dream ends:)

BusySleeping, when I read your post, I was astound.
My first dream is the same.
Maybe we can discuss it with MSN ???

My first dream… I must have been a baby. Is that even possible…?
– I don’t know, but my first dream was… I was laying in my crib, staring at the door, when gargoyle demmons poked their head up over the top of the railing, and stared at me, then headed towards me inside the crib. 4, I think, I cried and cried and the door opened and my dad came in, they were gone, I woke up… XD