The First Steps to WILD (for all basic WILD related Q&A)

When daydreaming myself to sleep, my “visualization” (as you might call them) gets erratic further as it goes… as visual artifacts, floating objects, and other visual discrepancies appear that is not willful or part of the visualization I am creating.

Is the above part of HI/HH ?

It could be, if you are drifting off to sleep. :smile:
It could also be just drifting off in your mind.
HI is Hypnagogic Imagery, Hypnagogic means that it is occurring during the transition to sleep. If it occurs at other times, then it is not Hypnagogic.
HH is Hypnagogic Hallucinations, that includes HI, but can also be sounds, feelings, tastes or body movements.

When i WILD i focus on the HI in a relaxed manner and let it flow until i have a false awakening. The Hallucinations stop and it feels like you were just laying in bed. i got up and went to the digital clock and it was incoherent. I then had another false awakening where i was laying at the side of the bed(either floating or contorted) and i kept trying to get up but i was anchored by what seemed to be a second body, which sounds like OOBE. however i still think it was just a dream.

Oh, I see those colours, but I never thought they were HI. I’ll keep trying. My dream recall has gotten great recently for some reason ever since I’ve read the site. I had a night where I did the WILD where when you wake up and don’t move. I just saw a flash and went into a dream, but it was low level, and not controlled but I was lucid.

Thanks for help

I seem to be having trouble with my WILD technique. I can get my body, from the neck down, to go numb, but I can’t seem to get my head to do the same. Does this usually happen to beginners, or does anyone have any tips on how to prevet this?

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they get a lot less sleep when trying to do WILD without using an alarm clock? I keep on being brought back to my senses at really random times, like I’ve gotten numb and the HI are getting really intense and then everything goes black and I start to have a dream but I feel like I’m waking up. Is it a false awakening or am I actually dreaming? I tried to do a couple reality checks but I think that if I was dreaming, the checks woke me up for sure.

Do you mean when trying to WILD during the night?
Something like you describe happened to me once… I somehow developed an awareness for onset of HI and it caused me to jolt awake everytime HI appeared. :eek: No way to fall asleep like this, so it kept me half-awake for hours.
I thought “great, now I’ve lost the ability to fall asleep” :eh:
Of course, I had not lost it. It reappeared when I was getting tired enough and stopped thinking of trying to WILD. :smile:

Anyway, it was one of the reasons I decided to take it easy with WILD attempts immediately after going to sleep… The other reason being that it is a lot easier to practice in the morning with WBTB. After all, if you cannot fall asleep anymore after WILD practice in the morning, you can just get up and start your work of the day. :cool:

Ya, If you try for too long and don’t get anywhere, It is a waste if night time and you end up really sleepy in the morning. That happened to me and now I decided to take a break and only try for like an hour max when I do try it.

I can’t get anywhere past the numbness part… I mean I’m relaxed and all. :wallhit:

Are you maybe just staying awake? :eh:

WILD or not, your body has to fall asleep for dreams to occur. If your technique keeps you awake too much, try something else.

i tried wilding for a while (that was a bit silly because im am still too green for that i belive) and i saw HI and heard funny stuff but after a while it just got too scary!! my friend allways tells me i am a control freek so the things that happen to my while wilding scare the *** out of me!!!


Should you try to “create” HI? I’ve been WILD’ing a lot recently, and while I’m at the beginning what I think is HI, where I get an image here or there, I try to make something. Is this bad?

And what is the transition like? The guide seems to say that focusing on an object will bring you into the dream, is that how it goes pretty much?

Trying hard to make something appear may be bad if it stops you from actually getting into a dream in the “natural” way, i.e. the way it will work for you.

I did not have many successful WILDs yet, but the way a dream scene forms for me if I am asleep but aware (also happens during normal LDs if I change the scene) is:
I am floating in the darkness, keeping awareness of being asleep and just letting myself drift. Then, out of nothing a scene will form around me. It usually starts with shapes in flat colors, which then become three-dimensional and realistic, until I am in a complete scene.

So there may be no need for you to do anything, really. You will have to find out by experimenting.

Quick WILD question:

Are quick flashes of dreams considered HI? I ask because after about 20-30 minutes of WILD, I began to get some dream fragment-esque things like that…

ummm well im gotta attempt my first wild but im kinda freaked out casue i heard when u enter sp and complete wild that u wake up sometimes and a shadow kind of creature will appear also reffered to as “old hag”… so im having second thoughts i mean lets see… in ur bed…in the basement of ur house at 4 o clock or soemthing like that in ur bed and u cant move but yet a shadow creature from what u think is the gates of hell lol coming for u idk maybe im reading to far into this a little advice plz and thxn in advance also maybe post ur exp. with the old hag plz

Nothing to worry about, mate. “The Old Hag” is only the work of your own imagination, and it cannot hurt you more than you allow it to. It’s also worth mentioning that it’s extremely rare, and it’s there’s absolutely no guarantee you’ll ever experience “The Old Hag”. There are hundreds of posts upon this subject all over the forums.

Check this out for example:
[url]The BIG sleep paralysis and old hag topic Part III]

thnx man for the advice but idk i just read someones post aboult after they stopped being lucid he woke up in a FA i guess and he saw the oldhag and closed his eyes and she told him to open them ummm that liek shook me liek u wouldnt know lol… … oh and thnx again i just read ur link i see but still to see that its gotta be really frighting…

I would also like to know what those are. Last night I really wanted to dream about the day before so I thought about it alot while doing WILD. I also got some new songs off of a CD my friend gave me so i listened to them in my head and i started seeing wierd videos that went along with them that when i realised they weren’t real, I found myself aware of my IRL body and realised I was actually dreaming. That happened a few times last night.

well idk If im breakeing a rule if I post twice in a day I dont think so but there so close toghter… but anyway idk do u pple (as u can be girl or guy and have been told that dude to a girl is offencive lol) reccomned doing a wild. After I got over my “old hag” fear lol I want to do it but i just wanna know cause idk I didnt really find one here where they really expplained the imagery… after the vibrations and the weird vocies u might hear and as u close ur eyes do u see images rigth away and are theses images dreams so i just drift away in the image…i mean i know how to start a wild but when i start seeing imagery do i just focus or just w8 and ill just enter the dream naturally??

Yes, sounds like HI to me.