Have any friends who are also interested in lucid dreams?

Thats too bad that they graduated. How often have you talked about lucid dreaming with people at your school? I took a psychology course and when the subject came up I found many people I would have never thought to be dreamers, were. We didn’t stay on the subject long, which I was kind of angry about, but the subject came up more often and I met two more people that weren’t in my class who did LD. But I doubt I would have met them if not for that class.

My friends all were interested in LD’ing but few actually tried for it or have had many. Two of them started having them after we talked about them. Which made me angry because I still had to learn. And one girl I knew had been a natural at it because of her parents always asking her about her dreams. I never got a chance to talk to her good about it, because we go to different schools.

Yep! I have 2 friends who are interested in LD’s. One even joined this forum because of it. (Xsparky)
The other friend usually gives me ideas of things to do in a LD because she can’t get frequently yet and has only had one in her life. She was really interested in it. She just has bad recall which I’m gonna help her with.

Well. the two friends I actually keep steady contact with are sort of interested… One in the way where he says he has them all the time, but doesn’t talk about it. I don’t think it’s the case where they misunderstand. But it could be lies. He sometimes, well, often, lies just for the fun of it. in this case neither of us can prove anything, but I chose to believe that he has them, perhaps not as often as he has said. He originally said he is lucid in alll his dreams, but lately he said (sentnce fragment) “… When I have them…” implying it’s not always. That’s the deal with the first one. The other one Is really interested, but not motivated. Short attention span. And doesn’t understand why he should do RC’s when he’s not dreaming and fights it tooth and nail. He has had one short lucid dream. And he really likes the idea of it and gladly listens to my dreamstories. He also suggests doing impossible things, that always involve eating stupendously large quantities of things. (He likes to eat)

Noone else i knew is interested in lucid dreaming.I talk about it with passion,they hear me but they dont really care,and they ask me,why would you want to do that?Some even laugh at me like im being silly doing it.
Is it true that lucid dreaming comes from the tibetan yogis?

Bah, my friend in RL ( adamvanz, on the forums ) was interested in LD’s but i swear,he has no willpower,he gave up after like 2 weeks.I always knew that id have a LD before him,hehehe.

My friends mostly laugh at me when I tell them about dreams… they call me a “Dream Doctor”, but they don’t laugh at me as an insult, but as laughs between friends…
Also, one of my friends has a SP about once a month, so he’s kinda interested in lucid dreaming, but he doesn’t read about it or join forums…

My boyfriend is about as interested in it as I am, he is probably more knowledgable about them but I am better at actually having them :razz: sometimes i meet him in a dream and think it is a shared dream but we never LD on the same nights :confused:

My brother and sister have had them naturally, with the difference that they’re not nearly as passionate about it as I am. One of my closer friends also claims to have them often, but rarely talks about it. My aunt didn’t even believe it was possible when I told her about it, which was pretty sad. Most of the people I talk to about it show little to no interest about it. It’s saddening how underrated and underappreciated dreams are nowadays. It seems like people see them as a total waste of time “because they’re not real.”

What a poor view that is.

It is a poor view - people don’t understand my interst in dreams too… :sad:
People don’t even try… It’s really sad.
But, on the other hand, there are great communities about dreams! :smile:

I have a friend, and a brother. I’m better at it then both of them, I think maybe its a talent.

I told my friend about it, and I figured out he has been doing it for like 3 months, and I got him back into it. I told some of my other friends about it, they are interested. He told alot of people, which is ok, but he made it sound really easy, so they are probably just going to give up.

I told a few friends, usually referring to that as “drug-less trips” and the reason why I don’t need drugs. They seem half-interested, but I think I need to talk about it more to make them understand how awesome it is.

Another friend and I were talking about dreams we had, then I started talking about the fact that I recently (re-re-)started keeping a DJ and that was to highlight some dreamsigns to eventually get lucid dreams. Like most natural LDers, she told me she often realized she was dreaming and that she didn’t know that people weren’t having that.

My younger bro knows about LDing too, but he is also a natural one.

I don’t normally bring it up with anyone except my close friends.

So true, my friend kept telling everyone he knew. I kept thinking its not going to matter, cause your making it sound to easy, and then they are just going to give up. It makes them interested, but then they don’t even try again after they fail.

I only wish I did -.-

Unless, of course, you guys don’t mind me considering you friends… Then, yes, I do :smile:

I probably wouldn’t bring it up with any friends. I’d feel like they’d think I were strange.

Hello Angstyboy!! Welcome… And as a fellow sorta-kinda newbie I think it is safe to say that everybody on LD4All are all very friendly.
And my friends already think I’m strange (which is kinda the reason we’re friends lol). Most of them were all like, "Oh yeah… I might try it someday.
But I got one of my female friends to get pretty interested in it (wait all my friends are girls…uh…). It was cool because she was the only one knowledgeable about Lucid Dreaming.
But unless you master shared dreaming it really is a solitary activity (grammar? sp?)

i got my best friend into lucid dreaming, and he had one before me, but since Ive talked to him about it, we ask each other about our dreams at least every week, he realy increased his dream recall, and so i did. and i think he also talked about ld to some of his friends…that are not my friends.

Just the topic I needed.

I was away for 3 days so I could celebrate Easter in Berlin. I was there with my whole family.

While we where there, I wanted to tell someone about lucid dreaming. Wanted to let people know that they could miss a lot every night.
I’ve talked about it with my parents and my brother, but they werent very impressed, so know I tried to talk about it with my niece and 2 cousins. Thankfully they were very enthusiatic to talk about it.
Right before the upcomming night I wrote the important things and what they must accomplish first (good dreaming recal, motivation etc). I really hope they will make it ^___^

That same night, I was sleeping in a room with my brother, I decided to bring up the lucid dreaming subject once more. Well, he has a very strange opinion about it.
He says he doesnt want to have lucid dreams. He thinks it is useless because lucid dreams are only driven by our minds. He repeated ‘‘Its like talking to yourself all night’’ alot. That everything is fake and that because of that, it is not important.
Its a shame i’m not very good at defending a statement and that my brother is absolutely very good at it, because I would love to see him try to become lucid actually.
And now that I think the discussion over, I know what I should have said (always the same :sadyes: ).
I should have talked about our subcontions, learning about yourself, and just thinking alot about things. Simulate problems you have IRL and try to see a solution.

Well I am not giving up ^^
But first I need to become lucid myself to Really know about it. Lets hope it will be tonight :slight_smile:

My friend who told me about this site.
He saw it and became very impressed, when he told me he was really excited, I just agreed to him, asked if he suceeded but I was shy to tell him that I’m natural.
And then I came here searching people like me and found much more than expected. LD4All is great!

I have my brother, he used to have LD’s… Finally I got someone irl to talk about LD’s.