Malac's 95% LD tech (discussion of)

Those sites are exclusives, because all the other sites are smaller, with less information. The first lucid dream I had was when I joined ld4all, and I looked in many websites before. Those sites contains a lot of information about lucid dreaming, more information then any other sites I know.

I think LD4all and Dreamviews are exclusives from other sites, because they both have so much more and accurate information (I’ve never really been to Dreamviews so I’m going on what I heard, I’ve been quite comfy cozy here). They aren’t so much exclusive from each other, but they certainly don’t have the kind of relationship that LD4all and Sealife have.

As far as Malac is concerned…Where the heck is he?!?

From what I’ve read, Malac can’t post anything about his technique on the DreamViews forum, for all it has brought is flaming and miniature chaos. With that said, I’m pretty sure he’s pissed off enough to not even bother posting it on here, if the technique is written.

Time will tell otherwise.

So, the Malac’s 95% tech thing has reached it’s end.

I guess that if he posted whole thing at once, there would be a lot less noise about it, on both forums. But after this all I dare to say that Malac wanted also a noise and rumours about his tech. A good, free advertise. Of course I do believe that his tech was written and he did wanted to put it all. Well, maybe things got out of control and he became a lot more controversial (read: people was flaming him) person.

But I’ll never know I’m right or not :roll: If it was released, I’d for sure try it (yeah, 3 lds per night is a tempting offer :tongue: ).

malac was completely bitched out over there but i think he deserves it for doing such a thing. by the way this site may look a little off but the atmosphere kicks ass

OAR Raider and others there is no need to do a witch hunt against Malac

He will either post his tech or he won’t, only time will tell. The sensible thing would be to go back to using our normal tested techs and forget about it unless he posts again.

im not saying I am dying to have it I was stating facts

so i made an account on dreamviews (cuz eh, why not?) and i typed a nice LOL HULLO! and i didn’t even get any WELCOME!s back!

Phooey! who needs em! :razz:

yeah you’ve just got used to the high standard of awesomeness of LD4all…

Not that its to much to ask for a little friendlyness in the world :smile:

well I dunno about you, but where I live…

There are 3 topics on dreamviews about malac´s tech and they are all closed because the people getting more and more pissed off with every new post…even the post is from malac or not. I read a little bit in the 3 topics…nice entertainment if you like comedy :grin:

( That´s my first and only post in this thing )

He was probably just fooling around and didn’t ever have such a technique. He sure got a lot of response, though ^^

I tried to send him a PM at the beginning (yes, I’m registered at DV too :spinning: ), but his inbox was already full :razz:

ah I read those Malac topics on dremviews… they were so funny, apart from some cracks at LD4all having a ‘cult vibe’ and some other crap, which basically means, 'we don’t like LD4all because it’s the best website ever made and they don’t have countless topics about Malac." God if I ever meet somone in real life called malac I think I might make their fingers deisappear (original plan seemed too violent…) so they can’t type up more crap.

As my own methods of LDing work for me but not everyone else, perhaps Malac has just found his own personal method of dreaming but believes everyone else can use it just as well as he. I’d say he’s just being a little naive. But then again, I don’t know him well enough to make a better guess, so I’m sure you guys have got a better assumption to make than I :bounce: hahaha I love that emoticon, it’s funny :razz:

Now if you could explain your method…

But really, if Malac isn’t telling everyone in one post, he’s obviously seeking attention. Doesn’t get it enough at home evidently.

Sometimes it’s not as easy to post everything about it at once. First time with explaining something great can well, be disorganized at first. I had that problem with explaining to everyone about my DreamWorlds, but I soon got a hang of it as I began using my Dream Diary for that as well as for my other LDs; I was then able to explain more thoroughly and clearly to others about my DreamWorlds and hyper extension of dreamtime. Unless Malac has had… a very long time to organize himself–well then… I think he owes a very good explanation of his 95% method.

That’s not necessarily the same thing. Malac claimed this technique was a 95% success rate technique, and then held off telling anybody about it for over 5 weeks.

Regardless, I think people need to stop defending him, and others need to stop criticizing him ( I don’t care if I’m being a bit hypocritical here… ). It was eligable at first, but he was told not to discuss the technique at dreamviews by the administrator a week or so ago, which eliminates any other hopes that it was real, so I think we all need to just forget he ever announced the method. It’s all in the past now, and nothing will bring it back.

Ah well that changes it then. If he’s been told not to discuss it—well hehe, we’ll never find out from him. :slight_smile: Aye! Good point made by BenDrummin!!

But he is a member of LD4all too and he hasn’t been told not to post about it here. So if he has a valid tech there is nothing to stop him from revealing it.