What is 23?

Wasn’t that the whole point of the movie?

Most believe that the 23 phenomenon is similar to the 11:11 phenomenon. (11:11 says some nonsense about spirits and times on digital clocks when the digits repeat.) This is known in the scientific community as Confirmation Bias; when the observer tends to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions, leading to statistical errors. We are not very reliable when it comes to fairly analyzing events due to preconcieved notions we hold, like that of the 23 phenomenon.

Wow, I’ve never known 23 is in so many things…

And one thing that I’ve always been annoyed about is the whole 2/3=.666 thing. 2/3 is actually .667 or .6667, so please do math correctly. I’ll bet there has to be some number that the first number divided by the second equals .666, but I’ve never tried.

23!, or 23 factorial, or 24x23x22x21x20x…x2x1 is 23 digits long.

Hows that?

I like to call that the Wizard Of Floyd effect. When you ignore all the things that DON’T add up to 23, the things that DO add up look a lot more numerous than they really are. Just like when you play Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon while watching The Wizard of Oz. For everything that fits, there’s 100 things that don’t. If you try hard enough, you can find the same thing with any number or film/album mixture.

Let’s use, say, 56 as an example number.

Truits are often seen in LD4All.

Truit… 5 letters.

LD4All has 5 letters and 1 number.


As I type this, it is 5:33.

3+3= 6

See what I mean?

that’s what I waa trying to say.

Sorry, I must have missed your post somehow.

Are you KIDDING me?

All Hail Eris!
All Hail Discordia!

The discordians call this the law of fives (2+3=5), they say that every number is in some way directly or indirectly related to the number five. The law of fives is a metaphor for how the human mind sees patterns and order everwhere, even in places where there is no order.

Basically this is the idea behind the idea of the number 23 appearing everywhere. If you expect to see 23 everywhere you look you will see 23 everywhere you look.

(In other words, what Li10 and Genkai said)

dude in this site it talks about the battle on 2012 like the end of the world the site is called www.wingmaker.co.nz :woo:

I thought it was December 21st not the 23rd.

I clicked on it and the page didn’t load…and it is harmful to my computer :eek: (I have McAfee)

Hey pal, can you post a better link, both of my computers wont load it!

It wont load on my computer too…

The number 23 is there because we want it to be there. If you keep looking for something, you’ll find it somewhere eventualy. Im sure people could do the same thing you did with 2012 or LD4all for the number 16 or something. It’s the human nature really, we need to explore, discover and sometimes we find things that arent really there…


I seriously would advise you not to get all hyped up about 23 and 666 and the end of the world! I think that worrying about the end of the world and dumb numbers is not good for the human body. If you dwell on it long enough it might corrupt you and you’ll end up in a padded white room!
(Awkward Moment…)
The Luciddator

No. This happened with me, but it was with the number 4. Then I got over it and didn’t become insane. :razz:

23 is just a number just like any other random set of numbers. Not that much to be worried about.

i hate how people associate random numbers and letters and roman numerals with a sopposed “evil number”. an number is just a numerical value… you cant give evil a numerical value, butcause evil (like good) is infinite.

Has anybody ever heard of Jack Van Impe? i cant stand the man, or his wife, Rexella. he’s always doing that. “did you know china’s increasing military force! this is a biblical sign!!this means they are preparing for war!” no duh mr. impe, thats usually what it means… oh, and “12 divided by 2 is 6! 6x111= 666!!! so, if you go to the twelfth book of the bible, then the 6 verse and from the first word of that, read the next 111 words, there will be a message from the DEVIL OOOOO!” man…

also, ive heard that it was the 21st, according to the Mayan calander, the web bot stock prediction system, the hermit merlin, the sable prophecies, and the delfine prophecies. cuz i have no life like that :slight_smile: