The BIG sleep paralysis and old hag topic Part IV

lol those aren’t real, its just HI and stuff it happens a lot but they aren’t realy fairies.

hehe i know. but i like to call them that.

Hello all :wink: I’m new to both LD’ing and these forums… Now that i readed about old hag and sp… Any advice how to not get these while doing WILD etc…? Would be happy if it still reduces the chance of getting one…

I apologize for my bad english :wink: I hope you still understand.

Don’t worry about it. Hardly anyone gets it while awake, and if you do, it’s completely harmless. Even if the first time is scary, it’s nothing to worry about after that.

And your English is just fine. :wink:

I had sleep paralysis in my right arm the night before last… although it could have been the fact that I was sleeping on it. Interesting… yes? no? oh goodie :smile:

I recently had an experience I was sleeping in bed and woke up I felt as though someone was behind me and I couldn’t move I rarely get this but I do suffer from it. More so when I was a kid I suffered from Old Hag I would wake up and feel as though there was a precents of a old women sitting on my feet and other such things.

Yet, I have not experienced a dream paralisis. Altough it will be scary, I would like to get one. :happy:

I had a very odd experience last night. In my dream, I was walking down a street, then woke up into SP. However, when I tried to move a limb, I felt it move as if my body was still in the dream. Despite being able to see the real world, when I tried to move my legs, I could still feel the road beneath them. I could feel my arms move, but saw them lying motionless on my bed. After concentrating, I was able to fully wake up, but has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Hey all!

I had two SP experiences so far. The first one was last year when I awoke during the night in an uncomfortable position, with the bed sheet over my face not being able to move and feeling a presence of a person near my bed.

The second one was actually last night. It was very hot and I couldn’t sleep properly the whole night, always falling asleep for a bit, then waking up again. Suddenly at one point I felt my legs and arms go numb and I got a dizzy, spinning feeling in my head. I tried to move and I couldn’t, so I thought it must be SP and I wanted to use it to enter a dream, so I tried to visualize some dream scene. Instead suddenly I was able to see my room, although I didn’t open my eyes, but my vision was shaking badly and I also was breathing very fast and felt a bit like choking. Then suddenly everything stopped. Was this an SP?

The weird things is, and I really don’t know what to do about it, while all of this happens to me my mind is quite clear, and I am not scared at all. However I am always very scared before or after such an experience. For example tonight I am quite scared that I might enter an SP unwillingly. This doesn’t make sense, because I do not feel any fear while actually experiencing the paralysis.
I don’t know what to do about that fear, and I feel like it’s a barrier preventing me of having WILDs.

That really sounds like a SP, Selena. Since you don’t experience fear whilst dreaming I suggest you try to confront your fear as much as possible and it will go away just as easy.

I think I’m suffering from this phenomena you call Sleep Paralysis.
I’ve read somewhat in the SP threads about the old hag, aliens etc but SP for me is quite different and it’s constant reocurring and quite a problem. I do not have troubble breathing or do not se any creatures.

However, I hear strange noises and it feels like something or somebody’s watching me and it feels like forces pulling me in every direction, sort of tumbling my body. It’s hard to explain. I also hear strange noises like whisperings, footsteps running, babies crying and other strange things. The worst thing is that I can’t move and i can’t scream or anything. This can be quite scary sometimes and it’s really hard to wake up from it aswell. I have to close my eyes and start shaking my head really hard and say to myself, “WAKE UP”.

I get this 1-3 days a week and sometimes more often and I can’t really get a good nights sleep because of this. I know it’s not dangerous but it freaks me out all the time and I get really stressed out. I never see anything in the room I just hear lots of strange things. And one time the bed started to shake like an earthquake or something.

So if anyone have any ideas how to get rid of these nightmares or whatever they are or how i can tame them or use them to get in to a ld instead, I would be really grateful.



That’s right, SP is a perfect chance to get into a lucid dream. Just close your eyes and let yourself visualise a dream, it appears to be really easy. But if you just want to wake up I suggest you start small. Try to move your finger, then your hand, then your arm, then your torso and before you’ll even have noticed you can completely move again. That’ll go much faster then trying it all at once. And by the way, it’ll always help greatly if you do not panic. :wink:

Thanks, but the problem is that I’m having troubble not to panic because I know how hard it is for me to wake up and that makes it even harder. I’m trying to stay calm but something just makes me panic.
Since I can’t control it, I think the best thing would be just not to get into SP at all. But I will try to visualise a nice dream and see how it works.

Allright. And remember, if you want to move, start small. :content:

I’ll keep you updated :wink:

I had another SP last night. I fell into SP and couldn’t move, as usual. There were alot of strange noises. Like really high whispering and it felt like wind was blowing. It felt almost like when Frodo in Lord of the rings puts the ring on his finger. :smile:
So I started thinking of what you said Moinsquerien. Thinking that nothing of this is dangerous. That I just have to relax and visualize a nice dream.
I started to relax and wow how good that felt. The tense in my body relieved and it really felt like I was floating. Really strange, but great feeling I must say.
However the creepy noises and the strange darkness where still there so I had a hard time focus. But i managed to start thinking of something nice and felt another strange thing which I can’t explain. Like in a movie where you start to see a light dot in the middle of the screen. And it just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it fills the whole screen. Like some sort of transition. This made me really exited with all new feelings and everything so I woke up. Knowing that I had been dreaming and very exited. I felt really relaxed and fell into very nice and deep sleep. :smile:

I think I’m getting somewhere :happy:

Wow, that is a brilliant progress! :cool_laugh: I am very happy you faced your SP so well! :content: And I’m happy too to hear about this nice deep sleep. :smile:

Keep us informed about any more progress, atleast if you’d like. :happy:

I haven’t been able to write anything here for a while but i’ll put in a little update now.

I’m still struggeling with my SP, even though it has been decreasing since I managed to stay somewhat more calm during sp. Almost like I now can get to sleep without have to worry about get into sp.
But sometimes it’s still scares the s**t out of me.

Last week I kinda accidently fell asleep when I was lying in my bed reading. It was quite early and I wasn’t particularly tired. But i remember that i was lying in my bed, on my back, when suddenly both my legs got pulled away from each other and down towards the end of my bed. And it happened really really fast. I could move my upper body a little but I got really scared and was to afraid to do anything. And then the whole room started to shake. Like a big earthquake. It have happened before that my bed starts to shake a bit but not like this. I thought I was gonna die or something. Then the panic came and I started shaking my head and tried to wake myself up, which I did.
I was all wet and my heart was pounding really fast when i woke up. Then I couldn’t sleep for a few hours.

Does any of this make any sense to you? It sometimes feels like there’s something wrong with me when this uncontrolled sp’s happen.
I do try to get lucid when I go to sleep and experiment a little bit, listening to music, trying different positions in bed, reality checks etc. But sometimes I just loose control and it gets scary.

It was a strange experience and after reading on ld4all and on - it seems the shake and quake might have something to do with OBE, or that I’m on the way of getting an OBE.

Any thoughts of all this?

I’ve experienced sleep paralysis several times in my life, although here are the most memorable experiences.

Somethin like a year ago, I had woken up in the mornin to noise outside my door, but my eyes were still closed, and my body completely unable to move. I started to panic real bad, as I was afraid that I’d never be able to wake up my body, and that I’d have to spend the rest of my life as a vegetable, while bein aware of it at the same time. I noticed that although I was unable to move a single limb or open my eyes, I could still control my breathin rate. So I started to breath faster, and harder, and it would not help. Then I struggled to wiggle one of my fingers, and it worked. Gradually I was able to wake up the rest of my body, and felt so relieved and glad to be awake. I experienced this another time, except that I couldn’t manage to move my body, so I just let myself relax and fall back asleep, knowin that I’d wake up sooner or later.

This next experience is a very frightenin one. I still get chills thinkin about it, so I feel rather uneasy writin this. But basically one night I was sleepin on my back with the pillow ontop of me, under the covers. My mind woke up, although my body was paralyzed. I knew my pillow was still there, yet I felt an evil presence. Then suddenly I believed that it was the demon girl from the Exorcist, and became struck with intense fear, and I was too scared to take off the covers or even move (by now I was believin that I had already woken up and opened my eyes). Then I suddenly remember feelin my body gettin up on its own as if possessed, and I fell on my knees and my vision was fadin, and I remember seein the demon girl’s head on a pole or somethin. Then I woke up, only to find my pillow still ontop of me, hidden under the covers (which truly disturbed me). I got out of bed and didn’t go back for a few hours.


Wow, I’m almost getting chills just reading about this! I’d heard of SP before I even started getting interested in LDs, and it seemed really scary to me. I don’t know much about it, and I’d like to learn more.

I actually remember getting SP once. Although it was about seven years ago, my memory of it is amazingly vivid. My little brother had just rented “Super Smash Bros” and had been playing it all day. I remember watching him battle the final boss of the game: this giant, gloved hand called “Master Hand”. I didn’t really think about it much after I left my little brother to his game. That night, I was sleeping soundly until about one in the morning, when I was suddenly awakened by this… (in lack of a better word)…pang of fear that just randomly struck me. My heart was beating very fast, and I couldn’t move. I could already tell something was wrong. All of a sudden, Master Hand (the final boss of my brother’s game, remember?) appeared by the side of my bed. I was terrified, and I tried to scream but no sound came out. The giant hand began reaching for me, trying to grab me out of my bed. By this time it felt like the room was spinning, and I shut my eyes tightly, desperately wishing the feeling would go away. That’s when I realized that the feeling in my body was coming back, and as I opened my eyes I saw that Master Hand was gone and the room had stopped spinning. My heart was still beating quickly and I felt incredibly dizzy, and I was too scared to go back to sleep for a while. I was only a little girl when this happened, about seven or eight years old. The next morning I simply wrote it off as a very vivid nightmare, but it wasn’t until several years later that I actually learned what SP was. All the symptoms match up: the inability to move, the dizziness, the panic, the hallucinations, etc. It was definitely a terrifying experience.

I haven’t gone through SP since then, and the thought of it makes me shiver. I do wonder about it, though. It seems that SP is a very common occurance in lucid dreamers (or just budding lucid dreamers!). Is it something that you always experience when you become lucid during sleep? Does it become less scary if it happens more than once? Is it harmful in any way? I’d like to get some answers from someone who’s a bit more knowledgable on the subject than I am.