The BIG WBTB topic, part III

Ah. That’s an interesting observation. I think I’ll try to remember that next time.

There’s a question I’ve been asking my self lately… Does anybody know why WBTB works?
It works well for me, but I can’t understand why waking up after 5 hours of sleep and then sleeping again can help you to be lucide… I’m just curious about it :wink:

This summer I will defintly have a LD! I know it, because I have a plan :>

I am gonna deliver newspapers in the early morning (say, 5 , 6 in the morning ). This is a great oppertunity to make money and have WBTB experiences in my opinion. But does it really matter that much if I work longer than 90 minutes(according to La Berge)? Because I am thinking about having 2 delivery spots, thats around 2 hours of work (well, not really work imo). If I go straight to bed after that and WBTB\WILD, will it work? If not, I might reconsider getting just 1 deliver spot, aka 1 hour of delivering.

But this is like getting paid for having lucid dreams if you catch my drift :content:

Maybe someone else here has had the same idea once? :slight_smile:

I’m trying WBTB tonight for the second time (the first time didn’t work at all). So now I’m spending my hour awake here. I’ve been trying for months to LD, and I’ve gotten very close with WILD. I could feel that I was about to enter the dream state, but I freaked out. Should I try WILD once I go back to bed?

I adore WBTB. I think it is brilliant to experience and a very special feeling. Too bad I don’t fall asleep all that well, so I musn’t keep awake all that long.

Yeah, I freak out too when my dream gets wake initiated. :sad: But you can always keep trying to WILD! :content:

–I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this before so excuse me for the random intrusion.

Anyone else realise that WBTB can cause you to LEAVE your Lucid Dream? Here’s an example of why it can happen:

1). You set your alarm for 6 hours later to perform WBTB (at which point you have to be enthusiastic enough to stay awake long enough for it to work).

2). You then fall asleep intending to wake up at the sound of your alarm but end up having a Lucid Dream!

3). The alarm goes off while you’re in the middle of your amazing insane Lucid Dream!

–Personally I wonder if it’s worth the risk for those who occassionally just have LD’s.

But you’ll have more chance LD-ing if you’re planning to WBTB. :content:

I disagree, for absolute beginners recall is by far the most important thing, the distant second being the number, not quality, of LDs. First you have to establish a base (good recall), then have a lot of LDs to practise with. Of course, I mean you should make big use of WBTB, not once a night but every 20 minutes or so. There is no such thing as too much WBTB.

Twenty minutes? Do you not mean twenty days?

No, I mean wake up every twenty minutes during the latter half of your night’s sleep, write down recall in key words rather than full sentences, then go back to sleep ASAP. Suppose you sleep 8 hours total, half of that is 4 hours = 12 WBTB. Provided you remember one dream with each WBTB (that’s the case with me), that’s 12 dreams a night! Only requisite is you fall asleep quickly, but I think most wouldn’t have trouble with this method.

I see. That is a very well thought method! :happy: And indeed, for people like me though, who do not fall asleep all that fast, this is not so handy.

I have a question about WBTB… I’m working with bendrummin’s Infinity right now… And it says that I should sleep 5-6 hours, then go up for about 10-20 min or something like that. I wonder if I could go up after less than 5-6 hours because if I go up in the morning it’s very hard for me to sleep again, cuz I’m like waking up pretty much when I get up and it’s light out.


I have a question about WBTB… I’m working with bendrummin’s Infinity right now… And it says that I should sleep 5-6 hours, then go up for about 10-20 min or something like that. I wonder if I could go up after less than 5-6 hours because if I go up in the morning it’s very hard for me to sleep again, cuz I’m like waking up pretty much when I get up and it’s light out.


It’s after 5-6 hours that REM sleep occurs so I’d instead try to go to bed earlier.


But I don’t think that would change it, becouse it’s light out whenever I get up :tongue:

Im doing wbtb right now at noon. Id suggest blinds or something to block the light?

I get up after 6 hours, lay in bed and read a different piece of the forum on my wii every morning. And every morning I have a LD. It`s not even challenging anymore…

I’ve experimented with WBTB for 2 years. Now it seems to work better for me.

For a long time I tried to use alarms to wake me up, but alarm can occur at any point in sleep cycle. Usually I just wanted to get back to sleep and could not focus well on MILD.

Now I have mostly trained myself to wake up after a REM cycle. Preferably after at least 5 hours sleep. I wake up, recall dream, record dream. Get up, then later do MILD and meditation. I drink some extra fluid at night to try to encourage my body to want to wake up.

I also have found better success if I am awake at least 30 minutes before going back to sleep. On weekends I make a point of getting out of bed and watching tv or reading for a while. During week, I go back to bed quickly, but try to meditate for at least 20 minutes. Also do MILD.

You don’t have to wait 6 hours, from what ive heard and practiced, ive come to the conclusion that it could work if you wait like 90 minutes!

From what I’ve read your supposed to set your clock 3-4.5 hours after you’ve gone to bed.

Some sleep research has shown that with each sleep cycle your REM duration gets longer. So if you become lucid in a later sleep cycle you will have more time in dream state.

I find that after only 4 hours of sleep, I am too tired to focus properly on MILD.

Then there is a great method for you! There is one called FILD. Click on where it say Best Technique in my Sig and it will take you to the topic. : :content: