Recent dreams, what do they mean?

gifts ppl have now adays may be labelled as disorders, even traits sometimes get labelled as disorders. They sometimes put ppl on meds to control them. do your own research about the stuff and pull your own conclusions. In other cultures those things that happen to you may be interpreted as shamanic ability (could be what your dream is saying?). Most people do not have understanding of such things which makes it hard to develop, and support can be scarce.
Maybe you could draw your visions, may be quite an artist ability. But you must be able to distinguish between the two worlds of internal and external.
Good luck with you.-

are you on medication because you need it to function or because people want you on it?

What we call schizophrenia has been known throughout the rest of human history as extraordinary spiritual gifts.

The shaman would strive to induce the kind of experiences you have at will and were always very respected as part of their community.

Depending on how old you are I would think heavily on this and if you feel medication does you good then I would use it, but if you can function normally with your state of mind without it, and experience benefit, then do consider that as well.

Our psychological industry is very ignorant about certain kinds of things, but I do not know anything about you or your history; I just thought I would point this out.

)They used to call homosexuality a mental disorder in the DSM)

it might be something to talk over with family and friends maybe

I had a dream about two days ago that i was flying in the air delivering a baby to some parents who wanted a baby. It was like i was a stork. I was holding the baby in a blanking like storks do and telling it good things about it’s parents. All of the sudden the baby lifted one hand in the air its fist pointing up towards me wanting me to hold her. I just stared and took the baby to her new home feeling warm inside and disappointed that I had to give her away.

I love children But I feel particularly drawn away from them because of overprotective parents and not being able to hold one in my arms. Does this mean anything to you guys?
I have to bring this dream up because it has to do with children and me being drawn away. I was in a store. There was a large section of the store. I went into this section and there were so many moms and their babies. I remember stopping and asking this women what the dream meant and why there were all these moms and their children. She said because it had to do with something in value and then I woke up. Another dream I had I remember walking out of the store with my mom’s ex husband when I saw some cards sitting on a spinning rack. I looked at them and one caught my eye. I was a baby with purple hair who had a precious moments look to her their was a bubble coming out of the side that had words in it like someone was talking to the baby but you couldn’t see them. The mother was saying “peanut you are so beautiful.” Peanut is a weird name for a baby but I wonder why the name peanut stood out to me. How I know it was a mother saying that because i felt it in the dream. what do these mean? Anyone know?

Maybe there’s something valuable you feel you can offer somebody, something that means a lot to you. It may not be a physical object, it could be a gift of friendship or something similarly meaningful.
If I have dreams that feel as though there is some importance lurking underneath I let subconscious ponder the dream for a day or two. I literally tell myself “right, this dream means something - I’m going to keep it in the back of my head all day, until something feels right”. Usually this does the trick, and I could be somewhere - shopping, on the bus, wherever - and it will suddenly hit me what my dream represents :cool_laugh:.
You could give this technique a try, it has given me a lot of success for the interpretation of my dreams :yes:.

I’ve always believed that nobody can interpret your dreams for you - not to any meaningful degree anyway.

I titled my dream and wrote my dream in story form. It was an actual dream it just sounds like a story. It has the emotions of how I felt and what it felt like to be where I was.

A morning sleeping in agony, my legs sweating from the three layers of blankets stacked on top of me, and the feeling of being tired and fatigue. I cannot wonder any longer how i will have to wake up and feel alive and whole again. The dream I dreamt while sleeping could only mean desperation.
The dream started out where i was running away feverishly from political workers, the devil’s tongue. First I was trying to figure out what was going on. I then had a sudden inspiration that on the other side of the world in my dream and in some places there was dirty work being done. Experimentally with animals and people, scientists taking there their bodies and torturing them. I ended up dealing with head to toe a political worker. A kid he was but he had something up his sleeve. I feared him and ran him over with a vehicle only to result in a phone call to the police I stole a hot shot car and out drove the police. But where was I? In amidst, in divinity, or what? The dream ended where there was a road that people where telling me was once ridin’ and covered on blood from dead soldiers, crying babies, and children. People where walking on this road and reading it as if there were word embedded on the blood road but there was nothing but blood. I woke up feeling nausea and almost feverish. What in the world is my subconscious stirring up?

I really need an interpreters help with this one. I haven’t been able to have non-nightmarish dreams for about two months now. It’s always dark in my dreams and weird things happen. For example I just got up from my nap about ten minutes ago and had some very weird dream sequences. I am in my room when all these cat come from under my bed. I smoosh them and blood is all over the place. Some of them try to get into my body. This thing about cats has been happening since I’ve been dreaming about since I was 4 years old. I remember them tickling me at first when I encountered them but now they try to take over my body. Back to the dream sequences. I then realized that the dream content was to violent for real life and walked down the hall in my dream which is my house. I stomped on the floor and said if anybody wanted to hurt me the better leave my house and never come back. I then decided to go outside. I saw a black object moving in the distance I wanted to grab it but it took of which scared me. The time of day outside was about when the sky is dark blue and it’s early in the morning or at night. Morning in my dream. I then wanted to leave the complex and entered a different dream. I came upon a restraint. A fruit stood out to me a bunch if bananas. I was very curious and decided to ask everybody in the restraunt if they knew why I was dreaming about what I was dreaming. Before I asked this I was trying to change the prices in the shop from expensive prices to free but somebody told me it was against the rules. I asked them why but they couldn’t come up with a great answer. That’s when I asked everybody why I was dreaming this. I asked everybody in the shop and they just shook their heads at me. I asked the later at the counter where food was being served and she said “It’s because your you and that’s what your dreaming right now” I got mad a decided to change everything in the dream to free again but I was in a different shop. This time there was a candy machine and the person before me got a candy. I decided to change it and get a kaleidoscope instead and not pay the 50 cents that was embedded in the machine. It came out and I tried to grab it buy two girls ran away with it. I ran after them and forgot about it when a voice came upon me trying to tell me about my desires in waking life. I recognized this voice as mine and remembered that there was a blond haired girl that I thought was cute and that I should go visit her. I didn’t remember her name in my dream but I kept hearing my brain say annasophia,…annasophia. I went to go visit her across town but when I looked it was deserted and nobody was in it. Me and a girl with blond hair “annasophia” went into the deserted town. For some reason she was at my side and we were going to her house. The town was creepy and I remember seeing a giant yellow duck in a chicken house. It was dirty and gross in this town. I thought it was infected in my dream. We got to her friends house which frustrated me so much in the dream because nothing was going my way. Reasons why.

  1. I wanted free stuff but everybody in my dream insisted that I pay for things
  2. I wanted to know what my dream meant but nobody knew.
  3. Everything was a disaster and I just wanted it to be the way I wanted it and it didn’t turn out that way.

That’s kind of how I feel right now in waking life like nothing works well or turns out good without having plenty of money and it sucks. Maybe somebody can make this easier for me to interpret. These dreams appear scary to me while I’m dreaming them but when I wake up I’m mad and want to return to them and work everything right.

If you think about it the answer is correct. may be you need to tackle this in a different way. Ask different sorts of questions, you seem to be demanding answers and only will accept certain ones.
If every DC in your dream represents a part of yourself just talking to the DCs normally should reveal a lot.

Thanks. I thought it was a pretty good answer for a dream character.Because most of the time it’s an honest remark. Everybody dreams differently and your dreams are you. Maybe I should do some dream techniques or something because I’m a little stressed out right now so maybe tackling it differently won’t help right now but when I release my stress.

I can’t tel you what it means but you sort of answered it yourself, part of it.

But a tip for when you want free stuff. Create it yourself, if you can’t, just take it. If the DCs complain, remind them that it’s your dream, you sort of gave the thing to them in the first place. If you do create stuff yourself you can give it do the DCs so they’ll be nicer, you can’t keep it anyway.

i dont know much about stopping nightmares but when i had scary dreams i always made friends with the things in the dreams that were trying o scare me, it always worked and ive never had the same nightare since i was 7

Wow… How extreme! The way your wrote this was almost fevered in itself… I felt pulled and not, and… Hmmm…
You had quite the dream! The last sentence was a good summary of what the audience might be thinking-- I like it ^^~
You have a good way with short description… It wasn’t disturbing, because you just touched lightly enough on it to be informative, but not insulting…

~It was rather nice :3~ ^^ I think people should write their dreams like stories more often! ~


Thanks for sharing :3 It was a good read-- :smiley:


There is this girl in my dreams named Annasophia. I have called her to my dreams twice and when i go to bed this is what happens. She seems to be distracted by something whether it were boys or something out of the ordinary. I try to get her attention and then something bizarre happens in this case dragons where taking over a school she and i where attending. I was hiding behind a fence. after that happened i was about to cross the street when i saw her. I tried to call her but she seemed to be distracted by someone or something and it was like she was begging to recognize me. that was the second dream i have had of her. the first one i was in a classroom. she was in front of the class while i was in the back calling her name. this time it felt as though they where ignoring me on purpose then after i woke up i called her to my dreams again by forcing my feelings towards her and trying to explain the kind of person i was. And when I went back to sleep I saw her again. I already told you the second dream but my real questions are this. Why am i at an educational place while seeing her. Is she a part of me i am failing to recognize? what is distracting her. Is it many things or one main thing? Any ideas are well appreciated on this topic.

Are you planning to tell something to someone but haven’t found the courage or the right situation yet?

No not exactly. I think its more of a courage of finding myself and finding the courage to telling myself something very important. I am not sure what it is yet but it should come to me in my dreams

Do you know Annasophia IRL? Or is he a DC?

Why do you want to talk to her? Try considering this :smile:

It is possible that annasophia is not a physical person but a Dream Guide. A DG is part of your subconscious that guides you in dreams. This would explain why she is a repeating character.

It’s also possible this is a Spirit Guide. When I meet my guide in dreams I often feel a strong sense of love and peace. But the love transcends any type of feeling I have had in waking life.

In my dream about two days ago I was dreaming that I was at a convenient store. I was in the baby section looking for diapers in size 8 and they had them. I was trying to make up my mind if I wanted orange or blue diapers it was very strange. And in the dream I was thinking about how I couldn’t be small and innocent and look good wearing diapers because I was older and that upset me in the dream so I left without reckoning anymore diapers in the baby isle. I remember telling a lady “it wasn’t easy having to deal with the same underpants all the time” and she told me it was my mistake. I felt like an unwritten child’s book without any pictures.

You MUST have seen Raisin’ Arizona :woo:


In my dream the night before last night i was shopping for baby clothes again. Not unisex clothes but baby girl clothes. that is probably because i choose baby girls over baby boys in everyday life and i look at baby girl clothes sometimes. I was in the store looking at all the designs it was so vivid that i remember coming across a baby car seat design that tickled my fancy it had purple on one side and flowers designs on the other side of the car seat cover. Then when i was looking around i saw a little girl on the baby clothing advertisements that i have seem before in waking life. she was a little girl i thought was adorable on a photo account. She was staring out of the poster looking right at me smiling like that poster was put there on purpose, for me to admire. I remember in the dream thinking that this was my dream baby and she was probably in a poster or picture because that is the only way i have seen her. then something happened in my dream. I wanted to go get “my baby” is what i said in the dream. I then tried to image me holding her i was holding a different little girl that was not the same girl. I then sighed in the dream and said it wasn’t the same. But came to a conclusion that maybe i don’t like my life right now and maybe things won’t go my way but there is a way i can change that in my dreams and in my life. I felt really guilty in the dream because i knew she wasn’t my little girl in real life but i wanted her more than anything. Maybe my dreams are telling me that waking life isn’t the only place you can have children. Oh yeah just to let you know the words blinded by the light keep repeating in my head when I think of this dream.