[software] Infinity - PDF Available

Yeah :happy: I’ve had my first LD :happy:
It was on 10th day of infinity program…


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Infinity an eight day program?

It’s “how long you want to” program… it just adds excercises for 8 days and than next days you make them all until you get LD or until you get bored…

Yeah, I know. Just thought you started counting in weeks after the first one.
I’m gonna try this one as well, but the first days are annoying since I’m going what I usually do but minus the WILD and MILD attempts.

I’ve got a couple of questions about the program.

Can I start the program with bad dream recall? Can I start it with not knowing anything at all, about lucid dreaming?

At start of this program you are asked to start a dream journal, so you don’t need to have good dream recall…

And second answer… yes you can… Day after day this program introduces and explains new techniques, so you will know what to do :wink: Good Luck :smile:

Great… Cuz my DR is really bad :tongue:

While I do say that you can only go up and through Day Eight, I also say that I highly recommend proceeding further for another seven days (if you download the new version, I in fact remind you of that every single time you open the program :tongue: ). The thing is, the first eight days is really for you to get comfortable with the routine that you’ve put together. Obviously you are not going to be fully comfortable with it until day eight, because you keep adding on more and more techniques. The second week is really for you to fully use your routine in action. If you were to take that second week out, it would be like going to medical school to become a doctor, and never actually go into the field after you graduate.

Anyway, congratulations to you forest_guru on the lucids!! And to you as well Genkai on gaining your motivation back! That is indeed one of the major purposes of the program after all!

No worries Canucks_, we all have bad dream recall from time to time. Fortunately, Infinity pushes you to correct that slight annoyance as well!

Ok… I have one more question… Can I do 4 days of the program, then skip 3 days… then continue with day 5 again? Or do I have to do it in 8 straight days?

You could do that, but I don’t really suggest it, heh (that is if you want optimal results). If you can, I’d wait until you are able to endure the whole program all at once.

Ok. Then I’ll start over again after this 3 days :tongue:
Thanks for the program. I really hope it’ll work :smile:

No problem man… Enjoy :smile:

I just downloaded this, and I can’t wait to try it out! I’m determined to have a lucid dream eventually, and I’m willing to try anything that might help. :smile:

I did this for only a week and no LD. I think I should do it over again this time for 2 weeks.

Best of luck to you kaybee2! Enjoy!

Stated in both the beginning and throughout the software, as well as on this forum, the course is supposed to be for 2 weeks. The initial 8 day period is the learning period, where you get used to your routine (which adds up until day :cool:. The second week, after that 8 day period, is where you use that full routine. This is where your chances of lucidity stand. :smile:

Try it out and best of luck!

I’m glad I stumbled upon this. It seems to be helping with my mindset on Lucid Dreaming just a bit at a time. I can’t wait to get deeper into the program.

This sounds really cool. I was very excited when I saw this, but it involves using the bwgen. The bwgen warns against using the product if your using psycho-thingy drugs, and I am. Is there anything I could substitute for the bwgen?

The purpose of BWGEN is to induce a trance-like state so that you can better influence your subconscious mind. It’s completely fine if you cannot use it, just as long as you do something else to replace it that gives the same result. For instance you could look into meditation, which would provide the essential state that you’re looking for.

Why is that, exactly, that it says to not use in combination with psychosomatic drugs?
I thought that BWGen was just White Noise for focusing better.

I don’t personally know for certain, but my guess is that it may trigger some negative brain activity or something similar. It’s worth looking into to see exactly why.

PLEASE i need a download link for the song!

I have been looking EVERYWHERE but i cant find it! I absolutely love the song.