Have you ever woken up and done something stupid?

I dreamt very much times that a baby brother of me got born, that I felt in love and stuff like that. It was very dissapointing when I woke up. :neutral: But I never was disappointed when I woke up from a dream in wich I had very much money, because I do not like money all that much.

I woke up once after being in a long dream fight with my very longterm girlfriend. I woke her up to ask her more details of the argument (she admitted to cheating on me in the dream). She thought I was crazy because she would never cheat on me (honestly) and I would never have suspected her of cheating on me.

In fact, it was so strange to me in the dream that she would admit something like that that I almost became lucid. It was like a RC without me even doing anything (but I was too pissed to perform a RC).

ohhhhhhh yeah. once, i woke up at 2 in the morning, and i took a shower, got my school uniform on, and ate breakfast before i realized a)it was 2 in the morning, b)it was a sunday, and c)my uniform was on backwards.
i figured i was just REALLY tired…

Once i woke up at 12:30 and starting tidying a cupboard drawer. Only later did i realise the time and go back to sleep.

and(i’m not sure if this counts, it’s probably just me being EXTREMELY tired, but…), almost every morning, i run into my door because i’m positive i had left it open the night before(which was probably always just a dream…)
it hurts, too

Ive fallen asleep at 8am and woke up at 9am but for some reason thought it was 9pm and I started to panic because I thought I had slept the whole day, lol

i had somthing like that, i fell asleep with my clothes on the couch and when i woke up it was like 2:00 am and i just went to my bed. then i woke up again and took my pants on then i woke up again and took of my shirt and put on my shorts. i was like why did i do that. then i woke up agian and started running around the house i just stared at doors and wonderd what to do, i felt like i was still asleep tho

One time i went to sleep (well, it was a nap) at like 4 in the after noon, and i woke up at like six and i thought it was the next day. :confused: i was messed up.

I woke up on a Sunday morning and I couldn’t figure out what day it was and thought it was Monday, so I started to rush to get ready for school.

Here’s an awkward one.

Once, I got up around 2 or 3 in the morning, walked through the house to my parents’ bathroom, and left a chunk of human waste on their clean floor. I then proceeded to sit on the toilet seat and stare at the wall for about five minutes before my dad woke up (I had turned the light on) and scared me into wakefulness as soon as he saw what I’d done.

Thankfully, I can write it off as childishness since I was like seven… XD But I’ve woken up nearly unclothed in front of my dresser once recently, wondering if I should wear a third pair of socks over the other two… I’m glad my parents didn’t walk in on that one.

Not really, but my brother woke up once he was real tired, and for some reaoson he pulled down his pants and peed on the stairs! :eh:

I’ve done a few funny things in the past, now that I have work and college at night I just wake up whenever I am done sleeping(that’s usually around noon lol, so it doesn’t happen anymore). Here are a couple memorable ones:

–I one time woke up in the middle of the night because I was cold, I reached around trying to find the sheets but I was grabbing at thin air. I kept wondering where they were until I opened my eyes and realized that I was laying on a bare mattress. All my bedding was tossed all over the room(I wish there was a camera to record that while I slept).

–I’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed, literally. My feet were against the headboard and my head was at the foot of the bed. I woke up looking at the headboard and was like ‘WTF? Where the hell am I?’, I looked around and realized what had happened.

–I was so tired one morning(I was probably around 13) that after I started eating breakfast, I noticed that something was wrong with the taste. Apparently, I had dumped juice onto my cereal, milk into my glass, and put the box of cereal in the refrigerator. On top of that, it was Sunday, and I had gotten up early for nothing.

–One time I woke up with my sheets twisted around my body several times, all of my limbs were tangled in there somewhere, but I didn’t notice until I tried to roll out of bed. I rolled off the bed, and being unable to move my limbs, proceeded to bang my head on the floor. It gets better though, I was really in a jam now since my body was hanging off the bed on a 45 degree angle, with my head on the floor. I just had to wiggle back and forth for about 2-3 min. until the sheets separated from the bed. It was like on scary movie when the marijuana plant rolled the guy up like a joint and smoked him lol. I was actually laughing hysterically throughout the whole ordeal though. :rofl:

This happened to me quite a few times. I wake up have breakfast get dressed, get my stuff and prepare to go to school. Then i realize its 1:30AM.

I have some experience with this all right…

I often wake up from a dream where I get some kind of fantastic item or a chocolate or something, and I am always convinced that I have it in bed with me for some reason, so I start searching my sheets for a while, before realizing I’ve just dreamed and get very disappointed…

Once I got up in the middle of the night and decided it was a good idea to sit with my legs crossed on the floor for a few mins.

I’ve also taken a shower in the middle of the night (on a schoolday). I was getting ready to eat breakfast when my family, awake because of the shower sounds, reminded me that it was 4 in the morning.

I sometimes wake up, speak a little to people, and fall asleep again. Then I wake up, not rememering what I’ve said earlier.

I’ve been told that I’ve cursed a lot to my sister, said “oh, I’m tired” (I fell asleep in a friend of mine’s bed, woke up for a short while, said that, and went back to bed), talked to my friends about how stupid they are, been annoying and just being plain dumb >_<

But I haven’t woken up abruptly afterwards, so I guess it’s not the “real stuff”?

I hate dreams like that there dissapointing when you wake up, and realize you dont have what you had in the dream.

Oh man, this happens all the time! I usually go to sleep right after school, and when my dad wakes me for dinner, I tell him i’m not hungry! Even if im really hungry, I wake up in that state, and tell him to eat without me. It gets annoying, especially when my favorite meal is ready!

Also, my friends call me after school, and I F&#*$ pick up the phone in that state! No matter where I hide the phone, I wake up, crawl over to where the phone is, and answer it. To my friends great amusement, whenever they talk to me like this, they get a lot of “Huh? and What?” and a assortment of mumbles and snores.

I remember third year in high school when I was really near to be flunk (didn’t study a **** that year)… the night before the results came out I dreamt that I had woken up, I went to school and looked at the results and I had failed. So I dreamt I went home and had a horrible day and all you can imagine (very normal dream)… Until I woke up and for the first hour I was really sure it all happened until some friend of mine phoned and asked why I wasn’t there to see the results… I even told him I had seen them the day before (sunday) and how I was pissed as I had really studied a lot at the end of the year and he was really interested in it as it was totally impossible…
Btw I had passed that year.

i’m not sure if this counts…

My mom left early for work one day and I was home alone. My brother stayed at his friends house the night before, and was only three blocks away. He walked home, and knocked a few times, and then my dog started to bark. I must of been sleep walking, because the next thing I knew I woke up in the living room unlocking the door.

I don’t know if this is the same thing but,

One time when I woke up from a nightmare (a ghost ran into me and my body started vibrating), I was shaking when I woke up and I fell out of my bed.