What is the most anoying thing that happened while lucid?

i was actually about to have a WILD and, in it, i was searching the name of this guy my family was talking about on google, and when i clicked the ‘search’ button, my stupid SC made one of those pop-up ghost videos appear, and it woke me up…

Why would your SC do that? Proberably the same reason it wakes me up whenever i ask to see it :grrr:

Ghost video? Like those screamers on the Internet?

yeah. i hate those. my cousin always sends them to me.

The last time I had a vivid LD, I was awake at 6am remembering that I had to wake up in exactly an hour. But when I fell asleep, I was still in my bed, I looked at my clock and it displayed a different time and I said to myself “#$@%! I’m late!” and went upstairs to find my grandparents sitting at the table (who live on the other side of the country)… I looked at a clock on a nearby wall and realized I was dreaming. I still felt that I was sleeping too much and tried to force myself awake.

I had a false awakening and continued to try and wake myself up…

If the whole shinanegan continues, I just feel so dumb when I wake up and see that it’s 6:30…

:lol: :lol: :lol:

False Awakenings are a @#$%&!!

They’re a hassle alright…

The most annoying thing in LD’s for me is when I close my eyes and then I cant open them, which results in a FA or being forced awake.

The second most annoying thing was when I was assulted by a female sales representative at a department store. I didn’t even do anything to her!!! :crying: And when I returned, she attacked me again! And this time she had a partner and they double-teamed me.

And yes I lost, because they cornered me and then forced me into a FA. :crying:

i have only had one LD but it was a very short one. I got into a car in the dark pouring rain and looked out the window with a big grin saying to myself “wow my first LD i cant believe im in my dream!” and as we drove away the scene changed and i forgot i was Lucid and went into another dream. SUCKS

Well this other time i believe i was LDing but i wasnt very lucid…i looked up at this enourmous, alien technology kind of theme park with the most big fast and crazy looking coasters i have ever seen and i knew i was in a dream and as i walked up these neverending stairs a whole bunch of actors were waiting in line on the other side of teh stairs kinda seperated by a rope and they were all cheering and sreaming my name and staring at me and smiling it was so crazy. then i got into this old dirty wooden house and saw two giant half man half mosquito 9ft things chasing this man around and i laughed and said " well if im in a dream i can look at my eyes in a mirror and it would be different" so i did and my eyes were shaking back an forth and it freaked me out and i got dizzy. so i spun around fast to try to help it and then i said “alright you in your girlfriends room” and opened my eyes to be in my friends basement where he says “i have this hot blonde chick im gonna have sex with her but go talk to her ill be right back” so i smiled and said no no its ok i got it from here and locked the door. after that i found the girl adn she had no eyes but she was naked and i jumped on top of her shut the lights off and as i was kissing her and feeling her tits i woke up… =((((

[i][color=darkblue]*Genkai compulsively welcomes CN to LD4all.[/i][/color]

:welcome: Enjoy your stay @ LD4all.com, ComfortablyNumb!


Forget my last post in this topic-The most annoying thing that occured to me while lucid?

Trying to visit LD4all in my dream… And getting Rickroll’d.

Omg last night I had a vivid LD (3rd one in a row!!!) and then a False awakening. Then in that False awakening I had another False awakening. Then I realized they were all False Awakenings so my third dream was also a vivid LD. Then I woke up for “real” and started walking around talking to people in strange ways (my DCs are really fun to mess with) thinking I was still dreaming!! Then I realized I “was not” so i got all confused and apologized to all the people I met…

[color=red][size=150] Then I woke up again!!! [/size]


I tend to have a love-hate relationship with my False Awakenings… My most powerful lucid dream (a month ago) occurred after a series of FA s…

Too bad I have only had one FA since then… They really are a help for me. :cry:

The most annoying thing that has happened to me while lucid dreaming, is having a little girl walk towards me, and pull out a large rubber chicken, and make squawking noises. It got me very angry, and I had to put my other plans on hold, and scream at her for trying to ruin my dream.

The second most annoying thing, is not being able to turn when I fly. I can blast myself up superman style, but I can’t seem to go in any other direction.


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The most annoying thing that happens while lucid dreaming, is losing lucidity. Especially by family members that are making very loud noises and have no consideration for the fact that you’re sleeping, and are conscience of flying, or something of the like. :cry:

Oh yeah. I always lose lucidity because of family members in my dream. Mostly my parents who are always like “Robyn, what are you doing?!” and I’m pulled out of lucidity at that moment. :cry:

The most annoying thing is kinda rare, my mind sometimes just overloads with crap during LD, there are too much object for my mind to handle, then I completly loose control altough I’m lucid and then physics laws are cancled, thing are going to the wrong way, I’m falling through every solid object.

The most annoying things in LD is when my vision is all fuzzy or when I try to run and it’s like I’m running it quicksand. Or when my DC try to cause harm to me.

yeah dreams like that are really annoying. especially when youre lucid and you cant quite get control of your senses. I found it very difficukt to keep my eyes open in my last lucid dream. :bored:

The most irritating thing for me is KNOWING that you’re going to wake up. Also when I can’t run properly. Last night I was doing some sort of race noone would thought i would win. It was the first time I’ve actually been able to run a little bit more like you’re meant to!!! ITS SO ANNOYING!!! ARGH!!

For me is it that the dream fades into black, and I wake up.

I’ve had douzens of these, in the latest hours of sleep (when i sleep in in the weekends :wink: ), I go “Hey! This is a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeam” (e indicates it’s fadin’ :wink: )

Or, the dream slowly goes less and less clear, until it goes from dreaming, to laying in the bed imaginating :meh: