Spinning wakes me

In two of my thirteen lucid dreams, I’ve tried to lenghten lucidity or teleport by spinning.
But the problem is, when I spin, I automatically close my eyes, and when I open them, I am in my bed, awake.
What should I do? Try it once more, or give up this technique and try something new?

I’m really scared that I’ll wake up everytime I try to spin, and therefore I don’t really want to spin. :confused:

Try to rub your hands, or try to keep your eyes open while spinning.

Yeh I get that as well. Its happened twice now. :sad:

o_o Oh my, people are forgetting the basics…

First trick from the big book of LDing: Say it!

If you want to increase lucidity, try saying (or even “thinking”) INCREASE LUCIDITY!

That’s it :smile: Lucidity bonus in a sec! You can also try other tricks such as the pill or lucid cola