The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part VI

if that is the only thing making you doubt, then it would have been your first LD :yay:

lucidity is about awareness not control, but control often follows due to the awareness. sometimes to give yourself a power or control you have to think of ways to do it. Commands are good for this … or lateral thinking. just experiment and have fun :happy:

First of all, Hello to everyone! It’s great to meet people who doesn’t think you’re insane or believe you’re are going to go crazy for practicing LDing.

I also want to apologise for my English since I speak Spanish.

I’ve always experienced SP and HH usually when I’m laying face up. I get so scared that I suddenly wake up and sometimes I feel forced to open my eyes. That’s why I find WILDing so hard.

Last night, after having a day almost off of RC’s (made 3 or 4 in all day) and hadn’t used any tecnique at all I had another LD.
I woke up around 2, I always wake up a few times during the night bacause I usually have bad dreams, not nightmares but really scary dreams. I realized I couldn’t recall any dream yet, so I went to the bathroom and continue my sleep. Then I remember be doing a RC (the nose one)and be amazed because I was able to breath. So I went like “I’m dreaming!”. I’m not sure if it was a real LD because I thought I was dreaming of having a LD in my dream (do you get it?). So I told my mum it was a LD, made another RC (one of mysef that is watching my nails which are (most of the time) painted with the word “s u e ñ o” (dream in Spanish) in WL) and I noticed it changed somehow. Then after exploring a bit of my old house I said to myself that this was a long dream since I could feel every passing second. I also remember having rubbed my hands a couple of times. Then I decided I’d give flying a try. It took me a lot of effort and I had to go through some kind of awning. Last thing I remember is seeing landscapes.

The funny thing is that after waking up from that dream and going back to sleep I dreamt about telling my mother of having had a LD.

My question is; if I knew that I was dreaming it was a LD right? even though I thought I was dreaming in a dream? :eh:

welcome zoethedreamer! :welcome:

:yes: you have had a real LD. As soon as you realize you are dreaming, you have a lucid dream. It doesn’t really matter if you think you dreamt it in a dream, it is a lucid dream nonetheless :smile: We have even a definition for those kind of LD’s, lucid meta dream, or nested lucid dream :smile: Congratulations! And I like that idea you have, of painting “dream” on your fingernails and use that as a reality check :happy:

:peek: I’m moving your post in the BIG “was this a lucid dream” topic :smile:

Thank you so much!!

Yeah, that RC really works for me. In fact, the 1st time I realized I was dreaming was while watching at one letter of my fingernails it started to changed into dots. I guess it can be usefull for people who doesn’t come out of home frequently otherwhise you will have to explain everyone why you have that word written in your fingernails and it gets really anoying.

Btw, sorry for having post where I shouldn’t…

Zoe! gasp If you just started, that was a great LD!!! Mine only last a few seconds:-D
Well, I had a dream where I was running up and down the stairs of my house, getting honey and grahm crackers. Then the dream started fading, and i was like, “Noo I am in a dream but now its ending and when I close my eyes again I will open them and be in my bed!!!” And exactly that happened.
So was this an LD? If it was, it probably wasn’t 100% b/c I didn’t think of spinning. I’m just not sure if this was me partially awake of me LDing (second, second, second!!!)

AsiAsi I know exactly what you mean! The same thing happens to me all the time, the whole dream is a ND, and then I start to wake up and I say “Noo! This is a dream, let me stay!” lol. Also if in a ND things get really bad, I think “This must be a dream…” but then I wake up. I’m not entirely sure, but I would say what you described is a lucid dream, because as soon as you realize that you are dreaming in the dream, it is a lucid dream.

Also, well done Zoe! Great first LD :happy:

Yay thanks!!!

In my last LD I realised I was dreaming by questioning too much the fact that if I was dreaming or not. Then I went like “if I doubt it that much this must be a dream!” Then when I was trying to fly the scene was too dark so i said “increase visibility” a few times and everything went to light, I was walking in the streets and I could even see the faces of the people who was driving in the cars!! Amazing, cause I usually see things blurry in my dreams.

Oaky, last night was (if is was,) my longest LD ever. I twas like 1 or 2 minutes long. I remember telling all these people to disappear, and I did, leaving me in a blank landscape. I was worried that I would wake up, so I decided to eat some warm bread (long time since I had homemade bread; I just wanted to have some). It looked all doughy in my hand, but it tasted good and very warm!^^ For most of the rest of the dream I sort of wandered around wondering what to do, and then I started to lose a little lucidity.
If I was even lucid. See, for a lot of the dream I didn;t really think “I’m dreaming”. I did think “I can do whatever I want”, and maybe subconciously knew I was dreaming, but it still felt weird.
Or this could also be because I woke up from that dream in the middle of the night and went back to sleep, losing some of the lucidity feeling. I always say I will write it down anytime of night, but it was a weeknight, so…
Could someone tell me if I did? IF it was this means I made awesome progress and I will be overjoyed. Either way I woul dmake progress, but having a real LD is just better, you know?

If at any point you realised that you were dreaming, at the very least that part of the dream was lucid :smile: As for the rest of the dream being lucid It is hard for me to say. If you compare how those parts of the dream felt, to how it felt when you realised that you were dreaming. You should be able to tell if you were still lucid or not. :wink: congratulations :happy:

This dream scared the hell out of me. I had just done a bunch of yard work and I was really tired, so i fell right to sleep. To skip all of the boring stuff that occurred before possible lucidity and get right to the good stuff: I was piloting a small helicopter type aircraft over a grand canyon type landscape. I suddenly realized that I was dreaming and I have no idea how my train of thought went this way but, I figured it didn’t matter if i flew perfectly or crashed. I let off of the throttle and began to free fall towards the earth. at the last moment I became unsure whether I was dreaming or not and tried regain control of the helicopter, but failed. It was quite possible the scariest moment of my life not knowing whether I was going to die or not. I woke up the most scared I’ve ever been, and eventually realized I was alive. I’m not sure if I was lucid, because why would I have chosen to crash?


If you were really aware that you were dreaming, it is possible that you lost your lucidity during the excitement of flying since when lucid you would know that you couldn’t die or get hurt in the dream.

Im so confused :confused: …idk if this was ld i just…omg idk…anyway heres how it went:
well…if u all can remember, that turner beast in maine that was hit by that car?
well the dream wass full of them, they were chasing the car, and then they like, broke out one of the tires, so me and my step dad get out of the car, and we run, and we see this van infront of us dumping out the turner beasts, :eek:
i still remeber the liscene plate because i was focusing so hard on it, it was: NGJN14
so anyway, i run into this church to hide and decide to pray, and i felt really peaceful, but then, they broke down the door so i run into this school, when i see my sister plugging her nose, that’s when i think i became lucid, i did a RC and i could breath through my nose!
so i flew around, killing the turner beast, but i still felt that urgency like in the dream, i still didnt totally feel indedpendent, :sad:
was this a LD or was it just a dream about LD i really don’t know, when i woke up it felt like a normal dream, but in the dream idk what it felt like…
P.S. in the dream i wrote “future” on a peice of paya, put it in a cubby and in my dream i pulled it out and it said “748-9988” :confused: could somebody plz tell me what that means??

it all depends on if you did the RC automatically and then acted as if lucid without being aware … just using the powers
A lucid dream is defined as knowing you are dreaming while in the dream. So it all depends on how you were thinking at that time.
Also remember, you can be lucid just for a few moments and then fade back into a normal dream again :meh:

hmmm well, at first it was a normal dream, and i think maybe, i was aware i was dreaming twice in the dream, then i faded beck into the normal corse of the dream…so it wasn’t LD?

if you are fully aware in any part of a dream, I would count it as a LD :yay: even if it fades back again… since the difficult part is becoming lucid :content:

Okay, this is what happened to me last night:
I had a dream that there was this black lab but it had this weird spiky ball for its nose and tail. I thought “hey, that’s weird, I must be dreaming!” Then I promptly woke up. (For real, not a FA. I think.) When I woke up I was still very sleepy, but I thought “hey, great, I just had an LD, too bad I woke up!” Then I very quickly fell back asleep. This exact same thing happened a second time, only the second time I can’t remember what I was dreaming about when I realized I was dreaming. When I woke up in the morning, I remembered thinking that I had had an LD in the middle of the night, but now I wasn’t sure whether they were really LD’s. The thing is, I remember remembering the dream in the middle of the night when I was sleepy, but I don’t remember the dream itself very well. Is it possible that I could have had an FA and dreamed that I remembered that I had an LD? Or that I could have misremembered/misinterpreted my dream? Or that I could have dreamed that I realized I was dreaming, without actually having an LD?
Sorry if that didn’t really make sense, and sorry for all the questions, it’s kinda hard to explain what happened.
I want to know because if I really did really realize I am dreaming, it means I am very close to having a (longer) LD!! :happy:

yes, it is possible especially if you have been thinking about lucid dreaming a lot.
But even if it was a dream about being lucid, it means LDing is on your mind … so your first proper LD is getting closer.

So you are in a win/win situation :thumbs:

I also dreamed about LD this night. In the dream I was hopping to become lucid as soon as I will be sleeping. So I found myself practicing a WILD technique (in the dream, still unconscious). Then I quickly got in some kind of a SP followed by the very realistic feeling of a free fall. I was expecting to wake up in a LD but I woke up in real life. (really annoying :panic:)

And even tough I was awake now, I still performed a RT to check if I’m not dreaming. (Perhaps the first time, that I was not sure if i was really awake or not in real life)

I’m new here and just yesterday read a lot about LD, and today i had something similar where i was in the bathroom and for a second didn’t know if i was really awake, so i did a RC and i was. :eh:

Anyways last night i decided to try recording dreams since i normally do not remember dreams. Well i put a piece of paper beside my bed and a pen, i fell asleep while thinking about things as well as reminding myself to remember my dream. I started dreaming about pole vaulting, and then some girl accusing me of stealing the mat. I then realized it was a dream and woke up, i looked at the time and it was about 30 minutes after i fell asleep. I then tried to focus on counting while falling asleep (WILD approach i think). i noticed my limbs getting tingly and like i couldn’t really move them (didn’t try to much though) as well as blurred vision, so i closed my eyes and continued counting, and then realized i couldn’t focus on counting, i would skip numbers and lose my spot. I then started to dream about being in class on the computer, and i was clicking a button but what was supposed to happen wasn’t happening, i realized it was a dream and half woke up but was still in a state of tingly limbs not wanting to move. So i tried to dream, and caught myself in a dream again, so I looked around the room. But i noticed while i was trying to look at details it felt like i was making the details up myself. So i figure after i caught myself dreaming i came out of the dream state, and was just thinking about my dream and adding details that i thought might have been there, but not actually dreaming about it. Since after i found out it was a dream, it no longer felt like i was there, but watching it with the ability to change what was happening. And when i tried looking at details i found myself narrating what was in the room.

By definition i believe this counts as LD low level because i was dreaming and realized i was dreaming; however, as soon as i realized i was dreaming i think it stopped being a real dream, and more me just “thinking” because i didn’t feel involved in it. However this being the first night trying to have/remember dreams, I believe this was successful.

Any thoughts on this?