Faking REM (?!)

I tried it once, with the thoughts only as a trick to get tired. You see, I always have those jumpy thoughts when tired. So I thought it could work the other way around. Worked well first time, much less good second. Ill try that tonight with the Eyes, see how it goes.

So what you did was just move your eyes around rapidly like you would in R.E.M sleep? I never thought of doing that. I’ll try it sometime. I’ve heard that a way to get the body to go to sleep was to lay perfectly still for 20 minutes and your mind would think that your body is asleep so your mind will too.

Exactly. Not too artificially… like I were looking around the dream environment. Just wiggling them around for the sake of it gets tiresome.

I’m not sure if I moved my eyes really. But I did this thing. I imagined that I was looking at 4 points in sequence. The corners of a diamond shape laying on its side. I just sort of happened to do it. It felt right. I was already pretty relaxed and all that, but this seemed to bring me closer to sleep. I wondered if I was moving my eyes. And I know I did a few times. But I tried to only move my awareness of the points.
I thought about this same thing that perhaps I was entraining my mind to start REM sleep.

I’ve already read this “faking REM” technique in a Christian Bouchet’s text but I never had seen it confirmed or tested by anybody until today.

Curiously, one people on the french forum just tried it tonight with success (we were talking yesterday about moving randomly eyes as a prolonging technique and he decided to try it rather as an induction technique), so that two topics about this very technique were posted the same day. :eek:

That’s AWESOME… it was just a random idea that crossed my mind that night.

I was wondering… shouldn’t eyes be pointing far up in the stages just before REM? I was trying this yesterday night and had no results until I sent my eyes up there… then the transition hit (felt like a light electric shock, heart rush and all and as alwais I got excited lost it and went fully awake)

Even though it is mere hallucinations, why on Earth would you guys want to purposely put yourselves through SP? Especially when you can take it easy and perform WILD/MILD. In my opinion, WILD is hard enough to enter a LD. =/

I’m going to try this, so all you do is kind of rapidly,but not strong enough to keep your body awake like your looking at 4 corners of a room almost, also does anybody think that when you WILD before bed that you should also try WBTB so you can try to WILD twice for better results because i haven’t done WBTB in a while because of school and laziness.

So what you are saying is that we should do this in the late night and do WBTB? I’m confused when you said “I sent my eyes up there…”

Just for the sheer ego rush of leaping that particularly high hurdle. >:)

Ugh. I never did try this yet. I will do it soon ok? Should I do this with WBTB?

I got to do an accidental WBTB this morning and I TRIED it… but if it made a difference or not, I can’t say… I entered the cusp of SP but didn’t successfully enter a LD.

I tryed this last night. Went to bed, I was very comfortable (I have hot water bottles :razz:), I had slight HI, random stuff appearing in my head (Things like heads just appearing). I remember reading this, and began to move my eyes in syncrohnised movement to the scenes playing in my head. about 10 seconds in, Lots of strange feelings were happening on my body. It wasn’t sp, just lots of vibrations. Next thing, my throat went really weird, I found it really hard to breath as though i was sufficating (as though I Really needed to swallow whatever it was in my throat). When I swallowed, everything just stopped.
What I believe happend was that my mind was testing to see if I was asleep, see if I would react to it.
I might try again.

Sorry for being unclear… I’m not from an english speaking country…
I did it before sleeping (worked 2 times by now) so… to make it clear
1)I began faking rem
2)at some moment I remembered I heard normally when you are in deep sleep eyes tend to point upwards to a spot between the eyebrows so I tried to do it
3)seconds after I was feeling shocks and tinnitus and everything I know should be the transition.
4)I’m trying it again tonight… probably with WBTB

Do you just wait for it to normally reach that point looking up or do you do it manually by just looking up and doing fake R.E.M. at the same time?

I just wait for the body to get a fair amount of numbness

I tried it as I relaxed last night, and for a second I was experience what seemed like HI, it was this cloud of changing color, the cloud was motionless. It was mainly appearing at the top part of the blackness. All I did was wait until I was relaxed, then I looked up and moved my eyes left to right back and forth. I noticed though that my eyes started to get sore, so I could only be effective once.

About the HI, I am not entirely sure if it was real or my imagination… It seemed more clear than imagination though. I also experienced my adrenaline going a bit high with heartbeats. What concerns me is that it may be a placebo effect, rather than HI. I doubt it though, I have a hard time believe things people say about things, so I don’t think it’s placebo.

Anyways, I will try it again tonight. I did not reach numbness before trying, I was still conscious, just relaxed and tired. My body was in no way in SP, I could and did move. Other times I tried my eyes simply were too sore to do it anymore…

Hey I’m a long-time lurker and finally decided to post.

This thread is interesting because I THINK I’ve had this without even trying many times. And the weird thing is that I wasn’t even that tired yet to fall asleep. My eyes were closed and suddenly had what I could describe as some sort of electrical shock or something. I always kinda freak out by this thinking I’m falling into SP though I’ve never had one. Then I try to open my eyes right away but it’s kinda hard to open them.

So what could it be? Surely SP doesn’t happen that fast?

Well maybe… :bored:
But i doubt it.