Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming - CALD Part IV

I have let go and kinda started over with my characters. It was hard though. They’re names are Alejandra and Kate.

Aiden: eep…

Morph: The Catgirl’s gone now? :neutral:

Wow, I’ve never seen anyone just pick up a new start-- Well, good for you!
Have you gotten some details about their beings yet? Any thing to share? :3~?

Totally curious as to the new entities-- hope to see it soon!

Whoa, Aiden! XD Hiya buddy X3~


Well, I got them from different web comics so I already got their personality down and what they look like of course. However, I did get a new cat girl (kate) and she has these tiger stripes and purple hair. Alejandra is a cow (human form of course) with black and white spots.

my thing is, how can you talk to them outside of a dream without being a sceztophranic? (spelling, i know.)

It should have said how in the tutorial thingy. You should just talk to yourself (almost) and you should just get an automatic response. Whatever you get first is what they say.

Well not quite…^^;;
It more so that a character is created consciously-- that is, when you’re awake.
Some people take character they’ve seen in dream to do this as well, it’s not that they appear on their own to chat.
In earlier threads, it’s been elaborated on as to how to create a character for this purpose-- but people have internal dialogue enough that having that process on the inwardly isn’t too off.
It’s a common misconception that all characters in CALDcome from dreams, but it’s more like enacting a conversation consciously on in internal level with a character you’ve created previously.
You don’t talk to yourself, quite…

Hope that helped!

Well that’s quite nice! I hope you enjoy interacting with them, hopefully you can get more personal with them soon enough. :3~

I absolutely love this idea of creating characters and interacting with them with the dream world.
I’m a bit of a writer and like to write short stories and articles and will hopefully, one day, try my hand at a novel. Iv often thought of using LD as a tool for creating worlds and characters to then write stories about.
I have to say though, that I am 30 years old and Talon, only being 14. Your creativity seems to blow mine out of the water.
Your imagination and creativity is fantastic. To be able to create characters as life like as you have and to interact with, with in LD as if they were reel is amazing. I have not read all of these threads, as it would take a week but have skimmed through. I have really been inspired by this idea and am going to have a go at creating some life like characters and a fantasy world in which they live and I can visit.
I have often wondered if you can have relationships with Dream Characters in the LD world, and I think you have proven that some people can.

I think I will add to my characters (I’m not going to re-start; it just seems too harsh). I just love my avatar so much that I will make a character of him. I just need a name, any suggestions?

^^~ Wow! How kind of you :3~ I’m glad that you found CALD, then! :happy: It’s encouraging to see another who enjoys the concept ^^~ I’m really happy you took such interest-- Wow! All these threads? It really would take forever…

Is there anythings you want to know? All of these pages are locked away with me-- I’ve read every post on this thread faithfully! :3~ And I’d be happy to locate any information you’d be looking for-- And if the browsing is to just get a more complete oversight of the new tech, that’s great too ^^~

I really hope to hear from you if you chose to pursue CALD! It could be very much fun to have somebody else’s info added to the mix ^^~

Why not enlighten us of your ponderings? I’d love to know, and I’m sure others would as well :3

Much luck and love~! :love:

^^~ Why not let a name come to you? Just set up a bit of a personality and see where it takes you… :P~ I’m glad to hear you’re not entirely restarting! It would be difficult, I think, for anyone to just pick up and start again…

Sorry for the late reply! Ohhh Hectic school…

Hope everything comes to a lovely blossom Kt! ^^~ Waiting for updates…

~Tal :3

I found a name for him and it is Andy. I like the name and so does he :happy:

^^~ Congrats Kt! I’m glad you guys found a name for him that you both enjoy ^^~


Ok I guess its time for me to update…
Not much has been happening at all for me with CALD . I havent really been trying to lucid dream at the moment because its just been so relaxing not doing anything this holidays. Ever since Alice has gone its been harder to keep in contact with Sage, Emmanuel,Felicia and Carma but I did visit Arveya a couple of days ago and my how it has grown in my absence, I did the right thing leaving my characters in charge for Arveya has flourished richly. There are many towns and people and the land itself has morped in new ways that I cant really explain. Everythings a lot more vivd. Once I can be bothered Im going to explore deeper and hopefully converse with my characters more. I hope everyones characters are well!

I think i’m going to start trying CILD again, i have my mind set on it plus i have two character i could talk to. One is called Leachy, he’s something like my SG, a green dragon as big as a horse who can change shape and colour whenever he wants and a black cat-like creature with white wings called Angel, who i have seen quite a few times in my dreams. I’ll post tomorrow if i get any results, although i usualy tend to drift off to sleep no matter what i try so im not sure this’ll work… WIsh me luck!

I hope you succeed! I find seeing my characters in my dreams a great experience. Your characters sound really neat.

Astraea! :3 Good to hear you’ve went to visit your world, it’s interesting for me to see other people’s takes on the theory of mind worlds-- It’s nice to know you can left it grow without active thought! :smiley: Hope your chars are well, and that good experiences will grace your next update :3

Queen SD It’s nice to know you’re going to start up with your CALD attempt ^^~ Always nice to have someone join the team so to speak! :D!~
Your characters sound rather nice, I like your concepts on them. Leachy and Angel? I would look forward to any updates iif you left them! :smiley:
Best of luck! Hope wonderful things progress throughout your time :3~


Hey guys! ^^~
Been quiet enough, I know-- But it doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on it!

Collecting data on CALD has been fun thus far ^^~ Much like MILD, I’ve noticed people who have been actively thinking about the CALD theory, or practicing the character interaction with it have had some noticably different dreams upon entry-- Some people noticing lucidity moments?
I’m thinking, perhaps, that intergrating more sign recognition into the character interaction would be helpful–
Still compiling data as more of it comes :3

On a side note-- I’ve come to a conclusion that CALD more closely could be catagorized as a character creation theory, with very maluable uses-- I think most CALD users will agree that the focus is mostly in creating the characters and the actions with them, rather than the actual lucidity induction ^^;~ (Moreso of a nice plus? XD).
In anycase, I’ve found character interaction is so entirely intergrated into my being now on a daily basis (because of roleplaying everyday) that CALD for me, is more easily practiced when contemplating on the theory, rather than direct character interaction–
However, direct character interaction has proven to be a doorway to many an interesting dream ^^~.
Also-- Through the continous use, I’ve learned to recognize the conditions of dreams, and I have much more frequent DILDs. This is contributed to by the “just be sure you’ll have a LD” attitude that is taught in one of the LD programs available on LD4ALL (I forget which it is D: ).

Hoping that everybody is still enjoying character interaction and the occasional use of the CALD concept ^^~.

[ On a personal side note: A new boy has stepped onto the scene to join my group-- Soos. (However, because of his difficulty effectively communicating, this is just the nickname given to him for now until he can utter a solid name for himself). He suffers some mental illness, so I find his mannerisms and erratic behaviour to be unnacceptable for character interaction online. However, in creating him and think about him before bed (as I often find myself developing characters as a good way of getting to sleep) I’ve had some rather-- Peculiar dreams, often linked with the interaction I see between him, and my other boys… ^^~]

Just a quick update ^^~
Much luck, and happy lucids!

Well everybody, I’m back :content: … sorry I’ve been away for so long, I’ve been trying to graduate number 1 in the state. It’s taken up all of my spare time lately, no time for the net. By the way, I haven’t done too well in the number 1 in the state thing lol. However, I’m back for good (hopefully). Looks like nobody’s posted here in a while, but it’s a sticky so I won’t worry about bumping it.

Even though I’ve been off the net for a while, I have still been trying to learn more about CALD. I think I’ve come up with a fascinating discovery that I’m looking in to. Let me explain.

First of all, all of the characters you knew and the world that I had created are all gone. New mindset, new mind, new characters, I guess you could say. I have changed a lot in the past few months, I guess my mind reflects it. I have one character now, and she’s still in development. Her name is Arya (pronounced Aria, no connection to your Aria as far as I know Talon, she just picked the name). She is rapidly developing, and is gearing up to be the closest and most complex character I have ever had.

Anyhow, on to the new theory. Talon, you kind of stumbled on it as well.

“On a side note-- I’ve come to a conclusion that CALD more closely could be catagorized as a character creation theory, with very maluable uses-- I think most CALD users will agree that the focus is mostly in creating the characters and the actions with them, rather than the actual lucidity induction ^^;~ (Moreso of a nice plus? XD).”

That Talon quote will help you see where I’m coming from. I was running on mile 4 nonstop in my Personal Fitness class (I swear that madman coach must have been a drill seargent in the marines) and I was about to collapse. I was so exhausted that I just cried out of desperation to Arya, “Help me!”

Suddenly I could feel adrenaline and endorphines flooding my system. In English, I felt great, felt no pain, and my body suddenly thrust into overdrive. I finished the 2 more miles without even blinking, it was so easy. Now P.F. has been a breeze as Arya is helping me.

This made me think of just how many fringe benefits character interaction has. It amazes me. I love interacting with my character, and obviously it is improving my daily life in many ways. I have had such fascinating chats with Arya at night during LDs. We always just walk around and talk, or sit down somewhere. I can talk to her more casually then my previous characters. Tonight I am going to meet her during an LD and ask her about the P.F. interaction. I am fascinated.

Keep me updated on that new character Talon :wink:
Good to be back, and sorry about the long post (as if you aren’t used to it from me).