The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part VI

I’m new here and just yesterday read a lot about LD, and today i had something similar where i was in the bathroom and for a second didn’t know if i was really awake, so i did a RC and i was. :eh:

Anyways last night i decided to try recording dreams since i normally do not remember dreams. Well i put a piece of paper beside my bed and a pen, i fell asleep while thinking about things as well as reminding myself to remember my dream. I started dreaming about pole vaulting, and then some girl accusing me of stealing the mat. I then realized it was a dream and woke up, i looked at the time and it was about 30 minutes after i fell asleep. I then tried to focus on counting while falling asleep (WILD approach i think). i noticed my limbs getting tingly and like i couldn’t really move them (didn’t try to much though) as well as blurred vision, so i closed my eyes and continued counting, and then realized i couldn’t focus on counting, i would skip numbers and lose my spot. I then started to dream about being in class on the computer, and i was clicking a button but what was supposed to happen wasn’t happening, i realized it was a dream and half woke up but was still in a state of tingly limbs not wanting to move. So i tried to dream, and caught myself in a dream again, so I looked around the room. But i noticed while i was trying to look at details it felt like i was making the details up myself. So i figure after i caught myself dreaming i came out of the dream state, and was just thinking about my dream and adding details that i thought might have been there, but not actually dreaming about it. Since after i found out it was a dream, it no longer felt like i was there, but watching it with the ability to change what was happening. And when i tried looking at details i found myself narrating what was in the room.

By definition i believe this counts as LD low level because i was dreaming and realized i was dreaming; however, as soon as i realized i was dreaming i think it stopped being a real dream, and more me just “thinking” because i didn’t feel involved in it. However this being the first night trying to have/remember dreams, I believe this was successful.

Any thoughts on this?

Hi and welcome to LD4all :cool:

This reminds me of the really strong HI or daydreaming that i get while falling asleep. It feels more like looking at an illustrated daydream than really being in the situation. It usually helps me if i try to focus on a different sense, like hearing or touch. Feeling one’s own feet is a good way to make a LD more solid.

You did impressively well for a first attempt :cool: sweet dreams and good luck!

I was taught about LDs by a friend last week, and thus I’m still pretty new.
My first night, I had a dream where I was in a field of sand. I felt as though I needed to do something with the sand, and then I realized “wait. normal people don’t manipulate sand at will! I must be dreaming!” and I immediately woke up.
Later that night, I had a dream where I was in a plain room with 3 giant iMacs. After staring at them for a minute, I decided “if I step into one of these computers, I’ll be taken to a different dream-world.” I stepped into the one on the left, and woke up again.
I was wondering if it counts as being lucid if I wake up right away, especially since I don’t feel like I put as much effort in as I should have, and any further effort to LD has produced no further effect.

It really depends on you since it isn’t a LDing competition. If you feel you are getting these glimpses of lucidity very easily and you have only been attempting to LD for a short period … you may prefer to wait until you can stay in the LD before counting them.
But if you feel that the act of becoming lucid is an achievement in itself … it is also equally correct to count them as LDs.

Well, last night I was dreaming that my six year old sister was talking about LDing and stuff… and after I awoke from that dream (or so I think!) it… felt like I was leaving my body, and I was floating… I was so light! I was too afraid to open my eyes… and I had remembered to not be so excited… but when I tried to relax, it felt like I floated back down into my body. Then my arms felt like they were on fire.
I did a RC shortly after, and I was awake. Was I dreaming while I had that floating feeling and leaving my body feeling? Or was this something else…

Because I’m not so experienced with LDing and what it feels like…

I’d say that if you just had a feeling that you couldn’t really control then it was just a normal dream. In LDs that I have had, it is just like real life, ie. gravity applies etc. unless I decide to do something different, ie. fly.

I’m pretty confused on this, I think. If it’s really obvious, sorry- it’s a Monday and I’m half dead right now. I’ll explain it as best as I can, but I just got home from school and didn’t have a chance to write it down. I don’t remember the first part all that well. Anyway, here it is.

In my dream, I was in my house (and partially some really old house in this one book that i read) and I found this object of sorts. Then, this person appeared and took me somewhere. It was sort of like a lake in my backyard. (?) There was this pirate ship in the lake-ish/kiddie pool thingy- in the middle of it. The person (I don’t remember what she looked like, but I think I might have known her?) shoved me into the pool/lake, but there were a bunch of alligators (or crocodiles? Can’t remember which.) in there. One of us grabbed a rope of the pirate ship (it looked sort of like the Black Pearl) and the other fended off the alligators/crocodiles. We ended up getting on the ship and sailing off. Soon, I got off and headed over to my cousin’s house, and I found half the school there having a party, so I headed back to my house to get some warm clothes on, seeing as I was soaking wet from the little excursion with the lake/pool thingy. When I was 3/4 of the way there, I found my drum major (I’m in band), and we began talking. Soon, we got talking about this one field show that we had previously done, and then she said we were going to do it again at the next football game, but it’s basketball season, so I did a few RC’s (can’t remember which ones, but I think at least one of them was positive), and I asked my drum major, “Am I dreaming?” She told me that, from the results of the RC’s, that it was undecided. So I said (or thought, can’t remember which), “Hmm. I think I’m dreaming. Am I? Yeah, I think so?” Then, the two of us got into this one really long conversation about lucid dreams and lucid dreaming, and then I woke up (or did I?), but I felt like I couldn’t move, I tried, and I couldn’t, so I went back to sleep and had a really weird dream, and then I woke up, and fell asleep again into another really odd dream.

Anyway, was this an LD? I’m really rather confused by it? Sorry if it’s obvious- it’s Monday, I’m half dead, and, well, yeah. Enough said.

Hey all, i am new to this site and excited to be here. I’ve read the whole guide and hopefully will lead me to vivid LDs.
Anyway, I’m here to describe a rather blurry dream, blurry because i can’t seem to remember much of it and I think it might have been a LD. It started on a road or in a building, don’t know exactly and i was following this person, a girl apparently. The thing is i was keep loosing track of her and i can’t remember if either she was leading me or i was just tracing her, or maybe chasing her? I continued to follow her through crowd in the city, through crowd of spectators at some concert (here it was very difficult to get an eye on her, she was very distant). In the end we ended up in a mansion, a classy yet old kind of mansion, maybe a palace (can’t remember the exterior). So there she stopped and then i started to hear whispers in my ear: “Aren’t you dreaming?” After that either i heard a suggestion about doing a RC or just tried to do one. The point is I’ve done one RC (I developed a unique RC- I am looking in the palm of my right hand and see the lines which forms a triangle up-side down then clutch it and think of another shape- example: square, and then opening it again seeing the lines actually changed to the form I designed in my head. I know this is similar to the watch RC, but this one covers both RCs- the one with the “look at your hands” and this unique RC of mine at the same time) and it failed! So i realized i was dreaming. Then i started to have the feeling of stress, panic, thinking that this is just imaginary and I just can’t seem able to be in control. After that everything went to blur, i felt the dream fading, my brain was starting to wake me up, i even concentrated to keep the dream in place, to remain asleep and to dream still and nothing. It was gone, i woke up… i think, i don’t know, just the fact that it went poof. And I fell stupid for not rubbing my hands or spin on the spot when the dream was fading.
So please tell me, was this a LD? Thanks in advance and happy lucid-dreaming :smile:

Sounds like you were just very close. A common word for this type of dream is pre-lucid.
“Hmm. I think I’m dreaming. Am I? Yeah, I think so?”
sounds like you weren’t fully aware and then you lost the chance to seize the moment by going into the long LD conversation :meh:

:welcome: hello geostrike welcome to LD4all

:yes: it’s a LD, a very short lucid experience but still a LD :yay:
sounds like you need to build up your confidence to be able to stay in the dream and have it stable.

remember you can both start your own personal dream journal topics in our dream journal forum if you wish :happy:

I appreciate the welcome :smile: and thanks for the advice. I tried several times to lucid dream, but i couldn’t get any, just normal ones, but after a week or so of doing RCs all the day and trying to maintain confidence looks like I somehow reached lucidity :happy: (strangely it didn’t feel like a LD at all) but felt angry the other day cause I lost it… it was so short :sad: Hope that one day I will be in full control of my dreams.
PS. I do have a Dream Journal but it’s a notebook, I write down every dream I remember right after i wake up, hadn’t thought about an online one yet :content:

First of all: Hi! I’m new here! :wink: (LoL)
Now why I’m wiritng here: I think I might have an LD but it felt more like…I dreamt about having an LD :confused: . I was dreaming about something and then I realised “I’m dreaming…”. It was strange…I changed the dream, I was in some white place…just white. I think I was doing something there but I dont remember what and then got an FA. In the dream I didnt know it was FA, I realised that after wakening. I fell asleep again (uhm…I was actually sleeping but… :tongue: ) and had an ND and once again realised that I’m dreaming in the same way as first time…adn had a second LD almost identical to the first one, only much shorter…Then I got another dream (dunno how :confused: ), where I was naked in my school. DCs were laughing but I didnt care coz I was aware that I’m dreaming and soon I’m going to change the whole dream. I tried to change it but it didn’t work. That was strange but I wasnt scared…then I woke up.
I think those werent real LDs :neutral: …what u think?
Sorry for long post and sorry if it its chaotic :grin: .

well it all depends on if you really were aware it was a dream or a mechanical ‘I’m dreaming’ with no true awareness.
If it was a LD then the vague recall would be down to it being a low level LD.
It’s possible you had one lucid experience in the night and that resulted in later dreams about lucidity :meh:
So the key is to try to remember what you were actually thinking while you were dreaming.

I was actually aware that Im dreaming, I even changed the whole dream, but I still dont think it was an LD. When awake and thinking about LDs I knew that first thing Ill do in LD will be flying…But I didnt even get idea of flying. I didnt get excited like “Oh Ive got an LD!!” or anything like that…which I think would happen if it was a real LD. But most important is the feeling: it just really felt like normal dream…maybe even more normal than most of my other dreams.

It can be difficult sometimes to tell the difference between an LD and dreaming about Lucid dreaming. For me my lucid dreams did feel different, but how different they feel seems to depend on the level of the lucidity. I have put a dream down as a Dreamed Lucid Dream before only to change my mind later.

As for not remembering what you wanted to do, I believe some people have had trouble remembering what they wanted to do in an LD. They seem to get distracted by the dream and what is happening; despite being lucid. Whether you feel this dream was lucid or not: I believe is a good indicator if you are dreaming about lucid dreaming. :smile:

Okay, to make it short, I didn’t exactly have the realization that I was dreaming, but I was able to control what I said and did. (Actually acting like myself rarely happens in my dreams. xD) I told someone, “Hey guess what? I’m lucid dreaming right now. Do you know you’re in my dream?” And that might have told me something, but I doubt it. I forgot about RC’s, but I rubbed my hands together to try to stay lucid, and it seemed like nothing changed. But later, when I walked out of a room, I accidentally took a piece of paper with me, so before I set it down I looked at it, and it appeared to be (quite readable) math problems, instead of just random symbols. The thing is, this all happened in a regular dream. I don’t think I was lucid before, but about halfway through the dream, I got the feeling that I was, and was able to control what I did.

Sorry if that made no sense at all. :tongue:

It’s possible to have some control without being lucid. The definition of a lucid dream is you KNOW YOU ARE DREAMING while still in the dream.

All right, thanks. :smile:

I maybe had an lucid dream, for one or two seconds.
I did a dream check and looked on a clock, and looked on it again, I don’t remember what the clock was when I wake up but I remembred in the dream it was different. But right after i had an False Awakening i think, and without realizing this was an dream it continued… After i woke up i’m not sure about anything I dreamed that night :razz:

But did you do the leap from that to become really aware that it was a dream? Since it is possible to notice a RC ‘works’ but not to fully realise what this means.

Right, I woke up this morning and I thought I had an LD but I’m not sure- the thing is that for some of the dream I was in 3rd person view, is this possible in an LD? I was walking along and I suddenly thought hang on, why am I in school? Its the half-term holiday, and then I thought I must be dreaming, but the reason I asked is because on one occassion before, I thought I had an LD and it turned out I had just dreampt about one. I did try some stuff out and some of it worked telekineses and stuff, but not all of it did so did I have an LD?