LD sex

this is exactly my point… i think we’re all trying to do other things but becoming frustrated because its always ending in sex.

Sure! I, for myself, haven’t even thought about sex on my couple of LDs. I rarely have any sex in my dreams either. But I would want to give it a go. :wink: But I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.

well anyway you can do what you please if sex pleas you then have sex its your choise and just a persona opinio if you always end dreaming of sex and you dont like it then maybe is not a LD at all, because it means you cant control what you do

I either wake up, or it’s not a human being. :bored:
Or it’s a short dream.

Morphed into a women
tried it the other way around B)

I’ll have to try flying and sex at the same time, haha. Sounds like good fun.

well don’t feel guilty about it, it is natural there is extra blood flow arround the genitals while in the REM phase naturaly so the brain takes that in and translates it into your dream

I can recall having LD sex once or twice. It leaves me feeling as bit sick afterward, and I generally try to avoid it in place of other things. Why wouldn’t you want to have sex in your dreams though? No risk of pregnancy or STIs, and it can be with whomever you want.

finally got it… was really the same as in RL… don’t know about finale though…
will try again.

_< I have dreamed of sexual predators, and me jumping real high away from them. It was real scary as well.

Having sex in LD’s is great imo. Of course it’s not the “real thing”, but it’s completly how you want it to be.

it is a “real thing”… it’s different reality, the “real thing” isn’t real there as LDS isn’t here
and feels the same, the only disadvantage that you don’t remember it 100%

lol, next time you do it, just control your self and you wont mess the sheets :wink: but, next time you have an o irl, focus on the feeling make it stronger in your mind, then next time you do it in a ld, focus on that feeling and make it last, its increidble when it last for such a long time and can be, if you focus on it enough, much much stronger then real life as its all internal experiences no external stim to distract you

Ah the wonders of lucid dreaming

Really now?

Now this is interesting, i think we’ve been a bit short sighted with this topic, rather than replicate sex we should follow above example and see where we can take it.

I guess sex would be interesting to try out… :nodnodwinkwink:
But I’m gonna wait until I have had at least 30 LDs. That way I might not get too, er, ‘excited.’


I’d rather do something constructive.


Yes. I have done it before, and to be honest with you, I think it’s a waste of a potentially awesometastic LD.

Well it is something to do should the list of things to do run dry, that and simply having sex with those that you have no chance to now (aka: famous people, people that you cant get to now, historical figures etc etc)

I’ve was about to have sex in my LD last night :spinning: … but then I woke up :cry:

yes, but can you get STDs from dreams? no! :happy:
When you do it in a dream, does it come with guilt? no guilt! :grin:
Can you have a baby from having sex in an LD?..I hope not… :eek:

That’s why I would rather have sex in an LD instead of IRL :wink:
You don’t have to worry about anything!

  1. Condom (or just don’t do the hanky-panky with someone with STDS)
  2. Decide well, be mature about it.
  3. CONDOM. Or birth control…

I’m a freak about self-control and resisting masturbation is something I don’t want to break the habit of… Not to mention, it bores me anyway. Sex ain’t a priority to me. :wink:

Condoms and birth control don’t always work…And wainting until marriage would be a while not to have sex…that’s way people always do it before with the wrong person and get STD’s or a baby!
If you …erm… masturbate. You would be less curious about having sex with a girl (or a guy)…but that’s just my opinion…And having sex in a dream would be as close as you could get without having it IRL