the BIG remembering dreams topic part V

Hi guys. I just became interested in LD a few days ago, and the first step for me is DR. I have trouple remembering dreams because I don’t notice I wake up, if that makes sense. I wake up, but because I’m so groggy, I don’t realize it. By the time I do, I’ve lost the dream. This morning, however, I remembered it about… a half hour or so after I got out of bed, but I would like to remember them when I want to, not randomly.

Any advice?

you just need to get into the habit of remember to recapture your dreams as soon as you wake; keep a pen and notebook by the bed to scribble anything you recall down.

Setting the intention to remember them before you go to sleep … not jumping out of bed as soon as you wake, allow yourself some time to lie still and recall them.

Also make sure you are getting enough sleep. If recall doesn’t improve, then experiment with changing the time you wake up. I find that when I wake during or just after a REM period I don’t need to make as much effort to recall the dream :wink:

I cant remeber my dreams anymore. I could remember a lot of dreams for one week ago, but suddenly when i woken up one morning, my mind was empty. i can sometimes start to remember something, but it stops wery quick. I’m getting mad, and i does not know what this is, because it came so fast :cry:
Does someone know what this could be?

It’s probably just a temporary dry spell. Could be a natural one or due to stress but your dream recall will return. Just continue to try to recapture the dreams as soon as you wake up and soon enough it will get back to normal again :thumbs:

I remembered my first dream in over a week this morning :happy:
It was not easy to remember it.
I remembered a small thing when i woke up. I had to focus very hard to remember more, but i was not able to remember so much.

:yay: that’s a good sign… your recall is starting to come back :smile:

I was remembering more and more each morning a while, but now it feels like i have lost my dream recall again :cry:

:cry: my dream recall sucks!!!
ehehehe, i dont know if this belongs here or not, sorry in advance…
but anyway… for months i havnt had a good dream, if i had a dream, it was a sceneless dream, talking to my self in my mind all nite long… and i felt as if i got no sleep at all…
anyway back to dream recall… mine sucks :cry:
i walked into my local pharmacy/chemist the other day…
whever i go… people seem to think… look at this triper!!!
anyhow i told a bloke in there… im a dream researcher… and my dream recall sucks :cry:
his response at first was… :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:
they didnt really have anything just for dream recall… but anyway he grabed a box of st john’s wort pills and a bottle of valerian pills… both a high potency…
and my god!!! i had cool and kick ass dreams all nite long:) hahahaah
just thought ill share this… so get to your local shop:) ehehe :tongue:


Ok so I can’t really find a specific topic to help me out with it. This is my third night trying to inrease my dream recall (which is awful) the first night I remembered none, second night i remembered two, and last night I didn’t remember any! Is there any real way to help with this… I’m trying to stay motivated but it’s just really discouraging, and I feel like i’m never going to reach lucidity even though I really really want to!.. just asking for help with this first step =P Thanks

EDIT: Also, I know it has only been a short period of that i’ve been trying, but I’m wondering why I remember two the second night, and none the third.

Edited in double post, please use edit. :smile: Moved from quest to stuff :dragon:

Hi Xxei :welcome:
One of the best ways to help improve recall is to start a dream journal. :smile: Getting into a habit of writing even just short summaries of dreams will help you get used to remembering dreams on a regular basis. I also found focusing on my intention to remember my dreams during the day, but especially at night, helped me too. The method you use in the morning can also affect how your recall goes. I find it helps to remember the last point I can and then run the dream backwards. Once I get as far as I can, I try to remember other parts of dreams and run the dream backwards from there and then also forwards. Hope this helps :content:

I been going thought a dry spell for pass two weeks. I got no dreams and if I did, couldn’t remember what they were about. They been coming back. The pass two nights I did my WILD pratice and then the last think I told myself was I’m going to remember every thing that happens tonight. The frist night of two. I had a very vivid dream remembered everything. Then last night again did my WILD Pratice for awhile got tired of that. Then again told myself I’m gonig to remember every thing that happens.And whata you know I had the longest, the most vivid dream I ever had and I went lucid for about 5 mintues at the end of it.
You cann’t ask for more with a night like that. So basiclly dont try so hard tell yourself once what you want to do that night and go to sleep the recall will be there.

Alright thanks a lot guys =] I mean I knew 3 nights was a really short time to try to have consistently good recall, and I actually remember a few dreams last night (one of which I thought I knew I was dreaming hahaa) I don’t think I actually was and it is really hard to describe. Anyways, it just confused me that I remember some the night before and none the next night. Thanks =D

I always remember at least 3-4 dreams / night. But since a couple of weeks, it’s like a mist in my head and I almost can’t remember a thing about what I dreamt. 1 dream, with luck 2 dreams /night… i wrote whole dreamstorys, now 2 lines in my dairy. At good days I could remember 7 till 10 dreams, now maybe 3…
Since 2-3 weeks that is…
I have a very good dreammemory but now not at all… I tried a lot to get my dreammemory back but nothing works…
Does anyone have suggestions? Or maybe the reason why? :smile:

  1. don’t worry about it, dry spells happen
  2. have you relied on naturally remembering them so far? you may have to start keeping a notebook by the bed to scribble some notes on what you remember from your dreams
  3. don’t jump out of bed right away … lie still for a minute or two and try to capture those fleeting dream memories :dream:

could be stress, change of sleeping pattern or if you have recently found out about lucid dreaming, the anticipation may have temporarily affected your dream recall. :meh:

Can Lucid dreaming affect your dream recall?
Damn … -_-

I will make some thee and relax this evening, -again- maybe this will work. :smile: Your suggestions I already do, I have a DJ - I don’t jump out of my bed but… I do worry because I become very emotional if I don’t dream… so I want to solve it. :smile:

But Thanks! :smile:

Ok so I have been trouble remembering them for awhile. I used to just listen to this ten minute long brainwave thing and remember them perfectly, then I started doing that and auto-suggestion. But I don’t remember a thing. So I did this last night and didn’t remember 2 4.5 hour long dreams so then I look at the clock and it says 530 and I go to sleep and all of a sudden I’m at my friends house and we do stuff for 30 minutes about then all of a sudden its 6 in the morning
And I didn’t use any auto suggestion or anything
What should I do to help remember my dreams?

:wave: hello Tuco, I moved your post into the big remembering dreams topic. There is a lot of information in this topic about improving dream recall. The big key is setting the intention to remember them and keeping a DJ :content:

Well, I just started a DJ last night. It’s fun ^^ lol, and I never noticed that I have so many dreams in one night.

However, I notice I can only recall the ends of my dreams… like, especially the third one I recorded, I’m almost certain there was more than what I could recall.

So, is there anything I can do to improve my DR? Or will it just improve over time? Also, is it best to just lie there for a little while after you wake up, or should I start writing in my DJ right away? 'Cause usually when you move you start forgetting your dream, but I dunno.

it will improve over time. you are correct it is best to just lie still on first waking to give you time to recapture those dream memories. I mentally move up and down the time line of the dreams getting them stabilised in my memory before I sit up and scribble everything down in my notebook

you can use this topic to record your future dreams, otherwise I will merge it into the big remembering dreams topic in the stuff forum