What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part IV

I’ve talked about LD’ing in dreams twice at least, and even did an RC, found I had six fingers, then tried to go to sleep in my dream, with the purpose of having an LD. :meh:

That my dog was well behaved and did as she was told…sighs

‘Bonnie!! Come back!! :nuu:

'nuff said…sighs

A group of friends and I were running from some huge mob of people (it wasn’t scary at all though, we were pretty excited actually O.o) We got to the edge of some cliff. I looked over and it was easily a 100 story drop. I dove off, the fall seemed a moment long, and when i landed, I even said “Well how the hell was I able to survive that!” Still, I didn’t go lucid lol.

I usually notice the most subtle things, not the big ones O.o

I caught a plane in the air, with my bare hands… :ack:

Just this morning I had a dream in which Hannah Montana and Billy Ray Cyrus were in my kitchen talking to my sister.

It is safe to assume that this never would/will happen in real life.

I wrote on my hand to do a reality check. >_<

Hi people, this is my first message in the forum.

Well, I can’t believe I missed this dreamsign last night because it couldn’t have been more evident. In my dream, I went back to University and I was going to stay in a University dorm. I met this girl I knew (she actually went to University with me IRL) and we were chatting a bit, but then an older woman appeared and said something along the lines of “Come on, people, go to your rooms because it’s very late. Except those who can lucid dream, of course. Those can stay awake as long as they want” :bored:

In the dream I only laughed a bit and thought “wow, she knows about lucid dreams, how funny” :cry: For goodness’s sake, “those who can lucid dream”?, “stay awake”? How could I miss that!

Not to mention that in my dream, the girl I was chatting with was speaking in rhyme all the freaking time and that I met Tim Burton at the end of the dream :confused:

(Sorry about my English, it’s not my first language).

I had a dream last night were i saw myself in a mirror, and it was some problems with my hair.
Then I said to myself ‘‘I have to fix my hair when i wake up’’ How could i miss that?! :cry:

Last night I swam across a pool to get to the other side as that was the only way there. When I got out of the pool I noticed that there was a path going around the pool so I could’ve just walked to where I now was.

One dreamsign I keep missing? Using inanimate objects for anything but their intended use. Just the night before, I dreamt of trying to ward off a bear by placing golf umbrellas & pillows on it back (which only made it angrier). :help:

miles i play alot of call of duty 2 i hope to have a lucid dream and to go in a battle in the army and go crazy with a chopper and kill erry body exsept the goods one duh but yea it’ll be fun if i ever have on
1 yr no LD :grrr:

Not sure if you’re still here, but your English is fine. Better than some people who were born in the States.

As for a recently missed dreamsign, it wasn’t THAT recent, this was about 8 or 9 months ago, but it was so blatantly obvious. A Kangaroo in a public park with people around wearing green shorts…

Oh man, last night had one where i was talknig to a friend from New Zealand how he got to my town 2000km away by walking.

Last night I found myself in a store that closed years ago. I guess that’s a big one.

2 friends of mine, constructing a military tank out of a train carriage.

Being a train driver, driving it along a road.

My own house being made out of ice cream.

Being a soldier in Iraq.

Talking to Osama Bin Laden.

having an unseen narrator.

I don’t know if I mentioned this one before, but I will mention it anyway.

It was a while ago, I was dreaming that I was in the scout hut. The scouts were around me, so I said to them “Tell me, am I dreaming?”

They all shouted “YES!” at me at the same time, and, if that wasn’t enough of a clue, someone then came up to me, and said “If this was real, I wouldn’t be able to do this…”

She then proceeded to have sex with me, right there in front of everyone.


Okay… So, my latest ones.

I was listening to a song that I know doesn’t exist.

I unzipped a boat. (Yes, that’s right. I actually grabbed a boat, and unzipped it.)

I was with my Dutch friends.

Dave’s dad liked Metallica. (trust me, that one is HUGE)

I looked good in photos.

Adam washed my clothes (I never even speak to him IRL).

Being with my brother. He lives a few hundred miles away. Also I drove. I drive a lot in my dreams for some reason. Also a white 1990 miata. I drive this in waking life, but it’s in mmy dreams a lot as well. :meh:

I have to say that mine was a woman transforming into a very large dragon. I have no clue how I missed that. And playing a videogame with a friend that said “Lucidity Achieved” across the screen.