Coleus leaves

Apparently it works very well to induce lucid dreams, anyone ever tried chewing/brewing/smoking them?

yes this seems true

i have a coleus plant.

so is that a yes? how much do you usually have to do and how long does it last?

Please remember that this topic is for discussion of lucid dreams. :cool: The plant is listed as non toxic and safe in our books and lists, but inhaling smoke isn’t healthy. Rumour has it that this plant contains mind altering substances and this is not the right place to experiment with that. There are so many other, well tested techniques than eating something that you don’t fully know the contents of. :cool:

i didn’t mean i ate it, though i did try once

i just meant that looking at the plant i got that sensation, intuition wise.

advocate of meditation , not droogs.

anything that comes suddenly with minimal effort can produce great amusement and fascination, but must also leave suddenly with minimal effort, and can cause dependency, energy disorders and blockages, and due to the sudden nature of uncontrollable unfoldment of phenomena, trauma and other such instances are possible

this is even true of fasting for spiritual consciousness, can take you very far out but is a masculine way, and masculine ways can also harm,

sitting and meditating, being open, feminine, is always safest and allows for best progress in the long run, ensuring that you EARN it.