What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part V

I quite have a few.

First dream: i just walk around at my old house (duh) then, bam, Snipaz everywhere! :truit: after that i have a false awakening which i easily could tell, but stil didnt have LD. after that i throw a freaking plasma grenade out of halo 3 :ding: and it ends.

Second dream: I drive in a bus with people i dont really knew :ding: It drives somewhere i never was to and then a girl appears before the bus and the driver… just drives through her, and i believe him :ding: after a while the bus stops so the driver can make some girls sit somewhere else, and kids start to drive, the end.

Thirth: I am the passenger in a car of a friend (we are both underage, he beeing younger than me, lol) :ding: and i always complain how he drives, then we get out and some random guy throws snowballs at my pal, but he is either too afraid or didnt want, i dunno, well only I threw Snowball back (always had problems making some) :ding: and then i throw a solid plate of ice one him and he vanishes… sorta like squishing a goomba in mario games… :ding: My dreams weren’t in exact time order, but well… i miss a lot of signs, eh?

Post moved from “What does a dream setting say about the dreamer?:dragon:

Argh i hate you! :happy:
Well i am incredibly jealous of you :wink:

Killing a two-headed snake, (I believe it was a black adder, which is strange, those don’t live around where I am) with my own hands and seeing a white gryphon take flight.

Wandering around a grocery store. Those are in my dreams a lot.

Having my own little orchestra playing background music for me during a scenario. I always kick myself for not noticing that until I wake up. Then I kick myself again for not remembering enough of the music to play it back in RL.

I somehow managed to change my vision from 1st to 3rd person so I was looking at myself, then I changed it again so I had swapped into someone else’s body. All without even thinking it could be a dream! Usually obvious things don’t end up telling e it’s a dream; usually smaller details make me think about whether i’m dreaming or not.

My sister being in the same class as me… My sister singing out loud during a test…

I dreamt last night that I was in a tv studio with a really loud alarm going off. A woman walked in and announced that someone had triggered the lucid moniter, which meant that someone in the room must be lucid dreaming. A group of people started interrogating everyone in the audience to find out who it was and eventually a little girl burst into tears and admitted to it and a party was thrown to congratulate her; it never once occurred to me to do an RC! :tongue: Aarrgh!

Last night I had a dream in which there were a bunch of cursed pens and a copy of HP7 and I had to kill Voldemort.

I’d consider that a huge missed dreamsign.

Aliens exporting Earth’s sand, apparently we have very nice sand here. :lol:

Resurrecting a god :bow:

Being in Thailand and Malmö

Being in the middle of a Mayan war :wow:

Zombies. I can think of three dreams revolving around zombies in just the past month, off the top of my head.
I guess from now on, when I see a zombie in a movie or in a videogame I ought to do a RC.

Well, this morning, I noticed that I had the ability to fly, I accepted that as normal but rare.

About two nights ago, I missed the most obvious dream sign that can be possible. In my dream, I was in Texas, and I was going to go into an underground cave, and I had just gotten the tickets. So I was walking in, I noticed that it wasnt really a cave, but a weird haunted house sort of place. Everything in there looked really weird and dark, like if it was an evil doll house or something. I told myself (or maybe to my brother, i cant remember) that everything in there seemed to be like something in a dream. I think I repeated two or three times because I dont think my brother had heard me. So anyways when I woke up, I was really frustrated that I had missed something like that.
Oh well. Maybe next time.

The only way you could hope to notice something like that in a dream is to do RC’s during the day. Make a habit of it.

last night I was doing the washing-up and suddenly I started to levitate and dance in the air. I didn’t think anything odd of it, except “oh this is cool, I can fly” :help: :ding:

getting someone pregnant without even touching them

Eating cyanide and thinking how lovely it tasted

getting a massage from penguins

Seeing the Joker and he wasn’t trying to kill me. (yay!)
Talking to my dog.
Trying to go to the bathroom in a stall and have someone randomly reach over the door and grab clothes that was hanging on the side, and I thought this was perfectly normal. :eh:

I really need to RC when I am in bathroom stalls. It happens frequently that I’m in one in one of my dreams…why? I dunno. :razz:

I miss A LOT! It makes me very mad. Here’s a tiny list.

  1. I was at an amusement park, searching for friends to go on a ride with. If you guys know the starblaster, or what ever it’s called in different parks (You sit in a seat and it shoots up in the air, back down, up, etc). I saw an older woman, upside down, hanging on, and a young boy rightside up. Funny thing was, it was a ladder, not seats. The boy was gripping onto the steps, the woman, I don’t now… hard to explain!

  2. Me spitting my teeth out; blood spurting everywhere. They just naturally fell out.

  3. Seeing my brother…Nude…Which I NEVER have and NEVER will. Disgusting.

  4. Being in my old house.

I forget the rest. Heh.

Shopping mall with entrance to my grandpa’s basement (if that was true, there had to be a 5 kilometers long tunnel from the closest one :tongue: ) But the tunnels also were. Looooong tunnels with many intersections and closed doors, looking like the ones that Soviets left many years ago. And there was a ruined tile stove in every intersection. I must have been veery deep asleep to mark this as obvious xP

lol last night I had a false awakening. Later on in the dream I asked 2 dream characters I was with if ‘yesterday’ really happened or if it was just a dream, describing some of the stuff that went on. I still didn’t do a reality check lol but at least I’m getting somewhere.