Movie thread Part IV

I noticed a rather strange coincidence. In the movie “The crow” brandon lee died whil making the movie. In the movie “The dark night” Heth ledger died shortly after the movie was finished. Both movie were about a ominish bird, and both actors wore white make up.

what i found even weirder is the night my friend and i got advance tickets to the new Batman, we watched Full Metal Jacket and Howl’s Moving Castle.

Full Metal Jacket’s main character is nicknamed ‘joker’

and Howl is played by Christian Bale in the English dub.

I actually kinda liked The Happening. It was kind of relaxing watching it, and very intersting in an ants take over the world sort of way. In which it’s semi-realistic although far fetched to occur. Plus I enjoyed the feeling that I came out of the movie with, the feeling that we should really love nature moreso and stop having such selfish thoughts incessantly.

I go into movies with 0 expectations and accept it as it is, I find it allows me to enjoy essentially any movie ever made. I have a positive experience with about 99 out of 100 movies that i watch.

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Why so serious, ld4all? :content:

The Dark Knight lived up to the hype, in my opinion.

also in a strange twist of events saw Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D today.

take your kids, they’ll like it. Brendon Fraiser can be really good when he wants to be, but when he just needs a paycheck, it shows.

I saw The Dark Knight the other day
I think it was better than any other of the superhero movies that I’ve seen so far.

The Joker is my favorite villain
And the acting was great
and so was everything else :smile:

Be Kind, Rewind…sucked. I couldn’t even finish watching it. So boring.

I just watched 崖の上のポニョ (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea). It’s Hayao Miyazaki’s newest film, and as always, that man is amazing. Whenever he writes, directs, and animates a film he creates a new classic for the ages. I was worried when I saw the trailer, as it looked like the movie was designed to be a little too family-friendly. I was wrong. The story was amazing, and I can’t wait for it to come out in the USA.

Just a warning though. It’s a depature from his recent movies, and has a gentler, less violent story akin to My Neighbor Totoro or Kiki’s Delivery Service. So, if you’re into the more actiony stuff, you might find it a little boring.

Here’s a trailer for it, with English translations in the description:

Drillbit Taylor
Superhero Movie

I liked Drillbit Taylor better
Superhero Movie was stupid/funny just like Epic Movie, Date Move, Scary Movie 1-4
Nothing special


Has anybody heard about the new STAR WARS Movie ? … IMHO they could have done better …

That movie looks okay
I’ll see it

I’m not really expecting it to be any good :tongue:

Probably the best movie about time travel I’ve ever seen. Highly recommended :clock:

Just saw Yojimbo last night. Such a great movie. It deserves it’s title as a “classic”.

Tommy Boy

“Run Away Jury” is an amazing movie. It’s where this guy sort of tricks his way into a jury where the case is against a fire arm company. The main character is like the best at convincing the rest of the jurors what way to think and so since the case is HUGE he contacts the defence atterny and the prosecutor and tries to get them to pay him a rediculous amount of money to sway the jury their way. I don’t want ot tell you guys the hole movie but I have to say that it is a good watch.

Saw V For Vendetta some time ago.
Truly amazing movie, I strongly recommend it.
It also has the fanciest monologue I’ve ever heard, so of course I had to memorize it :tongue:

Watch these movies…
Zeitgeist Addendum
Esoteric Agenda

Dark Knight was awesome, it was long. Action pack the whole time. Tropic Thunder was really funny and Step Brothers was great. It was a little silly how 40 year old guys were acting childish, but I laughed alot. Burned after reading looked good, I never had a chance to go see it. Been a while since I have been in the movies. I saw some Japaneese cowboy western movie, I thought it was terrible. Still cant beleive I watched the whole thing. Been watching alot of rentals lately, thats about it

I loved Moulin Rougue

After I saw Jumpers I did have a cool MILD, where I did have the same powers of what dream or dreamscape that i wanted to visit. It was really cool and until i started to gain a clear idea of what I had. Then i woke up.

Burn after Reading and The 3rd Mummy are the latest movies, Burn was great its very different from alot of movies but it had me laughing. I like the Cohen brothers they make great movies. The Mummy was a bit boring in the begining then it picked up and it was filled with action. I liked it was good, it seemed a bit quick after the action picked up. Far as the new movies, The Spirit and Ben Buttons havent seen any of them, dont know what to think. Hands are in the air.