Going through mirrors

I went o t thrrough a mirror in the internet, that wqas the end of the Ld bec. as i want to meet s.o by coming to his Hp i just saw pictures from Mario (i lost the lucidity)) and then my ´mind was on a side of the hp able to create pictures from 3 Persons i know by walking through a lake, but this persons dont like e o. So i rememberd to meet him but it didnt work so I woked me from the dream bec. it was all black (if ya want you can read how i induced it etc. in my DJ)

For me, when I go through, it’s like a soft surface that gives way. I only need to put my head through and not worry about the body. I just enter a black void and fall, usually with strong vibrations. If I’m lucky, a scene will start to form and I end up somewhere new.
he first time i tried it was not like that. Just before I went through, a DC told me I’d find nothing there but chocolate and celebrities, if I recall correctly. I came to a place with just brown all around, and weird collage like figures with celebrity faces were sort of dancing. If I recall correctly.

Cool. They are quite a strange way to travel :happy:

I just did this last night. I have to say…the result was not pleasant. Not pleasant at all. To make matters worse, it was probably the most vivid, detailed LD I’ve ever had. After realizing I was dreaming, I ran up to my room and decided to jump out the window. However, I remembered a post on here about phasing through glass, which reminded me of the mirror trick which was something I had always wanted to try but never remembered to do. It’s at this point that I looked around my room and realized that everything was in perfect detail, right down to clutter I’d left lying around last night. This felt more real than any dream I’d ever had. Well of course, I thought “What better opportunity than this to travel through the mirror?” And so I quickly ran through my bathroom.
Upon pressing my hands against the mirror, at first nothing happened. Then I closed my eyes and willed myself to phase through, and lo and behold first my fingers, then my whole body slowly melts through the now almost liquid mirror. However, upon finally getting through the mirror I immediately wanted to go back. I didn’t get the magical rooms, strange unknown worlds, or endless possibilities I always read about in my dreams, instead I got the most vivid nightmare I’ve ever had. A lucid nightmare…who thought that one up?
I was in what I could only describe as a Silent Hill version of my bathroom. For those of you who have never played Silent Hill, the basic layout of everything is the same as reality, but everything you look at is run-down, beaten up, blood spattered, rusty, bloody writing on the wall, you name it and if it unsettles your stomach, it’s there. I don’t even want to know what the orange-red mixture filling the tub was. To make matters better still, there’s a rotting, bloody, decaying corpse on the ground. Naturally I’m about to get out of here ASAP, but the corpse suddenly gets up and starts shuffling twoard me (it’s a small bathroom and I have nowhere to run). I’m positive this thing is going to eat me, and I know there is no way I can fight back and am literally frozen with fear. I know what you’re thinking “it’s a dream, you can do whatever you want” but keep in mind this dream, even when perfectly calm and lucid was my clearest dream ever and every single detail felt like reality. I could actually feel the blood on the walls, smell this corpse rotting, hear squishing rotted flesh as it shuffled twoard me, you name it. If any of you think you could fight back if a corpse was actually shuffling twoard you in reality, raise your hand. Yeah.
Now, I woke up before the corpse managed to harm me (luckily, my dreams don’t always spare me) but still. I was hoping for something a little more…anything but that behind the mirror. That’s a trick I won’t be trying again for a long, long time.

That realy sucks… Hard… If fictional, scary things look real you get scared of them, videogame, movie or lucid dream so its understandable that you coudln’t handle the situation. I have never remembered to walk through a mirror in my lucid dreans and I intend to it in my next dream but I sure hope that won’t happen :razz:

The thing is you were not in reality and you should have known that.
What strikes me all along your dream is that you are stricken (hehe) by the apparent reality of the dream : this is an excellent sign of semi-lucidity, lucidity being the knowledge that what you live is but a dream.
“this sounds very real” : repeating this sentence inside your dream will make your lucidity grow lower simply because you take what you see for real.
“this sounds very real but I know that I’m dreaming” is the kind of sentence which shows a better lucidity.
High or good lucidity would be “this is not real, it is a dream”, plainly.
I encourage you to re-try going through the mirror keeping in mind that you are in a dream and not in an “world” apparently real.

No no, I was quite aware it was a dream. I knew I had all the power in the world, though the realism was a nice bonus. Before deciding to jump through the mirror, I had already broken the window in my room and was about to fly out of it. It was the sheer terror for being confronted with a living corpse that made me freeze up. I wasn’t powerless or anything like that. In fact, whenever I start a dream I take care to repeat to myself that it is indeed for sure a dream until I cannot be convinced otherwise. However, perhaps you are right in that I did let irrational fear of things that cannot possibly hurt me get to me quite a bit. Very odd considering that a lot of my dreams are apocalyptic and I am used to seeing people dying and being killed. I will give that a shot, going through a dream repeating over and over “this looks real” throughout the entire thing. I’ll let you know if it pays off at all.

Yeah i would of panicked too much to be able to do something lol.
Especially if it seemed really real.

Don’t say “this looks real”. If you do, chances are you will believe it IS real (in dreams, when a thing “looks” like another thing, it’s likely to be replaced by what you expect). And when you say “this looks real”, you somehow expect it to be real.
No, you should simply say “this is a dream”. A short sentence, but effective, and right to the point.

mirrors are very hard for me to go through

but if i stare at them sometimes they create scenes on the other side, and then i just go into the scene as if my current one disappears.

Ohh thats cool, i’ll have to try that. In nearly all of my Lucid Dreams there is a mirror, but i end up just looking at my reflection and then forgetting what i am doing :eek:
Which is really stupid

Stricken, that sounds like a really cool dream. I can totally understand how you would get stricken with fear. It was a surprise, and you are not used to the experience. No matter how much you theorise about it while awake, you don’t know what the experience is like until you have it. And I can imagine that to be a scary thing to see.
Although I have fought with zombies in lucid dreams before and was not at all afraid.
I’d urge you not to shy away from such experiences in the future. It may be fun if you set out to do it, and you can develope fearlessness of dream images. The question is, do you want to?

I was curious about mirriors in lucid dreams. I read on one sight that it can be a good reality check in a dream, but i read on another sight you should avoid them as what you see in the reflection could be frightning and wake you up. I had a normal dream last night where i looked in the mirror, but i looked normal except my hair was slightly shorter.

And on a side note, the more dreams that i remember the better i’ll get at recalling my dreams, right? I seem to only remember them if i wake up in the night.

I’ve never been frightened by a mirror reflection in a lucid dream. I only remember looking in one once and i had a massive beard. I’ve always wanted to walk through a mirror in a lucid dream.

Mirrors can be really fun! Try out different styles by looking and looking away repeatedly and expect a new look every time! Experiment! See if you can make specific changes! Try to see the change happening! I was once startled by my image in the mirror, but I ended up laughing until I woke up. It was well worth it.
You know what, next time I’m lucid I’m going to look for a mirror.

I doubt you’ll wake up because of your reflection. The reason that your hair was shorter was because it usually takes a while for your dream body to catch up with your real one.

The best way to remember more dreams is to keep a dream journal. You remember dreams better when you wake up in the middle of the night because dreams are easier to recall if you wake up during REM.

I haven’t done much mirror stuff for awhile… but here are some things i have found:

  1. A very angry lawyer woman
  2. I think once I found a Simpsons character…

Unfortunately most of the time I go through the miror I get nothing but blackness… how sad. :cry:
How can I resolve that?

And what have you found?

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via FoxyTunes

well for me, mirrors are pathways to other places, dimensions etc… I never really pay much attention to my reflection… but everytime I see a mirror that first thing I try to do is to walk through it. You will appear in places you would never expect, its really fun!

The only time I can recall trying to look in a mirror in an LD, I couldn’t see much of anything because it looked like it was foggy… I could only see part of my body if I was really close to it. In my NDs, mirrors usually show some variation of my reflection… sometimes they show a normal reflection, while other times, it’s distorted. I’ve never seen anything particularly frightening in a mirror, at any rate.

I rarely pass mirrors in dreams, but I remember a dream where I was in front of the mirror and the reflection of me showed someone else. I did an RC then examined myself, its fun to look on yourself on a mirror :tongue:

:hmmm: that depends how strong your psychic mind is. And I also think that some are frightened, others not :cool: