Funky Dream Logic

Scanning an enemy like in Metroid prime
My Dad shooting fire at Bowser
Driving through a girl and then the kids start driving a bus
walking near your home and gettin almost sniped
wake up and throw a plasmagrenade (out of halo 3) in the same second…

Yeah I DO dream a lot of games, it seems.

Sometimes video games come into my games…
One time, It went from Super Mario Land 2, to Super Mario Galaxy, then to Backyardigans! :confused: The worst part is Is this:
Me: Wait just a darn minute!
(I bet i would become lucid in a second… but then… my mom interupts me)
My mother: Doesn’t it look so realistic?
Me: … ya…

What I’ve learned from MY dreams:

-Hedgehogs can get married, and apparently the bride gets to choose her groom without his consent. :lol:
-There is a lot of snow in the state of California, including many ski slopes.
-You have many of the same abilities as video game characters in dreams, including (but not limited to) Link, Mario, Sonic, and even bosses. :content:
-Baseball coaches love pork-flavored Ramen, and conveniently a nonvegetarian TV star is always there to make it for him so you don’t have to prepare anything meat-flavored. :tongue:
-Some graphic designers are willing to steal your underwear as payment for their services.
-Hamsters can survive living outside in a cage during a thunderstorm.
-You should always dress nicely for bone marrow transplants.
-You can change ages and residences several times throughout the same dream without it doing anything to influence the overall plot.
-There are entire cities based on video game characters (I wish I hadn’t awakened from Mario World…it was cool… :cry: )
-Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of the Mario and Zelda series and basically the god of the gaming world, can randomly show up at your high school in the middle of nowhere in Atlanta, Georgia. (I wish!)
-Crabs can act-out scenes from '90s sitcoms.
-It’s perfectly acceptable to have your cousin drive you and several of your friends to New York in a giant mobile home without informing any of your parents. :wink:

Ooooh, I get a lot of this stuff. Here’s one of my personal favorites: One of the students has been accused of having an affair with a teacher. Getting my temperature taken proves it wasn’t me.

It is completely legal to put school children up for auction.
Penguins can fly! I’ve seen it. :fly:

Sharks can chase you while on land. :tongue:

To get said shark to leave, flood the land with water.

umm mine would be one that has been invlovded in my dreams a few nights in a row now, i have “crystal or gold seeds” to grow the ore =/, cant memba which one it wasd tho lol

Here’s one I like: If you tie a message to a hand grenade and lob it over a wall to the enemy, they will run towards it and pick it up to read the message. :happy:


A tyrannosaurus will die if you put a cat into its nostrils. :happy:
You cannot go to Peru unless you take some yellow stones with you.
Ghosts need to eat crumbs to survive.
Casting a porridge bowl at your mother’s forehead is a perfectly valid reason to become a pirate. :tongue:

Can I post one of my dad’s? He was teaching me math cause I was homeschooled and he fell asleep and said “You can’t put on a puppet show and steal someone else’s act”
Not sure if sleep talking has anything to do with what he was dreaming, but that was years ago and I still make fun of him about it :happy:

Glass is actually viscous goo.
It is perfectly reasonable to fly through a wall, window, and screen.

My dog can do trigonometry.
F# Major to C Major is a perfectly acceptable modulation.
Owning a Nintedo DS gives you automatic control over every robot ever created.
Imperial Star Destroyers can fit in ancient attics that are barely holding up.
Cars vanish when you throw snowballs at them.
I can fit anything and everything into my pockets, even though they aren’t made by Old Navy.

Close enough :tongue:

Awesome… Best modulation ever. I need to write some music like that lol. Oh and most of the song will be based on the whole-tone scale :happy:

Apparently, I thought it was acceptable to pull a fire alarm that looked like a preschooler’s toy. 'Course…the alarm went off anyway.

It was Bach.

Let me know when you finish.

Ah, tritones to my ears.

What I’ve learned from dreams:

Field trips to canada are free.
Never tell a resturant owner their fries are to greasy - they’ll summon the entire city/town to attack you.
Hyperlinks not only take you to places on the internet, but also to places in real life, and back.
Black people with glowing yellow eyes strangling you is a common thing for teenagers to watch and laugh at. (My mom’s dream…)
Very deep ponds turn shallow when stuffed animals come in.
When band teachers become drunk, they offer you pre-chewed muffins, and throw life-size pirate ship pillows at you.
New super mario bros. is also for wii.
When you die, you still watch the rest of your family getting chased by bulls.
The devil is a jack-in-the-box.
So is god.
And finally: Dream signs occuring are just normal. You aren’t dreaming at all, so, having six fingers probably means that you just walked by a toxic waste dump.

Was lucid, lost lucidity, I thought that I had woken up, but I woke up where the dream “ended”. How strange, but here we are. I should still be dreaming, but as you can see, I’m awake now. Wow that cat is horribly skinny and weird, its mother is a bunny so it must be a bunny too, oh now it is humping her.

You can kill colomian narcotraficants that look a lot like Juanes by pulling their theeth off with a string.
Last year I ripped off said colombian’s eye by accident. this year too, but it’s bigger.
If you destroy a chef’s bakery (for second time!) take him to your home and let popeye and olive build him a new one made of wood with dozens of carvings.