Eye contact

i bet the DC will make me melt into a puddle of butter and chocolate chips.

So random.

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If I even have a real lucid dream! I will try this idea xP.

It would be so cool if you became that person, even just for a moment, so you could see yourself through another person’s perspective.

You probably would see the DC’s expression turn from friendly :smile: to neutral :neutral: to annoyed :confused: to angered :grrr: to completely-crazed-with-anger :angry: , after which you should see a fist closing in on you, then you should feel some pain and fall to the ground, while lounging on the ground, enjoying you’re moment of pain, you should hear the DC say something along the lines of:“That should teach you to stare at people like that!” as well as feel something wet and gooey landing on you’re face.
What you should be like when reading the above::grin: ; :gni: ; :lmao: ; :lol: ; :rofl:
Hehahaha :cool:

I tryed and it was nothing special. May be the eye-contact was not long enough or the person was not good… Only one notable thing was that the eyes were more stable than most of the other small details in dreams.

Whenever i interact with ANY dream character, I get a feeling like my soul is about to die. I feel like i’m going to vomit and i usually wake up.

Weird eh?

I sort of get this feeling. Whenever I interact with them they treat me like I’m the BIGGEST asshole. Maybe because I have been using my LD’s to achieve personal gain instead of caring for them.

In my next LD I will care for them more and see what happens :content:

Why would you have to take care of DC-s? Can’t they take care of themselves? :confused:


Oooh… Okay then

Not care in that sense, care as in talk to them, take more interest in them, etc.

In last nights LD I did just that, but that DC was an embodiment of one of my best friends RL and all I really did was brag and show off my “superpowers”.

I am exactly the same.

My DCs are jerks to me. They have right to be though. When I first started communicating with them, I screamed, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY DREAM?!” Then I demanded that all the girl DCs kiss me since it was my dream, and that I should be treated like a God. When they refused, I punched the hell out of them. Then, I started talking to more DCs a couple LDs later, and they were scared of me. They would run when they saw me. Which pissed me off and I would try to kill 'em.

Everytime I get done torturing my DCs in my dreams, I wake up and say, “Next LD, I am going to be nice to those little guys.” And then when the next LD comes, I go insane and start killing them again.

My next lucid dream, I am going to try either disguising myself, or perhaps just apollogizing and offering them gifts.
Any advice on how to calm my DCs and show them that I am not a threat?

I’m really wondering the same. And you’re lucky that your DC’s run away like little girly men- mine actually try to hurt me. Or are just plain nasty to me. Maybe because they all know what’s on my mind (SEX!) and it disgusts them.

This is interesting… I can recall a dream I once had in which I was walking through a mall clothing departement & met three girls who were trick-or-treating in the coat section. They told me I was in a dream & if I wanted to see proof, all I had to do was stare at something. So I tried staring intensely at a costume rack – my vision actually “beeped” loudly, distorted & bent heavily, and then went all brown in color! It was like there was a computer monitor’s degausser inside my head. Same bizarre visual effects & everything. I didn’t ty to stare at anything else for the rest of the dream. :unk:

If some DC’s are annoying you, all you have to do is to imagine they’re heads blow up. Unless they are some kind of zombies it should work… at least I think so I haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet :sad: .

Paralyze them so you could get an opportunity to explain yourself to them and give each one of them a cool power, or a world of they’re own where they could be “god” :grin: . That, of course, if they forgive you, if they don’t, you might want to erase they’re memory a little or kill them :content:.

In my dreams, DCs are just like normal people IRL. They don’t see me as anything special. But then again I havent had many full lucid dreams, they are usually snippets.

With what everyones saying
my first ld with Dcs ill be nice to them and explain im n control very nicely

Dunno why but this made me laugh :happy:

Oh man, I tried doing that my very first LD.

we were on the ground laughing when I first became lucid, so my dream character was already very close. I look him in the eye, like completely. and his face started morphing into every possible human emotion. and then after all those emotions came some scary demon faces so I woke up out of complete terror.

Exactly what I predicted! Well, the face morphing part at least :happy:
I just wonder which is worse, to be punched in the face and spit on, or some scary demon faces and a destroyed lucid dream :uh:?

why i think DC are mean to you is because when someone is mean to you IRL you are mean back and your subconcious is used to that so when your mean to your DC your subconcious will be mean to you back

but i could be totally wrong

My DCs are usually classmate…
I trierd making eye-contact q long time ago,but that DC turned into a monsterz :tongue:

Well, DCs are really just a part of your mind, so they will react in whatever way you consciously or subconsciously want them to. In case of them running away for instance, after you tortured the poor non-souls so many times you yourself remember them as being afraid, and so when your mind creates them that is the persona they are given. Maybe you could imagine up a really tough DC, a monster or something, that can break that connection over time?

As far as them fighting you, I would just will myself invulnerable and then will them to be frozen in place maybe. You need to convince them (but really yourself!) that they are not your enemies.

My DCs are generally complacent. They are either unquestionably along with me on whatever mission I am on, or they tend to mill around aimlessly. I guess my imagination is somewhat lazy?